1. Family name: Kontio

2. First names: Panu Jaakko

3. Date of birth: August 4, 1959

4. Nationality: Finnish

5. Civil status: Married, 3 children

6. Education:

Institution    Helsinki University, Faculty of Forestry and Agriculture
Date    12 / 1989
Degree    M.Sc. (Environmental Economics and Management)

7. Language skills:

language            Reading    Speaking    Writing
Finnish (native)     5                5                5
English                 5                5                5
Swedish               5                3                3
German                2                1                1   
Estonian               2                2                1
French                 1                -                 -

8. Membership of professional  bodies

Finnish Association for Environmental Civil Servants
Finnish EIA Association, President 2002 -

9. Other skills: Standard office computer programmes.

10. Present employer and position: Senior Researcher, Finnish Environment Institute

11. Years with the present employer:    7

12. Key qualifications
Mr. Panu Kontio is a Senior Researcher in the Research Programme for Environmental Policy in Finnish Environment Institute. He has an academic background of M.Sc. in Environmental Economics and Management and 12 years of working experience in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment, including research, development work, law preparation and training. He is a recognized expert on Environmental Impact Assessment both in Finland and internationally.

During the past eight years Mr. Kontio has co-ordinated dozens of international development projects. He has provided his expertise for the harmonisation of environmental legislation with EU-legislation and for the development of environmental policy in the Candidate Countries, and he is well familiar with the ISPA framework/concept as well as with the Structural Funds Programmes. Various forms of training form an integral part of his assignments.

Currently he is working on his doctoral thesis at the University of Tampere, Department of Regional Studies and Environmental Policy under the supervision of Professor Yrjö Haila.

13. Specific Central and Eastern European and NIS experience

Country    Date: from to
Latvia    Since 1993, See point 15 "Reference projects"
Lithuania    Since 1993, See point 15 "Reference projects"
Estonia    Since 1993, See point 15 "Reference projects"
Russia    Since 1993, See point 15 "Reference projects"
Multilateral: Nordic countries  Baltic countries and Poland    Several projects financed by Nordic Council of Ministers in co-operation with NIBR and NORDPLAN 1993-1996.

14. Professional Experience Record

Date    1/1994 - to date
Location    Helsinki, Finland
Company    Finnish Environment Institute
Position     Senior Planner
Description    Responsible for EIA training of the environmental administration, research and development work, co-operation with Baltic countries, Poland and Russia in the field of EIA

Date    8/1992 - 12/1993
Location     Helsinki, Finland
Company    Ministry of the Environment
Position    Senior Adviser
Description    Participation in the preparation of the Finnish EIA law, planning and implementing EIA training, co-operation with Baltic countries, Poland and Russia

Date    11/1989 - 12/1991
Location    Helsinki, Finland
Company    Finnish Municipal Association
Position    Project Manager
Description    Responsible for a development project of EIA in Municipalities (13 municipalities), co-ordinating, training  and reporting

Date     10 -12/1988
Location    Helsinki, Finland
Company    Helsinki University
Position    Course Assistant
Description    assistant on EIA courses

Date     6 - 8/1988
Location    Helsinki, Finland
Company    Association of Finnish Cities
Position    Researcher
Description    Survey on waste management systems in Finnish cities

Date    1982 -1988 several short term periods
Location    Vantaa, Finland
Company    City of Vantaa
Position    trainee
Description    development work concerning waste management and recycling of wastes, survey on game species, evaluating and planning the use of city owned farmlands

Date    6 - 8/1982
Location    Helsinki, Finland
Company    Project Planning KRK Ltd.
Position    trainee
Description    technical drawing

15. Reference projects

2003 – (2005) GOVCOM; Governing the Common Sea. Research project funded by the Academy of Science of Finland. Senior Researcher.

2003 – Project on transposition of the directive on "Assessment of certain plans and programmes" in Lithuania. Project manager.

2002 – Environmental assessment of the Lithuanian Single Programming Document (SPD), preparation of the SPD. Environmental expert.

2002 – Environmental assessment of the Latvian Single Programming Document.  Manager of the assessment component.

2001 – 2003. stage I and II. Implementation of Environmental Management Systems in Lithuania. Project manager.

2001 EPAC Sub-study 6: Permitting and Inspection in Applicant Countries (ongoing).
2000 Developing guidance on public participation for EIA in a transboundary context. Expert for ECOTERRA, Russia and UN/ECE secretariat.

