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Armenian-Turkish Relations:
From Interstate Dispute to Neighborliness

The present project is dedicated to research into the interstate relations between Turkey and Armenia in the past decade. It will address the ways and possibilities of overcoming the conflictual situation prevailing between them.
The author’s interest in the problem of Armenian-Turkish relations stems from his professional activity as a head of the Turkish department in the Institute of Oriental Studies at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences - the leading center for Turkish Studies of the country - and as Associated Professor at Yerevan State University, teaching the history of Turkey and history of Armenian-Turkish relations.
My interest in this topic also stems from my work as an analyst and politologist for the higher authorities of the Armenian government between 1991 and 1996. Thus, for many years I was the Deputy Director of the Department of Political Analysis at the office of the first President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan. In that capacity, this applicant took part in the elaboration and implementation of Armenia’s policy towards Turkey.
I have evaluated certain aspects of Armenian-Turkish relations in some publications, reports at scientific conferences and workshops, and in public lectures given in Denmark, Holland, Great Britain, Germany, Turkey, Armenia and USA. During my stay in the USA as a Fulbright scholar I carried out the research project “Between Historical Memory and Geopolitics: Armenian-Turkish Relations”, dedicated to research into history and present of relations between both countries.
The suggested project will be thus based on both pure scientific exploration and practical experience gained by the author during his involvement in the process of policy-making and in analytical and diplomatic work.
This problem has never been a special subject of monographic research either in Armenia or Turkey, or in any other country. Only certain aspects —those connected with the Karabakh conflict—have been considered in a number of articles and chapters of books.

The author of the present project has defined the following scientific objectives:
q    To expose the inner logic and dynamics of the evolution of interstate relations between Turkey and Armenia in the 1990s and to periodize them.
q    To define and classify the factors effecting and affecting these relations.
q    To explore the cluster of new factors that emerged after the September 11, 2001 and to assess the ways in which they had an impact on the present state of Armenian-Turkish relations and their future.
q    Based on this analysis of the turn taken by Armenian-Turkish relations in the 1990s, the most likely scenarios of their evolution at the beginning of 21st century will be analyzed.
The realization of the above objectives will enable the author to reach the major goal of his project:
To write a nonpartisan report based on primary material and scientific analysis, the contents of which might be used in practice with the aim of improving Armenian-Turkish relations.

It is supposed that the final product of the project will be the scientific monograph of 6-7 printer’s sheet volume. Its sources will be the relevant literature in the Armenian, Turkish, Russian, German, and English languages.
The applicant’s basic approach to the problem of Armenia-Turkish relations and therefore to the project stem from the idea that the problem of Armenian-Turkish interstate relations must be considered not in isolation but in the context of their following peculiarities:
q    Historical experience in mutual relations between the two nations.
q    Perception of this problem on the part of major political and public circles of both countries.
q    Influence of external factors of a political and geopolitical nature, especially of the Armenian Diaspora and the process of Karabakh conflict settlement, on creating the system of regional security and cooperation.
Positive improvements in the relationships between both countries are possible if a number of conditions are fulfilled:
q    If democratic processes in both countries are further developed and strengthened in both countries and if, a more tolerant political culture gradually emerges.
q    If the process of settlement of the Karabakh conflict is intensified and leads to a system of regional security and cooperation.
The result of my fellowship will be a monograph consisting of five chapters.
In chapter 1, entitled “Historical and Political Background,” I will consider the basic reasons for distrust between the Turkish and Armenian peoples.  These reasons stem from the tragic historical events that occurred at the turn of the century. The main points of contradiction of a historical nature will be outlined. In this chapter will be analyzed also the approaches of main political parties and public forces of Armenia and Turkey to the problems of Armenia - Turkish relations.
Chapter 2, “Relations between Armenia and Turkey during Past Decade” is devoted to an analysis of Armenian-Turkish relations from the end of 1980s until to 2001.  I will consider the developments, such as the weakening and collapse of the USSR, the appearance of independent states in the southern Caucasus, including Armenia, the policy of Turkey toward the newly emerged states and Armenia in particular. The special attention will be paid to such problems as the impact of the Karabakh conflict and the genocide issue on the process of Armenian-Turkish relations.
In chapter 3,  “External Factors,” other factors influencing Armenian-Turkish relations will be considered, particularly the role of the Armenian Diaspora, the USA and Russia.
In chapter 4, “Turning Point” will be analyzed the impact of tragic events of September 11, 2001 on the situation in the South Caucasus as a whole and on the Armenian-Turkish relations in particular. The radical geopolitical shift and emergence of new political phenomenon, such as joining all the South Caucasian countries and Turkey to an anti-terrorist coalition under leadership of USA will be underlined.  
Chapter 5, entitled “Perspectives,” will be devoted to an analysis of possible scenarios related to Armenian-Turkish relations at the beginning of 21st century. I will also deal with ways and methods of overcoming the existing negative factors in these relations and creating conditions for their evolution in the favorable direction. Particularly, I would like to consider the launching such Track Two Diplomacy processes, as Permanent Turkish-Armenian Forum, consisting from the representatives of general public, and Program of Cooperative Economic Development.

