Research Project

“Standardized quality control in Ukrainian medical education”

Fellow: Dr. Marianna Shershneva, Ukraine,

Project expected outcomes

Use of project results

In Ukraine, starting from 1996, medical licensing examination is at phase of creation and piloting.

Medical licensing examination starts to be compulsory (according to the Order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine #251 from 08.14.99): from 1999 - for dentistry specialists, from 2000 - for medical doctors, from 2001- for pharmacy specialists, from 2002 - for medical doctors - interns and medical nurses. Results of the research project will be used in real integrated licensing examination for medical doctors and pharmacy specialists.

Investigated feedback models can be applied not only in medical education, but in other areas of higher education. Moreover, there is necessity in such models for institutes that teach humanities and technical sciences. The necessity is connected with reform of higher education in Ukraine that is now at a point of creation of higher education state standards (Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine #1247 from 08.07.1998). There are 3 components of state standards: educational-qualification characteristics (what knowledge and skills should specialist have), educational-professional programs (how to learn these knowledge and skills) and means of diagnostics (state unified quality control of education by applying of standardized testing). So, licensing examination is under implementation in medical education now and will be started in other areas tomorrow.