Interim Activity Report

Prepared by: Olga Pyshchulina

Date: April – August 2005

Aim of the project

The objectives of the project are to study general factors for illegal migration and human trafficking, and factors which facilitate a criminal dimension. Specifies and updates the human trafficking definition in Ukrainian legal practice, particular meaning of the term “sexual exploitation”  “border crossing”, “consent”, or “systematic” and “organized group”, differences between “human trafficking” “smuggling” illegal migration. 
According to the timeline during 1st stage of research the next kind of activities were done: 
Document analysis
Contacts and collaboration with relevant governmental institutions and intergovernmental organizations

 Ministry of Internal Affair of Ukraine, relevant department

 Participation in conferences and seminars

 “Legislation in the countries of origin, transit and destination”,  Roundtable, 13-16, May 2005, Kharkov, University of Internal Affair

  1. Field Research

3. Publication

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