The proposed project has both scientific and political significance, for the complex nexus of Armenian-Turkish relations now will be considered as a whole. The project has also both practical and theoretical significance concerning conflict resolution between two neighboring peoples and states. As such, it will contribute some knowledge that might be used to promote and enhance regional stability and cooperation.
For both Turkey and Armenia the project has also of important practical significance, for its conclusions can be applied in the sphere of policy-making with the aim of improving bilateral relations.                             

Evaluation and Dissemination.
The author intends to publish the present research in the form of monograph. Regarding the provisions and conclusions of the present project, the author will disseminate the findings of his research on Armenian-Turkish relations at international scientific conferences and in publications in the mass media.
The factually based material and the conclusions of the project will be used by the author in his lectures on the history of Armenian-Turkish relations at the department of Oriental Studies of Yerevan State University.  
The main provisions and conclusions will shortly be submitted to the high authorities of Armenia and to the high-ranking officials of the Foreign Affairs Ministry in the form of policy papers.
The scientific results achieved in the course of the present project will be used by the author in his expert assessments on separate aspects of Armenian-Turkish relations as the coordinator of a group of experts on problems of Armenian-Turkish relations at Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Republic of Armenia.

Justification for visit to the Turkey for the Proposed Project.
The necessity of the two five-week visits to the Turkey for implementing the present project is conditioned by the following circumstances: 
Discussing with Turkish colleagues the problems of Armenian- Turkish relations in general and in the last decade in particular; getting familiarized with the interpretations of those relations in Turkish scientific and political communities, which is very essential to refine and perhaps broaden the author’s perspective and position with regard to this complex, often emotionally charged, topic.
Getting access to the latest Turkish scientific literature, especially in journals, pertaining to Armenian-Turkish relations and more generally to theoretical issues (problems of nationalism, formation of national identity, collective memory, international relations in the age of globalization, conflict management and resolution, etc.), which are not available in the libraries of Armenia.  
My visit to the Turkey will be used also to establish scientific contacts with Turkish colleagues.

Plan for fulfillment.
The author intends to carry his one-year (March 2003-March 2004) work on the present project according the following schedule:
1st–11th weeks (Armenia): collection of factually based material, compiling the detailed research plan.
12th-16th weeks (Turkey): collection of lacking factually based material, being familiarized with the latest relevant literature, discussions with Turkish colleagues.
17th-30th weeks (Armenia): accounting of the subject and writing the first draft of the monograph.
31st- 35th weeks (Turkey): discussing the first draft of the monograph with Turkish colleagues.
36th-50th weeks (Armenia): working on the final version of the monograph and preparing it for publication.