Raluca Maria Popa – Bio

Raluca Popa has an academic background in gender studies, political science and sociology. She has studied in Bucharest, at the National School for Political Science and Public Administration; in USA, Michigan, at the Kalamazoo College; and in Budapest, at the Central European University. Currently, she is a PhD Candidate in Comparative Gender Studies of the Central European University, Budapest. Her professional background is in policy research and academic tutoring. As a policy researcher, she has worked for the Institute for Public Policy, Bucharest; the Roma Participation Program, OSI Budapest; and has interned with the United Nations Development Fund for Women - CEE, Bratislava. Her current research interests are: gender and budget analysis; intersections of sexism, racism and poverty and their impact on Romani women; the gendered history of state socialism; international women’s movements after WWII.

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