Other research on Roma segregation




Segregation in Roma Housing

This page reports on my research in the International Policy Fellowships program.

Research papers

- Rughinis, Cosima (2007). "Integration every other day. Public reasoning on Roma / Gypsy segregation in Romania"

- Rughinis, Cosima (2004). Social Housing and Roma Residents in Romania. Open Society Institute and Center for Policy Studies. 36 p. Availabe at URL http://pdc.ceu.hu/archive/00001919/

Project information and reports

2005 Fellowship Project Title: "Coping with residential segregation in Romania’s housing policy"
Final research report "Integration every other day. Public reasoning on Roma / Gypsy segregation in Romania"
Final policy paper Brief policy paper posted here
Final narrative report Narrative report

2003 Fellowship Topic Area: "State Responses to the Challenge of Multiethnicity and Roma Policy"
2003 Fellowship Project Title: "Projecting Change for Romanian Roma: From Micro-Projects to Macro-Policy"
2003 Fellowship Reports: Final research report
Final narrative report
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