1. N a m e                       : Ir.Budi Sinulingga, Msi


2. Place/date of birth      :  Kutabuluh, 18 March 1947


3. Education                   :   S1 (graduate) Institute of Technology Bandung,


                                            S2 (postgraduate) Regional Development, Univer-

                                            sity of North Sumatera


 4.Office                          :  Head of  North Sumatera Regional Planning Board


5.Trainings                       : 

    a. 1982, March-May     : International Training Course in Regional Develop-

                                            ment Planning, UNCRD (United Nation for Regional

                                            Planning, Nagoya-Japan

     b.1985, May-June        : International Visitor Program in Urban Design and

                                            Planning, USA

     c. 1996                         : Comparative Study on Metropolite railway system,



6.Working Experience       :

    a. 1977-1980                  : Head of  Public Work, Siantar

    b. 1981-1987                 : Secretary of BAPPEDA (Regional Development

                                            Planning) Medan

    c. 1987-1991                 : Head of Public Work, Medan

    d. 1991-1999                 : Head of  BAPPEDA Medan

    e. 1999-2000                 : Deputy of BAPPEDA, North Sumatera

     f.  2000-present            : Head of BAPPEDA, North Sumatera Province

                                             Lecture at Regional Development Centre,

                                             University of North Sumatera


7. Publication                     : City Development, Regional and Local Perspectives,
