IPF 2004 CV Marina Popescu Marina Popescu IPF site



Curriculum Vitae

popescu@policy.huI mrc@itcnet.ro



Date of birth:  12 April 1974 

Citizenship: Romanian



1998- present    PhD student, Department of Government, University of Essex, United Kingdom; currently intermitting

1997-1998 -       MA in Southeast European Studies, Central European University, Budapest.

1996-1997 -       MA in Political Science, Central European University, Budapest.

MA Dissertation (titled 'Media Effects in Election Campaigns: The case of the 1996 Romanian Elections') awarded with distinction - the highest honours/grade available at CEU in 1997.

1992-1996 -       University of Bucharest, Faculty of Political Science and Administration (French language of instruction).

Final graduation exam GPA 9.75/10, BA Thesis: 10/10.

1995:    Visiting student at the Department of Social Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.

1992-1998 -       Academy of Fine Arts of Bucharest, Faculty of Fine Arts[1].

            Final graduation exam (February 2003) GPA 9.90/10

1988-1992 -       Nicolae Tonitza Fine Arts High School.




1998, 1999 - Essex Summer School in Data Collection and Analysis

September 1994 -  European Politics and European Union Law, Summer University of the University of Rennes I, University of Rennes II, and the Institute for Political Studies of Rennes




2001-2002 – OSI Global Supplementary Grant for PhD studies at the University of Essex

1998, 2000, 2002 - ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) mobility grant (for the Essex Summer School in Data Collection and Analysis, July 1998 and the ECPR Workshops, Copenhagen, April 2000 and Turin, 2001).

1998 -  Open Society Institute Grant - CEU Supplementary Grant for the first year of doctoral studies.

1996 -1998 Central European University student fellowship.

1995-1996         Merit Scholarship, Faculty of Political Science and Administration, University of Bucharest.

1995     February-June AUPELF-UREF[2] scholarship, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.

1994     September, French Foreign Affairs Ministry and AUPELF-UREF fellow at the Institute of Political Science Rennes, summer school organised by the University of Rennes I, University of Rennes II and Institut d'Etudes Politiques Rennes.

1990, 1991        First Prize in Painting, awarded at the National Contest of Art Students (Iasi, Baia Mare).



Work Experience 

2002- present    Research Director, MRC - Median Research Centre, Bucharest, Romania

1999 - 2002 Senior Research Officer for the ESRC Project ‘Political Transformation and the Electoral Process in Post-Communist Europe’, Department of Government, University  of Essex, UK.

1997-1998 Part-time administrative assistant, Central European University Library, Budapest, Hungary.

1992-1996 Part-time reporter for the newspapers Adevarul, Exclusiv Magazin, and Azi.

1996 (June-August) Part-time assistant for Mazars & Guerard Audit and Legal Consulting Firm, PHARE projects, Bucharest, Romania.



Scientific and professional activities 

2002     Course director of the Summer School ‘Parties, Elections and Democracy: The Comparative Perspective and its Method’, Tescani 24 June – 6 July 2002, organized by the Romanian Society for Political Science, with support from OSI-HESP, the National School of Political Studies and Administration, Bucharest, and the American Cultural Center.

2001     Organizer of a round table on the reform of the Romanian electoral system on behalf of the Romanian Society for Political Science and of the University of Essex ESRC Project ‘Political Transformation and the Electoral Process in Post-Communist Europe’, 25 June 2001, American Cultural Center, Bucharest. 

2000     Chair, Panel ‘Mass Media and Democracy’ and Workshop ‘Accessibility and Quality of Survey and Official Data in Romania’ at the first conference of the SRSP, Bucharest, Romania, September 2000.

1999     Teacher for the ‘Foundation course in the Theory and Conduct of Democratic Elections’ organized by the Democratization Unit of the Department of Government, University of Essex, for the OSCE, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hertzegovina, October 1999.

1996     Participant in a research group studying the media coverage of the 1996 Romanian elections, formed at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Psychology and Pedagogy, University of Bucharest.

1994     Field research in some villages of Ialomiţa County (Crăsani, Copuzu, Balaciu), Romania.




‘Romania. Public Opinion and its Study’ in the Encyclopedia of Public Opinion Ed. John Geer, NY: ABC Clio, 2004.

 ‘Le design du systčme électoral roumain: objectifs et conséquences’, in 'Société et Politique dans la Roumanie Contemporaine’,  Eds. Alexandra Ionescu et Odette Tomescu-Hatto, Paris: L'Harmattan, 2004.

‘The parliamentary and presidential elections in Romania, November 2000’, Electoral Studies, Vol. 22 (2) June 2003, pp. 325-335.

 ‘Embodying Democracy: the Design of Electoral Systems in Post-Communist Europe’ (collective authorship Sarah Birch, Frances Millard, Marina Popescu and Kieran Williams) Macmillan - Palgrave, 2002.

