Interim Activity Report (1150-REA-SCH-CZ)
International Policy Fellow 2005/6

Advocating Effective Think-tanks and Transparent Lobbying

        The first phase of the project (July-December 2005) aimed at updating research on lobbying, identifying key sources of information and contacting some players on European and domestic level and international networking.
        The main research objectives were to analyze internal and external dynamism of relations between policy-oriented think-tanks and public affairs institutions  in policy process.
        I contacted Czech partners who are interested in research of the role of lobbying and share understanding of the importance of policy research in public arena. I initiated contacts with University of Economics in Prague and Masaryk University in Brno to discuss the idea of courses on lobbying within existing programs of political science and European studies.

Research Trips:
        In the initial phase of the project I carefully planned two principal research trips:
1) to Brussels about EU level of decision-making and
2) in the U.S. about recent developments in the area of the lobbying (disclosure legislation, etc.).
        The main objective was to gather necessary information about role of think-tanks and lobbying and arrange interviews with their representatives and their observers. All data will be utilized in the second phase of the project: in drafting a syllabus and a policy paper on lobbying.
    I visited main EU Institutions (Commission, Council, Parliament), several think-tanks (The European Policy Center, New Defense Agenda, Transparency International-Brussels, Center for European Policy Studies, Open Society Institute-Brussels), and representatives of principal associations of lobbyists (Society of European Affairs Professionals-SEAP, European Public Affairs Consultancies´ Association-EPACA). I conducted 10 substantive interviews.
    I researched Library of Congress and The Foundation Center where I found the most relevant documents and data on lobbying. I visited several think-tanks and granting institutions (Center for Strategic International Studies, Brookings Institution, The German Marshall Fund of the U.S., National Endowment for Democracy, The New America Foundation) and also talked to those who follow low of finance in policy process (The Center for Responsive Politics - I conducted 12 substantive interviews

Participation at Seminars and Conferences:
   The activities in the first phase of the project have been conducive to collection of all relevant data and bibliography for academic syllabus. The gist of the upcoming policy paper will be in exploring possible ways how to bring more transparency in policy advice. Both advantages and disadvantages of legal regulation (adopting legislation - e.g. Slovakia) or establishing informal rules (codes of conduct - e.g. EU) will be thoroughly analyzed there.
Jiri Schneider, Prague,
January 20, 2006

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