Date of Birth:  22/12/1944
Sex: Female
Nationality: Turkish
Title: Prof. Dr.
Address: Boğaziçi University, Sociology Department, Bebek 80815 Istanbul
Telephone: 90 - (212) 358 15 40 /1493
fax: 90 - (212) 257 09 44
e-mail: ozbayf@boun.edu.tr


Institution: School of Social Work, Hacettepe University, Ankara
Dates: 1962-1966
Degree(s) or Diplomas obtained: BA (Social Work)

Institution: Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University, Ankara
Dates: 1967 - 1969
Degree(s) or Diplomas obtained: MS (Population Dynamics)

Institution: Office of Population Studies, Princeton University, Princeton, N:J:
Dates: 1969-1970
Degree(s) or Diplomas obtained: Diploma (Demography)

Institution: Center for Social Research, Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Dates: 1970 (Summer)
Degree(s) or Diplomas obtained: Diploma (Survey Sampling)

Institution: Sociology Department, Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Dates: 1970-1975
Degree(s) or Diplomas obtained: Ph.D (Sociology)

Employment Record:

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Bogaziçi University,  Vice-dean, Istanbul, Jan. 2001 -Feb. 2002
Sociology Department, Bogaziçi University, Department chair, Istanbul, July 1993  - July 1995
Sociology Department, Bogaziçi University, Faculty member (Prof. Dr.), Istanbul, Jan 1982 -  at present
Behavioural and Social Sciences Dept., Gazi University  Faculty member (Dr.), Ankara, July 1979 -Dec. 1981
Institute of Population Studies Hacettepe University,  Faculty member (Dr.), Ankara, Jan. 1975 - June 1979
Sociology Department, Cornell University Teaching assistant, Ithaca, NY, Sep1973 - June1974
Sociology Department, Cornell University Research assistant, Ithaca, NY, Sep.1970 -June1972
Office of Population Research, Princeton University,  Research assistant, Princeton, NJ Sept. 1969 - June1970
Institute of Population Studies Hacettepe University,  Research fellow, Ankara, April 1967 - Aug 1969
Research Department, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare,  Research assistant, Ankara, July 1966 - March 1967

Selected Academic Experiences (Research and Consultancies)

Date:  1999-2001
Location: Istanbul
Institution Hacettepe Institute of Population Studies and UNFPA
Position: Research director
Description: Research project on "Internal Migration in Turkey".
Analysis of the 1998 Turkish Health and Population Survey; Document Analysis. (Published article)

Date:  1996-1999
Location: Istanbul
Institution: ILO -IPEC
Position: Research Director
Description: Research project on "Female Child Labor in Domestic Work". Ninety indebt interviews with the girl workers, their mothers and employers. (Published articles and a booklet)

Date:  1996-1999
Location: Istanbul
Institution: Middle East Awards (MEAwards)
Position: Research Director
Description: Research project on "The Non-Kin Members of Households: The Case of Evlatlıks in İstanbul". Oral history with the former residential servants (slaves and fictive adopted daughters -evlatlıks), indebt interview with their family members and employers, 19th century Ottoman census analysis, content analysis of Turkish Fiction, document analysis. (published articles and a booklet)

Date:  1979, 1989, 1997, 1999
Location: Ankara
Institution: State Institute of Statistics (SIS)
Position: Advisory committee member.
Description: Discussions and short report writing for the meetings held by the SIS on the preparation of the Population Censuses

Date:  1997-1998
Location: Ankara
Institution: State Planning Office (SPO)
Position: Seventh Five Years Development Plan, Population and Family Planning Committee member, and Basic Strategic Projects, Population and Family Planning Committee member.
Description: The author of a research report on Population Structure in Turkey (published as an official SPO document)

Date:  1996-1998
Location: Istanbul
Institution: Development of Human Resources Foundation (IKGV)
Position: Research Consultant
Description: Research project on "Sexually transmitted Diseases and AIDS"
Consultant on questionnaire design and field work

Date:  1997
Location: Istanbul
Institution: Bogaziçi University
Position: Researcher
Description:  Research on "Migration and Intra-Provincial Movements in Istanbul, 1985-90".
 Analysis of 5% sample of the 1990 Istanbul Population Census data. (Published articles.)

