The Importance of EU Funding for achieving the goals of the Decade for Roma Inclusion  

The major funds that the European Commission allocates to reduce disparities between the levels of development of the various regions and to strengthen economic and social cohesion, broadly convened as Structural Funds, as well as the major action programs developed to directly combat discrimination, and promote social inclusion (such as the upcoming PROGRESS – Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity, 2007-2013) have and will have a crucial impact on achieving the goals of the Decade for Roma Inclusion.

The strategic importance of EU funding for the overall implementation of the Decade emerges from at least two circumstances.

First, the Decade for Roma Inclusion does not have its own, special funding. As the programmatic description of the Decade informs: “Funding the Decade will presume the reallocation of existing resources in national budgets and aligning these plans with funding instruments of multinational, international, and bilateral donors.” (See ‘What is the Decade?’, description available on the official site of the Decade for Roma Inclusion, Furthermore, many government-sponsored programs for improving the situation of Roma have in the past been financed from EU funds. Therefore, it appears even more important that the EU financial instruments be monitored to ensure they offer the necessary tools for action to achieve the goals of social inclusion and equality of opportunities for Romani women that have been formulated under the Decade.

Second, the European Commission has conducted a major revision of the EU funding instruments, in the context of the elaboration and adoption of the new Financial Perspective, 2007-2013. The new Financial Perspective that was at the heart of much prolonged EU debates will cover most of the Decade for Roma Inclusion. Therefore, it is essential that monitoring and advocacy efforts be made vis-à-vis national governmental authorities and other relevant parties to ensure that Romani women and men and Roma communities will benefit from the upcoming financial support.

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