Time Schedule


Home Up Time Schedule Proposal




Program Activities March April May June July August September October November December Jan Febraury  March  
Attending Fellow Seminars in Budapest (Estimated Time)                            
Meetings with OSI Resource Person, others (Estimated Time)                            
Meetings/consultations with Mentors, project related discussions                             
Background research                            
Field research in APE and Islambad                            
Interviews with key officials at Federal Level                            
Meetings and interviews with officails at provincial level                            
Visits to madrassahs and meetings with madrassah managers                            
Analysis of Data and information                            
Interviews and discussions with all stakeholders in light of data analysis and literature review                            
Writing a paper in light of field research, literature review and data collected in interviews                            
Final Report Writing                            
Publishing of Final Report                            
Dissemination of policy recommendations                            
Networking with experts, organizations & other policy fellows                            
Submitting Interim Project Report                            
Submitting Final Project Report                            



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This site was last updated 12/20/04