CHARMES, Jacques

Field of experience:
Development Economics
Labour Economics and Statistics
Gender Economics and Statistics
Statistical Surveys
National Accounts

Areas of field experience (long stay):
Madagascar, Tunisia

Long and numerous missions:
Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, Mali

Other countries with good experience:
Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Burundi, Zaire, Kenya, Vietnam, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Haïti


Date and place of birth:
18/01/47, Rodez (France)

French, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian (read)

Position held:
Professor of Economics

Office address:
University of Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines. Centre of Ethics and Economics for Environment and Development (C3ED)
47 bd Vauban 78047 GUYANCOURT Cedex

Office Tel:  (33) 1 39 25 56 85
Personal Email:
Home address: 3 Impasse de la Hulotte   78112 Fourqueux, FRANCE

Home Tel./Fax:  (33) 1 39 73 15 45

University Degree:
  Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures de Sciences Economiques, Paris (1969) (5 years)
  Diplôme d'Economie de l'ORSTOM (1972) (2 years)

Number of publications 223

List of major publications:
1988   J. Charmes et B. Salome : In service training. Five Asian Experiences. OECD,, Paris, 78 p.
1990   J. Charmes : Mesurer la pauvreté, identifier les groupes vulnérables. Enquêtes et méthodes utilisées en Tunisie, Stateco no63, pp. 57 83.
1990   J. Charmes : A review of recent experiences and methodological issues for surveying household and informal activities in Africa. A new challenge for survey statisticians, United Nations Statistical Office, NHSCP, New York, 50 p.
1990   J. Charmes : A critical review of concepts, definitions and research on informal sector, in OECD : The informal sector revisited,  Paris, 226 p.
1992   J. Charmes: La contribution du secteur informel à l'emploi et au produit national en Mauritanie 1977 1992, Ministère du Plan, DSA, Nouakchott 92 p.
1992   J. Charmes: Le secteur informel, nouvel enjeu des politiques de développement, L'Homme et la Société, 105 106, p. 63 77.
1993   J. Charmes, R. Daboussi, A. Le Bon: Population, employment and migrations in the Mediterranean basin, ILO, Geneva.
1994   J. Charmes et Y. Willaert : Pauvreté et vulnerabilité en Guinée. Etat des connaissances, programmes d'action, instruments de suivi et d'évaluation, Ministère du Plan et des Finances, PADSE, Conakry, 107 p.
1995   J. Charmes et al. Poverty, unemployment and exclusion in the countries of the South, ORSTOM, Paris,21 p.
1996 - J. Charmes: Recent developments in some European data collection systems pertaining the informal sector, in B. Herman and W. Stoffers (eds.): Unveiling the Informal Sector. More than counting heads, Avebury, England, 251 p.
1996 - J. Charmes: Progress in Measurement of Informal Sector Employment, Regional Development Dialogue RDD, vol.17, n° 1, Spring 1996, special issue on " Two decades of informal sector studies: lessons learned", Nurul Amin ed. United Nations, Nagoya, Japan, 199 p.
1997 - J. Charmes: Progress in measurement of the informal sector: employment and share of GDP, in Handbook of National Accounting, Household Accounting: Experiences in the Use of Concepts and Their Compilation, United Nations, Statistics Division, studies in methods, series F, n° 75.
1998 - J. Charmes: Contribution of Women Working in the Informal Sector in Africa: a Case Study. Paper prepared for the United Nations Statistics Division. "Umbrella Gender Statistics Programme" and presented at the Delhi Group Meeting on Informal Sector Statistics. Ankara. 28-30th April 1998.
1998 - J. Charmes: Informal Sector, Poverty and Gender; A Review of Empirical Evidence, Background Paper for the World Development Report 2001, World Bank, 44p.
1999 - J.Charmes , Gender and Informal Sector,  contribution to The World's Women 2000, Trends and Statistics, United Nations, New York,34p.
2000 - Charmes J. The Contribution of Informal Sector to GDP in Developing Countries : Assessment, Estimates, Methods, Orientations for the Future, OECD-EUROSTAT-State Statistical Committee of the Russian Federation, Non-observed economy Workshop, Sochi (Russia) 16-20 October 2000, 14p.
2001 -  J.Charmes , et al., Globalisation and Gender : Economic Participation of Arab Women, CAWTAR Arab Women's Development Report 2001, Tunis, Center of Arab Women for Training and Research, UNDP, CAWTAR, AGFUND, 245p.
2002 - J. Charmes, et al., Handbook for Measurement of the Non Observed Economy, OECD, IMF, ILO, 240p. (translated in Russian, to be translated in French).