Tóka, Gábor, and Marina Popescu 2002. "Befolyásolja-e a szavazókat a Magyar Televízió kormánypárti propagandája? Egy empírikus kutatás 1994-98-ból (Does the Pro-Government Propaganda on the Hungarian Television Influence the Voters? An Empirical Study from 1994-98).” Médiakutató 6: 21-38. (In Hungarian.)

‘Campaign Effects and Media Monopoly: the 1994 and 1998 Parliamentary elections in Hungary’ (co-authored with Gábor Tóka). In David M. Farrell and Rudiger Schmitt-Beck, Do Political Campaigns Matter? Campaign Effects in Elections and Referendums, Routledge, 2002.

‘Media Effects in the 1996 Romanian Elections.’ 2000. Working Paper Series of the Department of Political Science, Central European University, Budapest, No. 12.

‘Statul-spectacol sau politica show’ (The State as Spectacle or the Politics Show) Sfera Politicii, no. 36, March 1996, pp.62-65. (In Romanian.)

‘Bucurestiul vazut de Bucuresteni. Reprezentari sociale ale spatiului urban’ (Bucharest As Seen by Its Inhabitants. Social Representations of the Urban Space). Revista de Cercetari Sociale,  no. 3, 1995, pp. 111- 127. (In Romanian with an English language abstract. Co-authored with Cristina Bucica and Odette Tomescu)

‘Perceptia Sociala a Ziarelor’ (Social Perception of Newspapers). in The Yearbook of the Social Observer. Bucharest: University of Bucharest, 1994, pp. 49-57. (In Romanian.)




The Romanian Electoral System: Handling Multiple Interests in a Dominant Party System, paper presented at the Panel organized by the Society for Romanian Studies at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia 28 August – 1 September 2003.

Campaign Effects in East Central Europe: Examples from Recent Elections, co-authored with Gábor Tóka, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia 28 August – 1 September 2003.

Cleavage Mobilization, Performance Evaluations and Support for Democratic Institutions: A Longitudinal Analysis of Romania, co-authored with Irina Stefuriuc, presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Edinburgh, 28 March – 2 April 2003.

The Romanian Electoral System: Stability without Consensus, talk at the Séminaire of GASPECO-CEVIPOL, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 6 May 2002.

Le Design du Systčme Electoral Roumain: Objectifs et Effects, paper presented at the Journée Roumanie, organized by CERI – IEP, Institute of Political Science, Paris, 24 April 2002.

The Design of Representative Institutions and the Quality of Democracy: Romania as an Extreme but not Unusual Case, paper presented at the Alexander van Humboldt Foundation conference ‘What Is Decisive for a Successful Transition?’ Belgrade, 18-21 April 2002.

Turnout in Post-Communist Europe: the Salience of Elections and Information Flows, paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Turin, 23-27 March 2002.

Districting and Redistricting in Central and Eastern Europe: Regulations and Practice, co-authored with Gábor Tóka and presented at the Conference ‘Redistricting in Comparative Perspective’, University of California at Irvine, 6-8 December 2002.

The Design of the Romanian Electoral System: goals, interests and ideas, 1990-2001, presented at the 2nd Conference of the Romanian Society for Political Science (SRSP), Timişoara, October 2001.

Campaign Effects and Media Monopoly: the 1994 and 1998 Parliamentary elections in Hungary (co-authored with Gábor Tóka) presented at the 2nd Conference of the Romanian Society for Political Science (SRSP), Timisoara, October 2001.

The Romanian Electoral System: debates and choices, 1990-2000, presented at the Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies, Cambridge, April 2001.

Media systems and media effects: Hungary and Romania, a comparison, presented at the first conference of the Romanian Society for Political Science (SRSP), Bucharest, September 2000.

Campaign Effects in the 1994 and 1998 Hungarian Parliamentary Elections co-authored with Gábor Tóka and presented at the ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Copenhagen, April 2000.

The Collective Mind and the Vocabulary of the Transition (co-author Cristina Bucică), presented at the Colloquium of Social Anthropology and Rural Sociology, Slobozia, November 1994

Bucharest Seen by Its Inhabitants. Social Representations of the Urban Space. (co-authored with Cristina Bucică and Odette Tomescu), presented at the International Colloquium “An Anthropologist in the City”, organised by the Romanian Society of Cultural Anthropology and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales of Paris, June 1994.



Language skills

Romanian: mother tongue.

English, French: fluent reading, writing and speaking.

Italian, Spanish: functional reading skills.

Hungarian: beginner.


Computer Skills

MS-DOS, MICROSOFT WORD, EXCEL, ACCESS, Powerpoint, SPSS, Front Page, PageSpinner, Adobe Photoshop.


[1] The Romanian Law of Education allows a student who obtained grades higher than 8.5/10 at his/her first faculty to enrol at the same time for a degree in another subject.  The last two years of the Academy of Fine Arts consist mainly in work on the diploma project.

[2] Association of universities with French as language of instruction.


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