Date:  1995-1997
Location: Ankara
Institution: Women's Problems and Status General Directorate and World Bank
Position: Local Research Consultant
Description: World Bank project on "Women's Labour and Employment"
Selection committee member of the research proposals submitted every year.

Date:  1984-1989
Location: Cairo
Institution: Middle East Awards (MEAwards)
Position: Advisory committee member
Description: Selection of the social science research proposals submitted to MEAwards twice a year

Key Qualifications
" Sampling, questionnaire design, interview techniques (research and teaching experience)
" Expert on Excel, Microsoft Word, SPSS. User of access, power point (research and teaching experience)
" Experienced on large scale data analysis (research and teaching experience)
" Expert on gender studies (research and teaching experience)
" Expert on family, especially on household survival strategies (research and teaching experience)
" Expert on estimating demographic techniques (research and teaching experience)
" Accumulated knowledge about the interdisciplinary work on Turkish society (research and teaching experience)

Fellowships and Awards

Fellowship (Undergraduate) Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Ankara 1962-1966
Fellowship (Graduate) Hacettepe University / Ford Foundation, N:Y: 1969-1974
Honorary Fellowship The Population Council, New York 1972
Research Award MEAwards (with M. Kıray), Cairo 1982
Visiting Researcher Award MEAwards, Cairo 1991 Fall
The Most Popular Faculty Award Bogaziçi University, Engineering Club 1992
Publication Award BÜVAK (Bogaziçi University Foundation) 1996, 1999
Publication Award TÜBA (Turkish Academy of Sciences), Ankara 1996,1999
Research Award MEAwards, Cairo 1997
Publication Award Bogaziçi University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences 1998,1999
Academic Incentive Award  Bogaziçi University 1999

Courses Offered

Population Studies Sociology of Gender
Demographic Analyses Family and Kinship
Migration and Development Sociological Perspectives
Research Methods Turkish Society: Theory and Research
Population and Ethnicity Social Change: Culture and Modernity
Population Studies in Turkey New Perspectives in Social Sciences

Membership of Professional Societies

Turkish Social Sciences for Health Association  Member 2000 - at present
Critical Social Policy, Sage Publication Advisory board member 1995 - at present
Reproductive Health Working Group in the Middle East and North Africa, Cairo  Member 1989 - at present
İstanbul Dergisi , Turkish History Foundation Pub. Advisory board member 1992 - at present
Turkish History Foundation  Founding member 1991
Women's Library and Information Center Foundation  Founding member 1990
Boğaziçi Journal - Review of Social Economic and Administrative Studies, Boğaziçi Univ. Publication Associate editor. 1993 - 1999
IUSSP Gender and Population Committee Member 1996 - 1999
Turkish Social Science Association  Executive committee member 1979 - 1983
Studies in Family Planning, The Population Council  Referee 1991 - 1993

