Selected Bibliography on Think Tanks:
Fiala, Petr & Schubert, Klaus (2000) Moderní analýza
politiky. Uvedení do teorií a metod policy analysis.
Barrister & Principal. Brno
Hogwood & Gunn, L.A. (1984) Policy Analysis for the Real World Oxford
Univ. Press
Marsch, David (1998) Comparing Policy Networks Taylor &
McGann, James G. & Weaver, R. Kent. eds. (2000) Think Tanks
and Civil Societies: Catalysts for Ideas and Action. Transaction Publishers
Pal, Leslie A. (1997), Beyond Policy Analysis. Public Issue Management
in Turbulent Times, Nelson Thompson Learning
Radin, Beryl A. (2000) Beyond Machiavelli: Policy Analysis Comes
out of Age, Georgetown Univ. Press
Smith, James A. (1993), Idea Brokers - Think Tanks and the Rise of the
New Policy Elite, Free Press
Stone, Diane. (1996, 2002) Capturing the Political Imagination : Think
Tanks and the Policy Process, Frank Cass Publications
Stone, Diane & Garnett, Mark. eds. (1998) Think Tanks of the
World: Global Perspectives on Ideas, Policy and Governance. St. Martin’s
Stone, Diane & Denham, Andrew & Garnett, Mark. eds. (1998) Think
Tanks Across Nations: A Comparative Approach, Manchester University
Struyk, Raymond J. (1999) Reconstructive Critics: Think in Tanks
in Post-Soviet Bloc Democracies, University Press of America
(1996) Invigorating Democracy: Think Tanks in Central Europe, International
Comparisons and Practical Tools, Center for International Private
Vaillancourt Rosenau, P. (2000) Public Private Policy Partneships MIT
Weimer, David L. & Vining, Aidan R. (1998) Policy Analysis - Concept
and Practice Prentice Hall
Articles, papers
Abelson, Donald E. (2000) Do Think Tanks Matter? Opportunities, Constraints
and Incentives for Think Tanks in Canada and the United States, Global
Society, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2000
Gellner, Winand (2000) Think Tanks in Germany in:
Stone & Denham & Garnett (1998) Think Tanks Across Nations
Chp. 4, pp. 82-106
Johnson, Eric C. (1996) Central Europe´s Think Tanks: A Voice
of Reform Economic Reform Today No. 3/1996, Center for International
Private Enterprise
Krastev, Ivan (2000) Think Tanks: Making and Faking Influence
in "Banking on Knowledge", Routledge
McGann, James G. (2000) How think tanks are coping with the future,
The Futurist, Nov/Dec 2000, Washington
Rich, Andrew; Weaver, R. Kent (2000) Think Tanks in the U.S. Media
Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, Fall2000, Vol. 5 Issue
Schroeter, Katharina (2001) German Stiftungen in the Czech Republic
MA Dissertation, Slavonic and East European Studies, University College,
Sherrington, Philippa (2000) Shaping the Policy Agenda: Think Tank Activity
in the European Union Global Society: Journal of Interdisciplinary
International Relations, Apr2000, Vol. 14 Issue 2
Stone, Diane (2000) Non-Governmental Policy Transfer: The Strategies
of Independent Policy Institutes, Governance: An International Journal
on Policy and Administration, Vol.13, No.1, Jan 2000
Stone, Diane (2000) The policy roles of private research instituttes
in global politics in: Ronit, Karsten & Schneider,
Volker eds. (2000) Private Organizations in Global Politics
Stone, Diane (2000) Think Tank Transnationalisation and Non-profit Analysis,
Advice and Advocacy, Vol.14, No.2, Jan 2000
Stone, D. Maxwell, S. & Keating, M. (2001) Bridging
Research and Policy, Warwick Univ., International Workshop, 16-17 July
Stone, Diane (2001) Think Global, Act Local or Think Local, Act Global
? Knowledge Production in the Global Agora, CEU Conference, Budapest
Struyk, Raymond J. (2002) Management of Transnational Think Tank
Networks, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol.15,
No.4, Sum 2002
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