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My Curriculum Vitae






The Role of Poor Governance in the Tanzanite-Al Qaeda Link Controversy, and Policy Options for Tanzania to Restrain Curses in the Mining Industry.



In the Time between April and October 2006, I Carried Out the Following Activities:-


1: Attended IPF Seminar in Budapest-Hungary

2: Revised Research Proposal and Work Plan

3: Developed My Personal Web site and Uploaded Initial Documents

4: Wrote and Submitted Issue Paper (IP)

5: Drafted Research Plans

6: Developed Contacts for Data Collection in Tanzania and Kenya

7: Conducted Field Research in Tanzania and Kenya

8: Analysed Data

9: Attended the Mining Seminar of SADC Stakeholders

10: Drafted the Policy Paper (PP) –First Draft

11: Consulted Local Experts for their Advice

12: Submitted Policy Paper (Draft) to the Group Advisor


  • Most of These Activities Aligned with my Original Work Plans, Except for the Submission of PP-Draft that was delayed for 10 Days and that Botswana was not covered during the period.


At the Next Stage (Before end of 2006) I Plan to do the Following Activities:-


1: Conduct More Interviews with Stakeholders in the Sector and Experts on Issues that

     Need Further Clarifications

2: Study the Experience of Other Countries in Governing Resources and Minerals in


3: Attend the Seminar in Istanbul on Writing Effective Policy Paper

4: Attend International Conference or Group Meeting

5: Continue to Improve the Policy Paper Draft by Incorporating Comments from the

    Group Advisor

6: Prepare a Summary of the Project Study for Newspapers

7: Review the Result of the Paper and Hold Focus Group Meeting

8: Write the Second PP Draft

9: Submit the PP

10: Prepare Mid-Year Activity Report

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