
Dr. Olga  N. Pyshchulina


Office Address:            7a,  vul. Pirogova, Kiev 252030, Ukraine, 

National Institute for Strategic Studies, Kiev, Ukraine

                                    Tel: 38(044)-254-41-26

Candidat of Sociology Science (PhD, Sociology) Kharkov State University (1997)

Economics and Sociology Major Kharkov State University (1989)

2003 – present time     Senior Research Fellow, Social Relationship and Civil Society Department, National Institute for Strategic Studies    Ukraine, Kiev 
1997 – 2003                 Associate Professor, School of Sociology, Kharkov National University,
1995-1997                   Professor Assistant, School of Sociology, Kharkov State University,  
1989 – 1995                Scientific fellow,  School of Sociology, Kharkov State University,

Association Humanitarian initiative 
1995- present time      President 


 April  2004 – July 2005             

Fulbright New Century Scholars Program -  Toward Equality: The Global Empowerment of Women” (under a State Department grant), American University, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center,  Washington, D.C.

February – June  2002

Contemporary Issue Program (under a State Department grant),
American University, Transnational Crime and Corraption Center, Washington, DC, 2002

Research about trafficking within the context of the global movement of capital, labor and migration from the standpoint of the feminization of migration;  to clarify the link between the root causes of trafficking and the “normal” economic situation; to study the existing connection among human trafficking, organized crime and corruption; and to study the US experience in prosecuting human trafficking crimes and its trafficking prevention policy.

 October – November 2001

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) – International academic cooperation – 2001 Gumbold University, Berlin

 August 2001

Summer Course Human Rights– School of Human Rights Research Faculty of Low, Utrecht University.  Janskerkhof 3, 3512 BK Utrecht The Netherland

August 1999

CEUSummer University. “Human Rights and Forced Displacement People: An Interdisciplinary Approach”

(January – March 2002)

World Bank Consultant on Gender Review

(January 1999 – December 2000)

Consultant of Transnational Crime and Corruption Center, American University, Washington, D.C.

"Security policy and illegal migration including trafficking in human beings". - International Policy Fellowships, OSI 

Alumni Hopes Educational Campaign Will Decrease Human Trafficking in Ukraine - ECA Alumni Small Grants Program administrated by IREX.

2004 -2005  
 Trafficking in Human Beings and Illegal Immigration as a Security Problem”-(Fulbright NCS)  American University, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center,  Washington D.C. 

(2002 )
"Monitoring of Reform Process in Ukraine" – Economic Growth Through SME Development. Program BIZPRO. 

"Corruption in High Educational System in Ukraine and Georgia
": Black and Caspian Sea Collaborative Research Program: 

The project is  prepared by US, Ukrainian, and Georgian scholars for studying most vulnerable and challenging problems of Ukraine and Georgia - Corruption in high educational systems of these Republics and long term impact on its ability to train and educate a new generation of specialists to help develop these societies.

"Specific of shuttle trade in Ukraine" under a World Bank grant. Prevention  of Trafficking in Women in Russia and Ukraineunder a State Department grant.   (1998 – 1999)

International research “Strengthening Citizen Participation in the Privatization Process. Empowering Women”. With participation Russia, Poland, Bulgaria and International Institute “Women, Low and Development International”. With support USAID.

Project “ Prostitution and Trafficking in Women in Ukraine»  (1997-1998)

The sociological research “Prevention Trafficking and Prostitution in the Ukraine” (with International Organization for Migration). (The results of the research was published, Geneva, 1998)

Research, which has created the basis for the policy recommendations in Ukraine as well as its internal educational and training programs. They are:   

June – July 2001 

 John Smith Fellowship ProgrammeUK, (Department for International Development, British Council, John Smith Memorial Trust). 

April – May 2000

Observer on the local election campaign in Birmingham under grant a Westminster Foundation for Democracy

October – November 1998
Exchange Program (Community Connection) USA 10.20.98 - 11.13.98, International House of Metrolina, 322 Hawthore Lane Charlotte, NC 28220, US  Information Agency


  Public work

President of non-governmental organization Association "Humanitarian Initiative” since 1997

Coordinate the association activity;

Integration. Migration and Globalisation: Some Crusial Contradioctions - 46th Annual ISA Convention “Dynamics of World Politics: Capacity, Preferences and Leadership”, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, March 1-5, 2005
Labor Migration From the  East to the West -
European Anthropological Association, September 5-11, 2004, Vienna,   Austria





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