Edwin B. Rekosh
417 Riverside Drive, apt. 8B, New York, NY 10027 Tel/Fax: 212-932-7877

e-mail: erekosh@law.columbia.edu

1997 to present
Public Interest Law Initiative, Columbia University
New York and Budapest
Executive Director

Founded and direct an organization under the auspices of Columbia Law School devoted to advancing human rights principles through assisting the development of a public interest law infrastructure in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia. Responsible for setting organizational priorities, strategic development, managing staff, fundraising and overall program implementation. Current priorities include education and training, access to justice, clinical legal education, legal practice, and law and governance. Organization has grown from a full-time staff of two and an annual budget of $250,000 to an organization with offices in New York and Budapest, eight full-time staff members, seven Fellows, several part-time staff and consultants and an annual budget of over $1,000,000. 

1999 to present
Columbia Law School, New York

Lecturer in Law

Teach an upper-class seminar on Applied Law Reform in Eastern Europe.
1995 to 1997
Ford Foundation, New York
Organized Public Interest Law Symposia in Oxford, England and in Durban, South Africa for East European leaders in human rights, women’s rights and environmental advocacy. Coordinated follow-up initiatives, including an e-mail listserv, publications, thematic workshops, and the development of new public interest law programs by Ford grantees.

1995 to 1997
Open Society Institute, New York
Received Presidential Grants for a number of activities relating to law reform in Central and Eastern Europe. Developed a web site for the Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute that provides access to legal resources. Assisted the Internet Program of the Open Society Institute with the development of public policy projects on rights in cyberspace. Coordinated the preparation of Guidelines for Legislation on Civic Organizations, a guide to issues and principles relating to the legal frameworks for non-governmental organizations in Central and Eastern Europe. 

1994 to 1995
International Human Rights Law Group
Director of European Projects, Bucharest, Romania
Prepared a book-length comparative study on the transparency of the legislative process in 20 countries in Europe and North America.Organized a series of workshops for Eastern European NGOs on human rights lobbying and other advocacy strategies and developed a region-wide network of human rights contacts.

1992 to 1994

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Romania Project Director, Bucharest, Romania

Directed Law Group activities in Romania and the former Soviet Republic of Moldova designed to empower domestic human rights organizations and lawyers' groups. Collaborated with and trained local human rights advocates in fact-finding, human rights litigation, lobbying, election monitoring, trial observing and human rights campaigning.

1991 to 1992
Staff Attorney, Washington, DC
Lobbied the U.S. Congress on ratification of human rights treaties.
Organized an election observer mission to Northern Iraq and edited its report. Coordinated the Law Group's Romania project.

1988 to 1991
Coudert Brothers, New York
Practiced in litigation department of major international law firm.Conducted pro bono activities for a variety of human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights and the International League for Human Rights.Projects for Human Rights Watch included conducting a fact-finding mission to Morocco for Middle East Watch and initiating the Human Rights Watch Film Festival.

Columbia University School of Law, New York, NY
JD 1988; Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar
Parker Program in International and Foreign Law,

Recognition of Achievement with Honors

Executive Editor, Columbia Human Rights Law Review

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
AB in Government with Distinction in All Subjects, 1984; Dean's List

“Ten Years After: A Critical Survey of Judicial Reform Efforts in Central and Eastern Europe,” Parker School Journal of East European Law (New York: Columbia University School of Law forthcoming 2002).
Pursuing the Public Interest: A Handbook for Legal Professionals and Activists (New York: Public Interest Law Initiative, Columbia University 2001) (Editor with Kyra A. Buchko and Vessela Terzieva).
“Emerging Lessons from Reform Efforts in Eastern Europe and Eurasia,” in Guidance for Promoting Judicial Independence and Impartiality (Washington, DC: US Agency for International Development 2001).
“Who Defines the Public Interest: Public Interest Law Strategies in Central and Eastern Europe,” in Human Rights and Empowerment, Mizanur Rahman, ed. (Dhaka, Bangladesh: Empowerment Through Law of the Common People 2001.)
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“Promoting and Protecting Human Rights through Development: A Model for Technical Assistance to NGOs in Central and Eastern Europe” in Fortifying the Foundations: US Support for Developing and Strengthening Democracy in East Central Europe, Mark Lazar, ed. (New York: Institute of International Education 1996).

In the Public Eye: Parliamentary Transparency in Europe and North America (Washington, DC: International Human Rights Law Group 1995) (Editor and principal author).
"Romania: A Persistent Culture of Impunity," in Impunity and Human Rights in International Law and Practice, Naomi Roht-Arriaza, ed. (New York: Oxford University Press 1995).
Numerous lectures and presentations at international conferences and articles on human rights and law reform topics published in American and European journals, newspapers and newsletters.

Professional Activities and Affiliations
Admitted to the New York Bar, 1989 
Association of the Bar of the City of New York
Committee on International Human Rights (1990–1992; 1998–2001); 
Sub-Committee on U.S. Ratification of International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights, chair (1991)

Ad-Hoc International Access to Justice Committee (1999-present)

Albanian Human Rights Group, Foreign Advisory Board
American Society of International Law, member
Carnegie Council for International Affairs and Ethics, Human Rights Initiative
Advisory Board
Czech Counselling Centre for Citizenship, Civil and Human Rights, Board of Advisors
European Journal of Law Reform, Board of Advisors
EMPower, Board of Advisors
International Center for Not-for-Profit Law, Supervisory Council (1998-2001)
International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, Rule of Law Council
Human Rights Watch Film Festival, co-founder
Hungarian Human Rights Information and Documentation Centre, Advisory
Mental Disability Rights International, Board of Advisors
Ron Brown Fellowship (Institute for Int’l Education), Selection Ctte (2000-2001) 
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award, International Advisory Committee
Romanian Journal of Society and Politics, Advisory Board

LanguagesEnglish (native), French, Romanian