2000 Public participation training for Lithuanian territorial planners and environmental authorities. Expert.

2000 Training on waste management for Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian central and local level authorities. Project manager.

2000 Developing Environmental Assessment of plans and programmes in Latvia, project manager.

1999 Environmental Education Co-operation project between Finland and Lithuania  (Interreg). Expert.

1999 -2000 ISPA  training for Estonian MoFin, MoTrans and MoE. Environmental  expert.

1999 Assessment and approval of small projects in Latvia. Co-ordinator.

1999 Implementation of EIA system in Latvia. Project manager.

1998 - 2001 (underway) Assistance to Ministry of the Environment in preparation of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the             Government of the Republic of Finland on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context. Expert.

1998 - 1999  TACIS project: Development and implementation of an integrated programme for environmental monitoring of Lake Ladoga: protection and                 sustainable use of aquatic resources (DIMPLA). Expert.

 1998 - 1999 Assistance to Ministry of the Environment in preparation of the Agreement between the Government  of the Republic of Estonia and the                 Government of the Republic of Finland on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context. Expert.

 1998 - 1999.  Finland - Latvia Environmental Education Project (Interreg). Expert.

 1998 Training on EIA of landfills for Latvian authorities and enterprises. Co-ordinator.

 1998 Study on Environmental Assessment In Public Promotion of Exports and Investments to Developing Countries. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Researcher.

 1997 - 2000 Project manager of project "Harmonisation of Lithuanian EIA legislation to EC requirements". Bilateral project between Finland and Lithuania. (3 stage project)

1997 South-African water law review, author of EIA and management of transboundary waters components. EIA expert.

1996 - 1998 Project manager of project "Harmonisation of Latvian EIA legislation to EC requirements". Bilateral project between Finland and Latvia

1995 - 1996 Identification of the training needs on the field of  EIA in Baltic countries, in cooperation with NORDPLAN (Sweden), (financed by the Nordic             Council of Ministers)

1995 - 1996 Project on EIA in a transboundary context in North West Russia, In co-operation with NIBR (Norway), Financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers

1995 Supervising a seminar in Moscow on Harmonisation of Russian and World Bank EA practices, in co-operation with Russian Ministry of Environmental             Protection and Natural Resources, World Bank and Soil and Water Ltd. (Financed by Ministry of the Environment of Finland)

1994 Secretary of the working group appointed by the Ministry of the Environment to guide the implementation of the EIA act in Finland.

1994 Organising a seminar on Russian State Ecological Expertize and EIA at St Petersburg, in co-operation with LENCOM Ecology (subordinate of Russian Ministry of the Environment)

1993-1996 Finnish expert in Nordic-Baltic EIA project; 1994 Oil harbour cases; 1995-1996 screening and quality control.

1993, EIA course for Estonian central and local level authorities in cooperation with Estonian Ministry of the Environment. Co-ordinator.

1993 Organising the Baltic- Polish -Nordic EIA seminar in Riga in co-operation with Nordic Council of Ministers / Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research and Latvian Environmental Protection Committee

1992 - 1994, Participating in the preparation of the Finnish EIA law, review of the statements given on the draft law. Expert.

1991 Organising a seminar on sustainable development in co-operation with  Statens Byggeforskning Institute, Denmark. Finnish co-ordinator.

1989 - 1991 EIA in Municipalities project. 13 municipal EIA pilot projects. Project manager.


2001. Raulinaitis M, Auglys V, Buciunaite I, Laurutenaite B, Revoldiene R, Kontio P and Punkari M. Manual for Environmental Impact Assessment In Lithuania. Ministry of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania.

2001. Bilateral agreements of Finland under the Espoo Convention. In: Proceedings of the fourth Conference on the Environmental Conventions and the Baltic States. 25 - 26 Oct 2001. Haapsalu.
2000. Niinioja R, Tanskanen A-L, Rumyantsev V, Smirnova L, Hilden M, Kontio P & Filatov N (eds). Water management policy of large lakes (Politika upravlenija vodnymi resursami bolstsih ozer). Tacis project TSP 40/97 DIMPLA: report of the tasks 4 and 5. North Karelia Regional Environment Centre. Joensuu 2000.

2000. Purhonen J and Kontio P. Environmental questions in Lithuania and training needs (in Finnish). EcoLiFt project. Dipoli series 1/2000. 78 p.

