Work Plan 2003-2004

Month of the year Planned Activity Expected results Status of implementation

March Contract settelement, communication with IPF Office, possible mentors;
IPF training seminar in Budapest 
Contract signed, preliminary approval from mentors received; participation in the IPF training Activities completed
April Setting up project outline, development of methodology and questionnaire; developing list of respondents and initial contacts with them; dissemination of the first set of questionnaires via e-mail; literature reviews, data collection via internet Project outline developed, three types of questionnaires (dependant on the type of stakeholder group) developed; first set of questionnaires (25 copies) disseminated Activities completed
May Development and updating of the IPF homepage; dispatch of the  second set of questionnaires (mostly to Latvia and Lithuania); development of database on responses received; interviews with selected respondents to clarify their responses Minimum requirements for IPF homepage met; second set of questionnaires dispatched; 8 interviews with representatives of SEA stakeholder groups conducted Activities completed
June IPF training seminar in Budapest; analysis of the responses received  Participation in the IPF training seminar; response data base developed and filled in; preliminary results gained; IPF homepage updated  Activities completed
July Interim reports (project report and financial report) drafted and submited to mentors for review 1st draft of policy paper submitted to Prof Aleg Cherp for review
1st draft of policy paper submitted to Prof Aleg Cherp for review; comments and recommendations for improvement received on 22 July 2003
August Interim reports submitted to IPF Office; updating of IPF homepage with reports; trips to Riga and Vilnius to interview representatives of stakeholder groups  Reports prepared and submitted; travel arrangements completed
2nd draft of policy paper submitted to prof Cherp and Mr Panu Kontio for review on 22 August; financial report, draft policy paper and menor critique forms submitted to IPF Office; travel arrangements to Riga and Vilnius made; communication with people to be interviewed via e-mail made, dates and time of meetings agreed; travel to Riga 28-30 August 2003 completed; travelt to Vilnius schedulled 10-12 September 2003
September Data analysis and development of draft policy paper; updating of IPF homepage with draft policy paper Trip to Riga
Trip to Riga to the Latvian Ministry of the Environment, intervies with national authorities on SEA; mid-term financial report drafting
October IPF training seminar in Budapest; work on draft policy paper IPF seminar held;  first draft of research and policy papers
Trip to Vilnius to the Lithuanian Ministry of the Environment, intervies with national authorities on SEA; invitation by menot Mr Panu Kontio to deliver a lecture on the experience of implementation of SEA in Estonia on 31 Oct 2003 in Helsinki; IPF seminar was cancelled
November Data analysis and development of draft policy paper continued Draft policy paper
Literature review and update; amendments to the research paper
December Communication with mentors on the draft policy paper; meeting with civil cervants at the Estonian Ministry of Environment to discuss the preliminary results of my work Meeting at Estonian Ministry of the Environment to discuss the paper
Communication with mentor Dr Aleg Cherp on the progress of the work, preparaion for the submission of a paper to IAPA

January Finalising of the policy paper Policy paper finalised
Policy paper introduced to the Estonian Ministry of the Environment
Finalising the research and policy paper, communication with mentors
Review of the paper by mentors
Communication with mentor Dr Aleg Cherp on the progress of the work, reponses to the reviewers of the paper to IAPA
Finalising of the policy paper; printing and communication with IPF Office for completion of the fellowship
Final reports submitted to OSI
Final reporting; OSI seminar 21-28 March 2004 in Budapest