1.    Family name:    PETERSON
2.    First name:    Kaja
3.    Date of birth:    14 April 1963
4.    Nationality:    Estonian
5.    Civil Status:    Married
6.    Education:
1991-92    Master’s degree (M.Sc.) in Environmental Science, University of Manchester, UK
1987    Diploma, in Biology and Ecology, Tartu University, Estonia
7.    Language skills: ( 1 to 5 mark for competence)
Language    Reading    Speaking    Writing
Estonian        5                5                5
English           5                4                4
Finnish            4                4                3
Russian            4                3                3
8.    Membership of professional bodies:
·    Member of Estonian Naturalists' Society (since 1977)
·    Member of Estonian Ornithological Society (since 1994)
9.    Other skills:
Biodiversity conservation and management, approximation of national environmental and nature conservation legislation with the European Union, nature management, environmental impact assessment and environmental auditing, project management.
Valid EIA expert certificate
10.     Present employer:
Estonian Institute for Sustainable Development (SEI-Tallinn)
Box 160
Tallinn 10502

Ph:+372-6 276104
Fax:+372-6 276101;

11.    Present position: Programme Director - Sustainability Measures
12.    Years with the organisation:    since 1 August 1993
13.    Key qualifications (relevant to the project):
·    Project management skills
·    Trainers' and lecturer’s skills
·    Knowledge of European Union and Estonian environmental legislation
·    Knowledge and experience in environmental and nature management
·    Eastern European experience
·    International experience
·    Book editing and lay-out experience
14.    Specific Eastern European countries experience:
    Country        Date
    Lithuania        2000
    UNEP mission        Evaluation of the Progress of Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Countries of Eastern and Central Europe
    Country        Date
    Kyrgyzstan        2000
    UNEP mission        Evaluation of the Progress of Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Countries of Eastern and Central Europe
    Country        Date
    Lithuania        1997-1998
    UN ECE mission        Environmental Performance Review
15.    Professional experience record:
    Date        2002-2003
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Estonian project manager
    Description        Implementation of the Tagamõisa Natura2000 site management plan    Client: DEFRA UK,     Funded by DEFRA, UK

    Date        2002-2003
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Estonian project manager
    Description        Consulting the planning of coastal zone management in the Island of Saaremaa    Client: Saaremaa County Administration    Funded by Nordic         Council of Ministers

    Date        2001-2002
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Estonian project manager
    Description        Drafting of the Second National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity    Client: Estonian Ministry of the Environment    Funded by         UNEP
    Date        2001-2002
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Estonian project manager
    Description        Drafting of the Strategic Environmental Impact Statement of the Estonian Long-term Strategy of Forestry     Client: Estonian Ministry of the             Environment    Funded by the Government of Estonia
    Date        2001-2002
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Estonian project manager
    Description        Establishment of Special Protection Areas under EC Bird Directive in Estonia     Client: Senter Internationaal, The Netherlands    Estonian                 Ministry of the Environment    Funded by the Dutch Government MATRA fund
    Date        2000
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Project manager
    Description        Evaluation of the administrative performance of the protected areas’ management in Estonia.    Client: Estonian Ministry of Environment    Funded     by European Union Integration Project
    Date        1999-2000
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Project manager
    Description        Implementation of EC Bird and Habitat Directives in Estonia: Seminar for county environmental and forestry administrators    Funded by                 European Integration Project    Client: Estonian Forestry Board, Ministry of Environment
    Date        1999-2001
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Expert
    Description        Training of Environmental Administrators in Environmental Policy and Management    Client: EU PHARE/TEMPUS    Partners: Tallinn Technical     University, Ministry of Environment, Imperial College of London, Tampere Technical University, Mikkeli Polytechnics
    Date        1998-1999
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Content Expert, one of the main organisers
    Description        Baltic Conference on Environmental Impact Assessment, 28-29 April, 1999    Funded by SEI-Tallinn, SEPA, Finnish Ministry of the Environment     and Estonian Environmental Fund
    Date        1998-2000
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Expert, Working Group Member
    Description        Compilation of Sustainable Forestry Management Standard for Forestry Certification in Estonia,    Funded by Estonian Forestry Board
    Date        1998-1999
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Expert, Working Group Leader
    Description        Member of Planning Team and Leader of Expert Groups on Education, Tourism and Genetic Resources&Biotechnology in the drafting of                 National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Estonia (NBSAP), funded by UNEP/GEF
    Date        1998
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Consultant to Baltic Environmental Forum (BEF)
    Description        Approximation  to EU bird and habitat directives in the Baltic States
    Date        1998
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Member of Advisory Committee
    Description        GIS-based Biodiversity Monitoring Programme
    Date        1997-1998
    Location        Lithuania
    Position        UN ECE mission member; Expert
    Description        Environmental Performance Review of Lithuania. Drafting of the chapter on Nature Management of Lithuania
    Date        1997
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Consultant to Regional Environmental Centre (REC) (Hungary)
    Description        Survey on the Demand for Environmental Technologies and Services, and The Providers of these Services and  Technologies
    Date        1996-1997
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Consultant to Ministry of the Environment
    Description        Drafting the bill on EIA and Environmental Auditing for Estonia
    Date        1997
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Consultant to Environmental Policy Centre of Europe (EPCE) in Brussels, Belgium
    Description        Analysis of environmental regulatory trends in Estonia until 2006
    Date        1996
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Consultant to the World Bank
    Description        Environmental permitting system and compensation for environmental damages in Estonia
    Date        1995
    Location        Geneva, Switzerland
    Position        Consultant to UN ECE
    Description        Drafting the statistical framework for Nature Management Database for ECE countries
    Date        1995
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Researcher to a project funded by Nordic Council of Ministers
    Description        Application of EIA in the Baltic States: Quality control and public involvement in EIA.
    Date        1994-1995
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Researcher
    Description        Legislative gap analysis of Estonian environmental legislation:  EU directives on bird and habitats and EIA
    Date        1993-1997
    Location        Estonia
    Position        Researcher to the Estonian Ministry of Environment
    Description    ·    EIA of the Feasibility Study of the Estonian Hazardous Waste Management System (1995) EIA guidelines for Estonian Banks

    Date    1995-97
    Location    Estonia
    Organisation    SEI-Tallinn, Baltic Environmental Forum (BEF)
    Position    Researcher
    Description    Analysis of the implementation of international treaties and conventions in the Baltic States

    Date    1994-1996
    Location    Estonia
    Organisation    SEI-Tallinn
    Position    Researcher
    Description    comparative study of  land use systems and environmental policy

    Date    1993-1994
    Location    Estonia
    Organisation    SEI-Tallinn
    Position    Researcher
    Description    Oil-management, transport and shipping in the Easter-Baltic Region: environmental impact

16. Training
    Date    2002
    Location    Sigulda, Latvia
    Role    Participant, speaker
    Description    Selection criteria for Natura 2000 sites in the Baltic States,Organised by Baltic Environmental Forum

    Date    2000-2001
    Location    6 Baltic countries
    Role    Participant
    Description    Tourism and Environmental Assets. International Training Course for Advanced PlannersOrganised by Nordregio, Sweden
    Date    1999
    Location    Jurmala, Latvia
    Role    Participant
    Description    Cost-benefit analysis of Natura2000 implementation in the Baltic States,Organised by Baltic Environmental Forum
    Date    1999
    Location    Palanga, Lithuania
    Role    Participant
    Description    Implementation of EC Bird Directive in the Baltic States,Organised by Baltic Environmental Forum

    Date    1999
    Location    Jäneda, Estonia
    Role    Participant
    Description    Implementation of EC Habitat Directive in the Baltic States,Organised by Baltic Environmental Forum

    Date    1997
    Location    Copenhagen, Denmark, organised by Carl Bro AS
    Role    Trainee
    Description    Due Diligence Audit

    Date    1997
    Location    Tallinn, Estonia, organised by DNV
    Role    Trainee
    Description    Environmental Auditing

    Date    1996
    Location    Budapest, Hungary,  organised by the Central European University
    Role    facilitator and participant
    Description    EIA in Countries in Transition

    Date    1995
    Location    Tallinn, Estonia, organised by the Ministry of the Environment
    Role    facilitator and participant
    Description    Public participation in EIA process

    Date    1995
    Location    Tallinn, Estonia, organised by the World Bank
    Role    facilitator and participant
    Description    EIA and environmental screening of loan applications

    Date    1994
    Location    Tallinn, Estonia, organised by the US EPA
    Role    facilitator and participant
    Description    EIA introductory course for regional environmental authorities

    Date    1993
    Location    Tallinn, Estonia, organised by US EPA
    Role    Trainee
    Description    Principles of EIA
17. Bibliography:
Peterson, K. (2002) . Natura2000: A curse or an opportunity?. The Baltic reniew, vol. 21, p.46-47.
Peterson, K. et al. Second National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Estonia. Estonian Ministry of Environment, UNEP, Tallinn, 2002, 103 p.
Peterson, K. et al.  Eesti kaitsealad ja nende juhtimine/ Estonian protected areas and their management. Ser. of SEI-Tallinn publications, No4, 2001, 115 p.
Peterson, K. (2001). Strateegiline keskkonnamõju hindamine – mis see on?/SEA- what it is?/ Keskkonnatehnika, Nr.3/2001, lk. 16-17.

Peterson, K. (2000). Undva bumerang /Bumerang of Undva/. Keskkonnatehnika, Nr.3/2000, lk. 10-11.

Peterson, K. Keskkonnamõju hindamise Balti konverents./Baltic EIA conference/ Keskkonnatehnika, 1999, N3, lk.29-31.
Peterson, K. (edit.). Conference Proceedings of the Baltic EIA, 28-29 April 1999, Pärnu,     Estonia. Naturvardsverket, Eesti Keskkonnafond, Finnish Ministry of Environment, SEI-Tallinn, 83 pp.
Peterson, K. Saaremaa süvasadama asukohavaliku keskkonnaekspertiisi akti kvaliteedi hindamine/Quality Evaluation of Environmental Impact Statement of Site Selection of Saaremaa Deep Port, SEI-Tallinn, 1999, 20 pp.
Peterson, K. Estonian EIA Procedure: Lessons to Learn for the New Bill. In: Proceedings of the Third Nordic EIA Conference, 25-26 November 1999, Karlskrona, Sweden.

Peterson, K.& Pallo, T. Chapter 2: Estonia: In: Fancoj, G.&Duffy, K. (editors). The Environmental Technology Market in Central and Eastern Europe, an Overview of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Incorporating an Environmental Business and Government Directory. Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe, Szentendre, Hungary, June 1998, p.27-62.
Peterson, K: Keskkonnaettevõtlusest Eestis/Environmental Business in Estonia/. Keskkonnatehnika, 1998, N3:30-33.
Peterson, K. Ajakiri ”Keskkonnatehnika” on keskkonnaettevõtja parim infoallikas. Keskkonnatehnika, 1998, N2: 9.
Peterson, K. Keskkonnaettevõtluse kiire areng (2)/Fast Development of Environmental Business in Estonia/. Keskkonnatehnika, 1998, N4:32-33.

Peterson, K. 1997. Upgrading EIA procedures in Estonia. In: Environmental Assessment in Countries in Transition. CEU, Budapest, Hungary, 1997, p. 81-89.
Peterson, K. Keskkonnaauditiõppus Taani konsultatsioonifirmas Carl Bro. Keskkonnatehnika, 1997, N3: 5.

Peterson, K. 1996. Keskkonnaload ja keskkonnakahju hüvitised. Abiks ettevõtjale. Environmental permits and compensation for environmental  damages. Manual for Developer. The World Bank, Ministry of the Environment, SEI-Tallinn, 84 lk.
Peterson, K. 1996. Screening and quality control of  EIA in Estonia. Environmental Impact Assessment in the Baltic Countries and Poland. Series of Publications by Nordic Council of Ministers, Nord 1996: 12, p. 20-47.

Peterson, K. 1995. Keskkonnaekspertiis Eestis. Eesti pankadele. Maailmapank, Keskkonnaministeerium,Tallinn, 32 lk.
Peterson, K. 1995. Environmental Impact Assessment. Manual for Estonian Banks. The World Bank, Estonian Ministry of Environment, Tallinn, 32 pp.
Peterson, K. 1995. Environmental impact assessment in Estonia. EIA Newsletter, No11: 2-3

Peterson, K. (1994). Metoodilised juhendid keskkonnaekspertiisi läbiviimiseks Eestis.  /Methological guidelines for implementing EIA in Estonia. Contract work/. Lepinguline töö EV Keskkonnaministeeriumile: 38 lk.
Peterson, K. (1994). Comparison of legislation on environmental impact assessment in Estonia and EU. Report to the Govermental Commission preparing the joining of Estonia with the EU, Stockholm Environment Institute-Tallinn, p. 13-19.
Peterson, K. (editor). (1994). Keskkonnaekspertiis Eestis. Õigusaktid. - Environmental Impact Assessment. Legal Acts. AS Capella, Tallinn, 88 pp.