OSI Continuing International Policy Fellowship 2005 - Project Timetable

Advocating effective think-tanks and transparent lobbying.

Main Activities:

Draft Timetable:

Jul/Aug    indicative meeting with media(advertizing), academia(syllabus) and watchdog initiatives (Prague, Brno)
Sep/Oct   foundation meeting with partners, donors, NGOs (Prague, Brno)
Oct/Nov  study trip (Brussels, Washington)
Dec           study trip (Bratislava)

Jan             academic syllabus final draft
Jan/Feb    media advertizing/popularization project
Mar/Apr   round-table on lobbying with IPF 2005 (Prague, Budapest)
May           Networking Conference of Think-Tanks (if additional funds available)
June          Establishment of foundation (Prague)

Jiri Schneider, Prague, July 2005

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