Radmilo Pesic
2003 International Policy Fellow

Project: Flexible Mechanisms Under the Kyoto Protocol in Central and Eastern Europe

Final Activity Report

During the second stage of the Project “Flexibility Mechanisms Under the Kyoto Protocol in Central and Eastern Europe” I was in a position to change my second local mentor. Mr. Mihajlo Gavric (Former Vice Minister for Environmental Protection, Republic of Serbia; from June 2002 to April 2004) resigned to a mentor position because he was overburdened with the other activities. I have decided to ask Professor Marija Todorovic, an internationally recognized expert in the energy-efficiency issues and renewable energy use to accept the position. She accepted it with a pleasure, giving a valuable contribution to the Project. With her help and support, during the whole second period, form September 2003 she contributed to the final version of the Project, by focusing my attention on ongoing process of energy sector reforms in Serbia.
In September 2003, Ms. Mira Grubac-Mihalovic from the Belgrade District Hearting Company contacted me asking for help in the field of carbon-saving expertise. Besides giving some basic information about flexible mechanisms, I was in a position to obtain important data about the district heating reforms in Serbia and about carbon saving potential of the sector.
During October 2003, I contacted Bulgarian experts from the Joint Implementation Unit, State Energy Efficiency Agency, in order to obtain the information needed. I was also acquainted with the Norwegian Energy Efficiency Assistance Project to Serbia. I contacted Ms. Tijen Arin from the World Bank Environmental unit, getting the latest highlights in the World Bank’s climate protection activities.
In November 2003 I contacted experts from Poland and Hungary asking for help with data. From Poland I obtained response from Ms. Jolanta Galon-Kozakievicz (Director of the Joint Implenetation Secretariat) and Mr. Grzegorz Konopko (Director of Polish Executive Office for the Climate Convention. The grates help from the Polish experts came to me from Mr. Miroslaw Sobolewski, whom I contacted via e-mail on several occasions. I am also very grateful to Miss Dora Kulauzov, from the Hungarian Ministry of Environment for her help.
During December 2003, I completed the third draft of my Policy Research Paper and I contacted local experts, Mr. Milan Dacic, Deputy Director of the Republic Hydro-meteorological Institute, and Ms. Milijana Ceranc, the Serbian Statistical Institute, responsible for presenting local data to the International Energy Agency in Paris.
In January 2004 the fourth draft of the Research paper was completed and I prepared a trip to Czech republics.
From February 11 – 16, 2004 I visited Prague, wishing to be more acquainted with the remarkable results in the Czech national climate protection policy. I had an appointment with Mr. Jan Pretel, Head of the Climate Change Department at the Czech Hydro-meteorological Institute. During my stay in Prague I also had an appointment with Mr. Alexander Simader form the “Brantener Walter” G.m.b.H., a company involved in Joint Implementation Projects in Slovakia.
During March 2004, I completed the fifth draft of the Research Paper, filling the gaps with the information gathered in Prague. From March 21 to March 28 I attended Sixteenth International Policy Fellowship Seminar, related to the policy advocacy issues. During my stay in Budapest, my group mentor Professor Diana Urge-Vorsatz approved my proposal for changes in the Project schedule. Instead of planed journeys to the countries in Balkan region, I have put forward a proposal to accept a personal invitation from the Energy Charter Secretariat to attend the Workshop on the Best practices in the Energy Sector Reforms, in Brussels.
In April 2004, I redesigned my Policy Paper, according to the political changes that had come after December 2003 elections. I have also included some very useful suggestions from the Seminar. Preparations for a trip to Brussels also took place.
In May 2004 I attended Energy Charter Secretariat Workshop on the Best Practices in the Energy Sector Restructuring and Privatization. One of the sessions was focused on Regulation and environment protection issues. Owing to the fact that Serbia and Montenegro (FR Yugoslavia) is the only European state that does not have a full membership status in the Energy Charter Conference, my presence on the Workshop had a specific significance. As an outcome of the trip, a policy proposal to the Serbian Vice Premier’s office, to start with the preparations for a full membership in the Energy Charter emerged. During May 2004, I had opportunities to talk to Mr. Vladislav Bizek, former Vice-minister for Environment, and to Mr. Lubomir Nondek from Ministry of Environment, both from the Czech Republics. Mr. Bizek and Mr. Nondek were responsible for preparations of the First and the Second National communication to the UNFCCC.
After the trip to Brussels, I have prepared a final version of my Research and Policy papers. The only remaining activity is preparation and publishing of the book “Climate Protection Economics”, with a short Manual for Preparation, Selection and Evaluation of CDM projects in Serbia.
On June 5, 2004 I attended Alumni Focus Group Meeting in Budapest, organized by the OSI Center for Policy Studies.
One of the side-outputs of the Project, although not closely related to its topic, is the appearance of a paper in one of the very prestigious international scientific journals. A paper “The Political Economy of Post-Communist Autocracy: The Continuum Between Dictatorship and Democracy”  appeared in the Summer volume of The European Political Economy Review. The paper was prepared by Radmilo Pesic and Branislav Borcic. Initial work on the paper was done during my stay at the Central European University in Budapest. Once gain, I would like to express my gratitude to the HESP and IPF program for the support.

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