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This is a personal web page providing information on the sequence and outcomes of the International Policy Fellowship funded by the Open Society Institute - an institution of the George Soros charitable foundations' network
The topic area of my fellowship is: Social Responsibility of Global Governance Institutions

My Life and Work

Here is my CV

Recently I visited one of the most misterious land of the world - the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea! My travel impressions (in the Lithuanian language only) are presented here.

My Project

I am involved in the project funded by the Open Society Institute. The topic of the project is very challenging - the Social Responsibility of Global Governance Institutions.

Information about the project:

Fellowship research proposal
Fellowship Interim Reports:
Fellowship Final reports:
Fellowship project timetable
Interim Activity Report  
Final Activity report 

Interim Research Paper       
Final Research paper 

  Interim Policy Paper      
Final Policy Paper 

My Publications

Besides my publication sponsored by the International Policy Fellowship, I also wrote and published a number of other publications on the issues of regional development, investment planning and local governance. Those which are available from the Internet are presented below:

Petkevicius Algirdas et al (2002) Capital Investment Funding in Lithuania, Local Government & Public Service Reform Initiative, Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary. Internet version:

      Marcou Gerard, with the assistance of Petkevicius Algirdas et al (2002) Regional Structures in the Applicant Countries and Their Compatibility with the Structural Funds, European Parliament, Scientific & Technological Options Assessment Series, STOA 105, Luxembourg. French Internet version:; English summary:

      Brozaitis Haroldas, Linartas Ramunas, Nakrosis Vitalis, Petkevicius Algirdas (2002), The Assessment of the Impact of EU Regional Policy on the Administrative Structures in Lithuania, National Agency of Regional Development / Open Society Fund Lithuania. Internet version:

      Petkevicius, Algirdas (2002), Investment Programming and Management: European Integration and Options for Regionalization in the book Regionalization for Development and Accession to the European Union: A Comparative Perspective, Local Government & Public Service Reform Initiative, Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary. Internet version:

      Beksta, Arunas and Petkevicius, Algirdas (2000), Local Governments in Lithuania in the book Decentralization: Experiments and Reforms, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary. Internet version: