Jaromír Plíšek
Born in Prague, The Czech Republic, on 20th May, 1955
1974 - 1980 Czech Civil Engineering University in Prague, Traffic Engineering and Constructions.
1976 - 1979 Charles University Prague, Romanian Studies. 
1981 - 1989 Traffic Engineering Institute, Head of Traffic Survey Unit 
1989 -1993 Railway Research Institute, Head of Research Group 
1993 - 1997 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Director of the Department for Non Governmental Relations and the Czechs Living Abroad 
1997 - 2001 Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Romania and the Republic of Moldova
2001 - 2002 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Director of the Analysis and Policy Planning Department 
since 2003                                - " -                                      Director of the Central European Department
December 1989 – one of the founding members of the Association for Helping the Czechs Living in Romania. 
1990 - 1993 participated in several missions by the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, observing the elections as well as specific human rights issues in Romania 
1993 elected member of the Synodical Council of the Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren
Published a series of articles, analyzing mainly the situation in Romania and other Central and East European countries. 
Married, with three children. 
Foreign languages: English, Romanian, German
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