Summary of relevant work experience: Work experience acquired as a specialist in the designing, implementation and analysis of statistical surveys on informal sector, through households and establishments approaches and measurement of non-registered activities in National Accounts. Contribution to the international definition of the informal sector as a labour force concept (ILO) and national accounts concept (UN Stat), to the understanding of its role in development, through employment and training policies (OECD, ILO), to a better measurement of female activities (UN STAT), to the definition of policies for alleviating poverty, to the follow up of households living standards under structural adjustment programmes.

Other professional activities: Teacher and director of Ph D theses at the Political Science Institute in Paris. Member of the Scientific Council of the University Institute for Development Studies in Geneva. Elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) since 1989. Elected member of the Council of the International Association of Survey Statisticians (1989 1991). Co-chair of the statistics working group of the international network "Women in informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing " and co-director of the statistics programme since 2000 (WIEGO). Member of the scientific council of the CODESRIA-MacArthur programme on "African real economies". Deputy director of the International Research Group "Economies of the  Mediterranean and Arab world" (EMMA).


Since 1998: France- Professor of Economics at the University of Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, Center of Ethics and Economics for Environment and Development (C3ED). Director of research at the Institute of Research for Development (IRD).

Position: Director, head of Department SUD (Societies, Urbanisation, Development) comprising 130 social scientists and implementing research programmes in various fields.

1988 94 : France   ORSTOM
Position: President of the Commission for Social Sciences, in charge of the evaluation of researchers, and their recruitment.

1983 88 : France   ORSTOM - INSEE (National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, France)
Position: Head of a research unit comprising 25 researchers.

Since 1983, Research on:
  Structural Adjustment and informal activities
  Measurement of female activities
  Informal sector and national accounting
  Employment and training policies
- Poverty assessment and follow up of households living standards.

International Programmes or Experts'groups in which I have been recently involved:
- UN Economic Commission for Africa, Centre for African Women: African Gender Development Index for the African Women Report.
- ILO InFocus Programme on Socio-Economic Security, (responsible for North Africa and Europe), from 2001
- Algerian-French Programme on "the informalisation of the Algerian economy: role of micro-enterprisesand employability of human resources" (2001-2004)
- contributor to the first CAWTAR Report on "Globalisation and the economic participation of Arab Women" (Centre for Arab Women, Training and research, 2000-2001)
- scientific advisor of the international programme on "the informal sector, small and micro enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa " (Economic Research Forum, (ERF Cairo, 2000).
- scientific advisor of the Council for the Development of Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA), for the programme on the real economies in Africa (with McArthur Foundation, from 1999)
- OECD Handbook on "Non-observed Economy" (OECD 1999-2002)
- Improving the quality of women's employment (ILO 1998)
- Manual for Informal Sector surveys (ILO 1998)
- Contribution to the national human development reports for Benin (on Gender, 1998, Employment, 1999) and Haiti (2001) for UNDP-OPS
- Time-use surveys (UN Stat 1997, Benin 1998, Madagascar 2001)
- Engendering Labour Force Statistics (UNDP-UN Stat 1997)
- Women in Informal Employment: Globalising and Organising (WIEGO from 1997)
- World's Women (UN Stat 1991- 1995 - 2000)
- International definition of the informal sector and underemployment (ILO 1992-1998)
- Delhi Group on informal sector statistics (since 1998)
- Knowledge Networking on Poverty Reduction Strategies (UNDP-SEPED-BPPS 1997-98)
- Social Indicators (UN Stat 1991)
- Information Systems on Migration and Employment in the Mediterranean Region (ILO 1991-93)

1999-2001: Haiti: UNDP project on social statistics and the follow up of employment and human development; first national human development report.