Selected Articles

1969 (with Frederic C. Shorter) "Fertility and Family Planning in Etimesgut Health Region" Turkish Demography: Proceedings of a Conference. Frederic C. Shorter & Bozkurt Güvenç (eds.) Hacettepe University Press. Ankara.
1970 (with Frederic C. Shorter)"Turkey: Changes in Birth Control Practices, 1963 to 1968". Studies in Family Planning. No. 51.
1979a "Education and Fertility in Rural Turkey". Studies in Development. 22/23. Middle East Technical University. Ankara.
1979b (with Frederic C. Shorter and  Samira Yener) "Accounting For the Trend of Fertility in Turkey". Demographic Transition and Socio-Economic Development. Proceedings of the UNFPA Expert Group Meeting. UN Dept. of International Economic and Social Affairs. Population Studies. No. 65. New York.
1981 "The Impact of Education on Women". Women in Turkish Society. Nermin Abadan-Unat (ed.). E.J. Brill. Leiden.
1982 "Evkadınları". (Housewives) Ekonomik Yaklaşım. 3(1) AITIA. Ankara.
1982 "Women's Education in Rural Turkey" Sex Roles, Family and Community in Turkey. Çiğdem Kağıtçıbaşı (ed.) Indiana University Press: Bloomington, Indiana.
1985 "Transformation of the Socioeconomic Structure and Changing Family Functions in Rural Turkey" Family in Turkish Society. Türköz Erder (ed.) Turkish Social Science Association. Ankara.
1987 "Fraunenleben" Turkei . Ömer Seven (Hrsg.). VSA Verlag. Hamburg.
1990 "Development of Studies on Women in Turkey". Women, Family and Social Change in Turkey. Ferhunde Özbay (ed.) UNESCO: Bangkok.
1991 "Kadın ve Çocuk Emeği" (Woman and child labour)Toplum ve Bilim. 23(3).
1994 "Female Labor in Urban and Rural Settings" Boğaziçi Journal - Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies. 8(1-2): 5-19. Boğaziçi University. Istanbul.
1995 "Changes in Women's Activities Both Inside and Outside the Home" Women in Modern Turkish Society. Sirin Tekeli (ed.). Zed Books. London & New Jersey. 89-111.
1996a "Houses, Wives and Housewives" The Housing Question of the Others. Emine Komut (ed.) TMMOB. Ankara.
1996b "Les femmes dans les années 1990: éducation, santé et emploi" (Women's education, health and employment in the 1990's) Cemoti - Chiers d'etudes sur la Mediterranée Orientale et la Monde Turco-Iranien. 21:53-76.
1997 "Migration and Intra-Provincial Movements in Istanbul, 1985-90" Bogaziçi Journal. 11(1).
1998a Türkiye'de Kadin Emegi ve Istihdamina Iliskin Çalismalarin Gelisimi". (Development of studies on women's labour and employment in Turkey), Küresel Pazar Açisindan Kadin Emegi ve Istihdamindaki Degisimler: Türkiye Örnegi. F. Özbay (der.) KSSGM ve IKGV Yayini. Ankara.
1998b "Türkiye'de Aile ve Hane Yapisi: Dün, Bugün, Yarin". (Family and household structure in Turkey: past, present, future). 75 Yilda Kadinlar ve Erkekler - Bilanço 98. Ayşe Berktay Hacimirzaoglu (der.) Is Bankasi, IMKB, Türkiye Ekonomik ve Toplumsal Tarih Vakfi Yayini. 155-172.
1999 "Gendered Space: A New Look at Turkish Modernisation" Gender & History. 11(3): 555-568.
2001 (with Banu Yücel ) "Türkiye'de Nüfus Hareketleri, Devlet Politikalari ve Demografik Yapi" (Population Movements, State Policies and Demographic Structure in Turkey). Özbay F. ve digerleri, Nüfus ve Kalkinma. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nüfus Etütleri Enstitüsü. Ankara. 1-69.

Book and Booklets

1990 (with U. Boos-Nuning, I. Duymaz, S. Kadioglu, Ç. Kagitcibasi, P. Kappert, F. Sen) Turkei-Socialkunde. Heidrun Czock (redakstion). Leske + Budrich. Opladen.
1999a Turkish Female Child Domestic Workers. Bogaziçi University Press: Istanbul. 62 p.
1999b Türkiye'de Evlatlik Kurumu: Köle mi Evlat mi? (Evlatlik institution in Turkey: slave or daughter?) Bogaziçi Üniversitesi Yayinevi: Istanbul. 42 s.

Edited Books and Special Issue Editorship

1990 Women, Family and Social Change in Turkey. UNESCO. Bangkok.
1997 "Istanbul: Past and Present" Special Issue - Bogaziçi Journal. 11(1-2). Bogaziçi University. Istanbul.
1998 Küresel Pazar Açisindan Kadin Emegi ve Istihdamindaki Degisimler: Türkiye Örnegi. (Changes in women's labour and employment in the global market: Turkish case) KSSGM ve IKGV Yayini. Ankara.

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