1999. Kontio P. Comparison of Lithuanian, Latvian and Finnish EIA procedures. In Conference Proceedings, Baltic EIA Conference 28.-29 April 1999. Pärnu Estonia.

1999. Kontio P and Karlin A. Environmental questions in Latvia and training needs (in Finnish). Finland - Latvia Environmental Education Project (Interreg) Helsinki University of Technology. Dipoli Series 3/1999. 56 p.

1999. Kontio P and Ruza S.  Participatory approach in preparation of EIA legislation for Latvia. In IAIA annual Conference Glasgow 15-19 June 1999. (Proceedings: CD ROM)

1999. Tallskog L, Kontio P and Leskinen A. Environmental Assessment In Public Promotion of Exports and Investments to Developing Countries.

1997. Kontio P & Manner A-L (eds). Social aspects of EIA. Finnish Environment Institute Publications 63. Helsinki 1997

1997. Kontio P. & Hilden M. Management of Transboundary Waters, in Water Legislation in Selected Countries, a Comparative Study for South African Water Law Review. The Finnish Environment. Helsinki 1997.

1997. Hilden M. & Kontio P. Overview of Environmental Impact Assessments in Water Legislation in Selected Countries, a Comparative Study for South african Water Law Review. The Finnish Environment. Helsinki 1997.
1995. Finnish EIA Legislation and Practices in Final Report of Environmental Assessment Harmonization Seminar, Moscow, February 14-16,1995. Russian Federation Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and World Bank.

1994 The implementation of EIA; the tasks of coordination authorities, working group report 3/1994. Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Policy Department. Editors Marika Paukkunen and Panu Kontio. (Finnish with English summary).

1992. EIA in Municipal Planning and Decisionmaking. Article in report:
NBS-K forskerseminar om Baeredyktighet i den kommunale planlaegning, SBI meddelelse 92/1992. Statens Byggeforskninginstitut, Hörsholm, Denmark (English).

1992. Environmental Impact Assesment in Municipalities I, Principles and Practical Solutions. Publication. Suomen kaupunkiliiton julkaisu nro 679, Suomen Kunnallisliiton ympäristöjulkaisut nro 27. Suomen kaupunkiliitto, Suomen kunnallisliitto ja ympäristöministeriö. 38 pp. (Finnish).

1992. Environmental Impact Assessment in Municipalities II, Evaluation of the 13 Municipal Experiments. Publication. Suomen kaupunkiliiton julkaisu nro 680, Suomen Kunnallisliiton ympäristöjulkaisut nro 28. Suomen kaupunkiliitto, Suomen kunnallisliitto ja ympäristöministeriö. (Finnish).

1992. Kontio P, Hildén M , Paukkunen M, Summary of the Comments on the EIA law proposal. Ministry of the Environment. (Finnish).

1991. EIA Aid for Decisionmaking. Article in Suomen Kunnat 24/1991, p. 21 (Finnish).

1991. Principles of EIA in Municipalities. Article in Ympäristö ja Terveys 3/1991 pp. 210-215 (Finnish).

1990 Paukkunen M & Kontio P. EIA - An instrument to Integrate Environmental Policy to Social Policy in Finland (Miljökonsekvensbebömning - ett instrument för integrering av Miljöpolitiken i den allmänna samhälspolitiken i Finland). Article in NORDREVY / 1990, Sept. pp 44-48. (Swedish).

1990. Environmental Impact Assessment Helps in Municipal Planning and Decisionmaking. Article in Suomen Kunnallislehti 5/ 90, pp 19-20, (Finnish )


1990 - 1999 Several lectures on EIA in Municipalities, Finnish EIA legislation and practises at University of Helsinki, Helsinki University of Technology, University of Oulu, National Water Protection Association, etc.
Lecture for Latvian Road Administration on Environmental Conventions. Facilitation and chair for several workshops in Baltic countries and elsewhere (eg. Seminar for Baltic countries and Finland on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context; Espoo Convention and Bilateral Agreements, 2nd ECO-BALTIC Conference workshop on Environmental Management Concepts: Environmental Auditing).

Professional visits

1982 USA.
1984 China. Beijing, Shanghai, Nanking, Suchow and Wuxi.
1986 France. University of Nancy, University of Marseille.
1991 Estonia.
1993 Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.
Helsinki 04.03.2003
Panu Kontio