1999-2001: Philippines-Indonesia-Thailand: World Bank  project for assessment of the impact of the financial crisis on employment in the informal sector, especially on female home-based workers. World bank project on "Impact of the financial crisis in Asia and social policies: lessons from Europe"

1997: Mali: European Union-West African Economic and Monetary Union-Project for support the regional integration
Assessment of the competitiveness of the Malian economy in the context of implementation of the economic union.
Observatory of employment and training: assessment of labour force statistics and implementation of permanent follow-up surveys on micro-enterprises, unemployed and young graduates

1990 98 : Benin: UNDP   OPS
National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis   Conception, realisation and follow up of an annual survey on characteristics and behaviours of urban households under structural adjustment (Social Change Observatory)   Evaluation of Social Statistics- Preparation of the national Human Development Report (on Poverty in 1997, on Women in 1998, on sustainable employment in 1999)- Time-use survey in 1998.

1991 95 : Vietnam   ORSTOM   Ministry of Labour   Centre for Population Studies Employment, informal sector and private initiative in the context of renovation and open door policy (Doi Moi).

1988 94 : Tunisia (1988 92). International Labour Office, Ministry of Social Affairs
 Mauritania (1992 93). African Bank of Development, Ministry of Planning.     Social Dimension of Adjustment Project
   Guinea (1994) AGRER, Ministry of Planning
   Mali (1990 91) United Nations Statistical Office

  Contribution to the definition of a strategy for alleviating poverty
  Conception, realisation and analysis of surveys on poverty
- Compilation and analysis of data on poverty
  Definition of employment, informal sector and vulnerable groups strategies
  Definition and elaboration of social indicators.

1988 94 : Mali, United Nations Statistical Office
National Household Survey Capability Programme (NHSCP)
World Bank
  Conception, preparation, organisation and analysis of the National Survey on Household Economic Activities (Informal Sector) in 1989
  Conception, preparation, organisation and analysis of the Malian Survey on Economic and Social Conjuncture (EMCES 1994)

1994 : Chad, United Nations, DDSMS
Statistical and Economic and Demographic Studies Division
  Conception and organisation of the National Survey on Consumption and informal activities of households in Chad (ECOSIT).

1992 93/ 1999-2000 : Kenya. EUROSTAT, Central Bureau of Statistics
- Evaluation of enterprises and labour force surveys in Kenya, and estimates of the informal sector
- Design and analysis of the National 1999 Baseline Survey on Micro and Small Enterprises.

1991 93 : Mediterranean Basin, Maghreb, ILO, SIMED
(Information Systems on Migration and Employment in the Mediterranean Region)
  Employment situation and policies
  Identification of actions and strategies for alleviating the push factors in Maghreb countries.

 1990 93 : Africa   United Nations Statistical Office. Economic Commission for Africa, Statistical Division, International Institute for Research and Training for the Advancement of Women, INSTRAW   State of the Art on surveys on households economic activities in Africa   Compilation of statistics and indicators on women in Africa, for the preparation of the second issue of World's women   Organisation of training seminars on data collection and analysis.

1989   90 and 1996 : Burkina Faso. United Nations. DTCD ;GTZ
National Institute of Statistics and Demography/Planning Project
  Evaluation of the informal sector in National Accounts
  Survey on the informal sector, methods and results
  National Accounts of informal sector.
- Short term indicators for informal sector statistics.

1989 : Zaire. World Bank
National Institute of Statistics/Economic Management Project
  Study of the non registered economy in National Accounts.

1986 88 : Guinea. World Bank. Statistical and Computing General Division
National Economy Management Project
  Evaluation of statistical sources
  Small entrepreneurs' interviews
  Census of establishments in urban areas
  Sample surveys on informal sector in the 5 main towns.

1987 : Egypt. General Organisation for Physical Planning (GOPP)
  Evaluation of employment in Cairo Centre.

1983 87 : Tunisia. Hong Kong. Indonesia. Singapore. Taiwan.
Burundi. OECD Development Centre
  In service training as a means of development for human resources.

1983 : Niger. ILO. Jobs and Skills Programme for Africa (JASPA)
Ministry of Planning
  Conception, realisation and analysis of the informal sector survey in Niamey.

1976 83 : Tunisia. National Institute of Statistics   Conception, realisation and analysis of surveys on the informal sector . Small entrepreneurs' interviews . Establishments censuses at national level . National Sample Survey at national level in view of elaborating national accounts and defining employment policies.

1974  76 : France. ORSTOM INSEE. Research Group on Improvement of Methodologies for investigating rural and informal sectors in developing countries, through co-operation with researchers, statisticians, economists and planners.

1971   74 : Madagascar. ORSTOM
Socio economic impact of agricultural project and agrarian reform.

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