„Think Tanks* or Lobbies?“
*) think tank: an institute, corporation, or group organized  for interdisciplinary research (as in technological and social  problems) 
Source: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary   (1959)

The role of expert and advocacy bodies and mechanisms
                 in the policy making process in transforming societies in Central Europe.
(Summary, detailed information - see Research Project

                     Process of political and economic transformation in Central European countries has been already thoroughly
                 studied. However, a process of policy formulation based on proper analysis and representation of different interests in
                 public sphere is not so well described. Special attention should be given to the role of intermediary structures as the
                 carriers and channels of the free, transparent public debate - one of the features of the civil society.

                     The objectives of the project are:
                     >     to analyse existing formal and informal networks in policy making process in Czech Republic, Hungary,
                      Poland and Slovak Republic
                      >    to assess relevance and impact of these networks and mechanisms in different areas of public policy
                      >    to compare recent developments in this sphere in above mentioned countries, to  analyze differences and
                      their causes (political culture)
                      >   to summarize accumulated experience and know-how in the field of policy advice during 90’s and try to
                      create a model for influential policy analysis and advice in terms of practical recommendations regarding
                      financial, institutional arrangements, public relations, etc. (“Think Tank Guide”)
                      >     to prepare a ground for a private think tank - Public Policy Institute - to be established in future

                       Conclusions of the project will be presented to target audience - various actors in policy making process
                    in the Czech Republic.

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