Eva Sobotka


· Strong writing ability in Czech and English
· Extensive background in human rights and refugee issues
· Expertise in conflict management and mediation
· Proven ability in human rights field work and monitoring
· Teaching experience
· International law knowledge
· Legal knowledge pertaining to human rights issues
· Staff management and co-ordination experience; team-work skills
· Initiative and resourcefulness
· Experience and expertise in the field of minority rights
· Experience in working with the media as a public relations
· Long history of activism in human rights
· Cultural understanding and sensitivity; extensive knowledge of the cultures and languages of Central and Eastern Europe
· Fundraising experience
· Strong ability to conduct theoretical and field research
· Policy analyses




 American Friends Service Committee, Budapest, 05/ 2001 – 10/2002
· Program Director, Roma School Success Program, http://www.afsc.org
 Open Society Institute – Centre for Policy Studies, Budapest, 07/ 2000 – 05/ 2001
· Consultant, EU Accession monitoring project – minority rights in the Czech Republic
 Helsinki Citizens Assembly Roma Section, 1997-1998
· Project Co-ordinator September 1997 – December 1998
· Fundraiser, September 1997- April 2000
· Conference organiser, January 1998-July 1998

Noden & Company Solicitors, United Kingdom, 12/2001, 08/ 2002
· Expert Reports and Para-legal Research

European Roma Rights Centre, Budapest, 05/ 2001 – 07/ 2001
· Consultant, author of the Report Limits of Solidarity: Roma in Poland since 1989 http://errc.org
 Save the Children Fund UK, Budapest, 11/ 2000 – 03/ 2001
· Consultant on Children rights, Author of chapter on Slovakia in Denied a Future? Report
· Consultant on Children rights, Co-Author of chapter on the Czech Republic in Denied a Future? Report
 Central European Review, http://www.ce-review.org, , 01/ 2001 – 06/ 2001
· Editor of Roma News Weekly
· Research in the Centre for the Study of Conflict at the University of Ulster aimed at local mediation of the conflict between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland (July 1998)
· Comparative research of the Peace Processes in Northern Ireland, South Africa and Middle East (August 1998)
· Research on the formation of national minority policy towards Roma in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989. (September 1999 – ongoing)
· Comparative research on the legal framework of national policy towards minorities in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia (January 2000)
· Research on the Housing situation of Roma in Ostrava, the Czech Republic (April 2000)
· Research on Roma children in the field of education, health, housing and racial discrimination for adjusting the UNICEF publication on the ‘Rights of the Child’ for Hungary.(April 2000)
· Research on the situation of Roma minority in the Czech Republic (July 2000 - April 2001)
· Research on the Roma minority access to education in the Republic of Slovakia (November 2000 - March 2001)
· Research on the human rights situation of Roma in Poland (May – 2001 – May 2002)
· Research on the policy formation towards Roma (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary)

· Presented hCa Roma Section concerns at the conference on migration of Roma organised by International Centre for Migration Policy Development (December 2000)
· Presented hCa Roma Section concerns at a OSCE seminar ‘Roma in the OSCE area’ (June 2000)
· Presented hCa Roma Section concerns at a workshop on the Convention on the Rights of the Child held by UNICEF in Florence, Italy (December 1999)
· Presented issues of international concern pertaining to Roma at a meeting of Central and Eastern European foreign ministries convened by the Council of Europe on the subject of minority protection, Bratislava, Slovakia (November 1999)
· Represented the hCa Roma Section at numerous international conferences pertaining to the issue of Roma minority rights in Ploesti, Romania – October 1997, on Romany politics in Vienna, Austria – March 1998, on Roma and education in Peterborough, UK - June 1998 and Civil society in Terezin the Czech Republic – July 1998
· Presented AFSC concerns on the situation of Roma in the educational system in Hungary at the OSCE Human Dimension Meeting, Warsawa, September 2001
· Presented AFSC concerns regarding the situation of Romani children in Hungary and Slovakia at the Save the Children Report entitled Denied a Future?, Budapest, November 2001
· Presented AFSC concerns regarding situation of Romani children in the Hungarian Educational system, OSCE, Stability Pact, Budapest, March 2002
· Advocacy letters to the Minister of Education of Hungary, June 2002
· Advocacy meeting on the segregation of Roma in the Hungarian educational system in Kiskoros, June 2002
· Policy proposal to the Hungarian government to include Roma history and culture teaching at elementary schools, September 2002
· Worked extensively with members of the mainstream print and electronic media to promote Roma rights and publicise violations of the human rights of Roma; in this capacity:
· Gave interviews and provided documentation in order to assist journalists;
· Arranged interviews for journalists with prominent Romani activists;
· Accompanied journalists on field missions to sites of human rights violations of Roma;
· Undertook field research to put in public attention cases of Roma minority and human rights violation;

 Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 1999 - 2003
· PhD, Department of Politics and International Relations, working title of the thesis:
   Mobilizing International Norms: Roma, Issue-Activists and the State
 Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 1999-2000
· Doctoral Support, Department of Nationalism Studies
 Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 1998-1999
· Masters Degree, Department of Political Science, Thesis on Northern Irish Peace Process 1985-1998 entitled: ‘Defining the ‘ripe moment’ for peace: the role of mediation in Northern Ireland peace process’
 Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic, 1994-1998
· Bachalor Degree, Department of Political Science, Northern Irish Conflict 1968-1985 entitled: ‘Political and non-political aspects of the Northern Irish Conflict between 1968 – 1985’
· Received certification for successful completion of the University Examination on Proficiency in the German Language

International Policy Fellowship, Open Society Institute 03/2002 – 03/2003
· Policy formation and representation of Roma

· Czech (native)
· English (proficient)
· German (proficient)
· French (intermediate)
· Russian (intermediate)
· Hungarian (intermediate)
· Familiarity with other central and southern European Slavic languages: Bulgarian, Polish, Slovak, the ex-Yugoslav languages
· Word processing: Word for Windows, Word Perfect, Excell
· Extensive internet experience
· Web page creation


Modified on September 29, 2002