Reflection of National Ukrainian Medical Licensing Examinations

in Mass Media


  1. The article “There will be less doctors but better”

    “Segodnya”/”Today” (a daily newspaper), March 16, 1999, author – Irina Slobodyanyuk

    The article gives an interview with Irina Bulakh, PhD, the Director of Testing Board affiliated with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The interview throws light on the main principles and the procedure of the MLE, comments on the drawbacks of the existing knowledge assessment system and the benefits of the standardized approach in the sphere of educational measurement. Ir also reviews the current reform of higher education in Ukraine, in particular medical education. The Testing Board director Irina Bulakh tells about further steps towards positive development of higher education, ensuring the quality of obtained knowledge, upgrading teachers’ qualification, enhancing the status of Ukrainian medical diploma.

  2. The article “Steady march”

    “Medychna Akademiya”/”Medical Academy” (a newsletter of Ternopil State Medical Academy), #5, May 30, 1999, editorial

    The article comments on this year KROK 2 medical licensing examination held in Ukrainian high medical schools and wishes the stydents all the success in getting a diploma of the international level. The brief article is illustrated with two photos of foreign students painstakingly working over their test examination.

  3. The article “How I failed to become a dentist”

    “Segodnya”/”Today” (a daily newspaper), June 9, 1999, author – Irina Slobodyanyuk

    This article describes the administration of KROK 2 medical licensing examination on dentistry and gives a brief account on its results. The author tries herself in the role of an examinee, thus giving a commentary from “inside”, and finds it impossible for a dabbler to scrape through this examination by pure luck. A. Myrza, Dean of Dentistry Department of Kyiv Medical Institute with the Ukrainian Association of Alternative Medicine, and PhD I. Bulakh, the Director of Testing Board with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, have their say, too. They speak about the necessity of independent judgement in the knowledge assessment, the feedback influence on the teaching process, discuss thies plans for future.