(August 2002- March 2003)






In October 2002, I have been invited as visiting scholar of the Centre for Southeast Asian Research at the Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia, Canada. At the University of British Columbia, I have presented a seminar on Women, Local Government and the Politics of Decentralization in Indonesia" which was attended by most of University of British Columbia’s Indonesian specialists.  I have submitted a paper entitled "The Politics of Gender and Decentralization in Indonesia which will be included in a book edited by Dr Geoffrey Hainsworth.


My mentor, Ass.Prof.Leonora Angeles has invited me to co-write an article for an international development or political science journal, tentatively titled, "Women, Local Governance and the Politics of Decentralization in Southeast Asia: Lessons on Gendered Political Citizenship from Indonesia and the Philippines."


I have presented a paper on "Women and Local Government in Indonesia: Bringing Local Governance Close to Women?" at the International Conference of Development Studies Network in Aotearoa/New Zealand. This paper has been published on line.


During the fellowship, I have attended 4 seminars/workshops on policy conducted by OSI/IPF at the Central European University, Budapest.


I have conducted field research in North Sumatra. During research in North Sumatra, I also conducted FGDs and seminar with local government officials, NGOs, community based organizations, women’s groupings, academics and members of parliament. The seminar which was organized by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of North Sumatra and the North Sumatra’s Regional Planning Board, has successfully brought together diverse stakeholders to discuss gender perspective on regional autonomy in Indonesia and was attended by Regional Planning Boards from all regions in North Sumatra. The seminar was attended by equal numbers of men and women. The seminar has generated much interests from officers of the Regional Development Planning Board as well as the Women's Empowerment Bureau in North Sumatra who have expressed eagerness to maintain their mutual co-operation to improve the new decentralization framework in the region. The seminar came up with action plans proposed by participants in engendering local governance in North Sumatra. The result of the seminar will be published and disseminated to participants and related local government agencies.  


I have finalized my research and policy paper (down loaded to my website).


On 22 March 2003, I have presented a public lecture on “Women and Decentralization in Indonesia: Bringing Government Closer to Women?” at the Central European University, Budapest.



C. Contacts


I have gained invaluable support from both my mentors, Leonora C.Angeles, PhD (Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies and Community Regional Planning, University of British Columbia) and Ir.Budi Sinulingga, MS (Head of North Sumatra Regional Planning Board). Leonora’s critical comments on my papers, have provided theoretical insights and approaches in improving my research project. Budi Sinulingga has been supportive in his enthusiasm to extend the project into training of local government officials and providing insight to the structural and institutional problems facing local government in incorporating gender sensitivity in development policies. Continuous exchange of information with NGOs/CBOs focusing on empowering women in North Sumatra, has enriched my understanding to the complexity of engendering local governance.