Office Address:

Boğaziçi University

Department of Economics

34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey


Office Phone: +90 212 359 76 31

Fax: +90 212 287 24 53

e-mail: ozar@boun.edu.tr





2001    Associate Professor, Boğaziçi University.

1995        Associate Professor, Interuniversity Council, Turkey

1992    Assistant Professor

1990    Ph.D., Department of Economics, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet, Vienna, Austria. (Title:The    Effects of the IMF-Supported Programs on Income Distribution: Turkey as a Case).

1988    Post-Graduate Diploma, Department of Economics, Institute of Advanced Studies and Scientific Research, Vienna, Austria.

1978    M.A., Department of Economics, Boğaziçi University, Turkey.

1977    B.A., Department of Economics, Boğaziçi University, Turkey.





1990-              Department of Economics, Boğaziçi University.

1980-1983      Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (IDBT), Istanbul.

1978-1980      State Institute of Statistics (SIS).

1976-1978      Boğaziçi University, research assistant





2007-              Member, Faculty Committee

2006-              Member, Committee on Ethical Conduct in Research with Human Participants

2001-               Advisor to Women’s Research Club

1992 -             Member, Library Committee.

1994-1996      Vice Dean, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics.

1993-1999              Member, Faculty Executive Committee.










“Small and Medium Enterprises in the Periphery. The Case of Turkey”, in Turkey and the Global Economy: Neo-Liberal Restructuring and Integration in the Post-Crisis Era, edited by Ziya Öniş and Fikret Şenses, Routledge, forthcoming in November 2009.


“Micro and Small Enterprise Growth in Turkey: Under the Shadow of Financial Crisis”, The Developing Economies (with Gökhan Özertan and Z. Burcu Songur), Vol. 46, No. 4, 2008, pp. 331-362.


“Small Enterprises and Financial Crisis in Turkey. A Comparison with Larger Enterprises”, Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics (with Gökhan Özertan), Vol.8, No. 2, pp.193-203, 2008.


“The Neo-Liberal Paradigm and Small Enterprises: Accumulation by Dispossession in the Case of Turkey”, Ch.13 in Neoliberal Globalization as New Imperialism: Case Studies on Reconstruction of the Periphery, edited by A. H. Köse, F. Şenses and E. Yeldan, NOVA Publishers, 2007, pp. 245-258.


“Women’s Access to Credit Organizations: Turkey” in  Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, edited by Suad Joseph, Brill Academic Publishers, Vol IV, 2007, pp.20-21.


“A Study on the Debt and Default Behavior of Turkish Micro & Small Enterprises (MSE’s)”

(with Nurhan Davutyan), Selected Papers from the Thirteenth Annual Conference, Economic Research Forum (ERF), Cairo, 2006, pp.331-354.


“Micro and Small Enterprises in Turkey: Uneasy Development”, published by the ERF (Economic Research Forum for Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey), Research Report Series No: 0420, 2006. http://www.erf.org.eg/Research_reports/0420.pdf


Women’s Entrepreneurship in the GAP Region, GAP-GIDEM Yayınları, Ankara, 2005 (in Turkish and English).


“Emek Piyasaları: Uyumsuzluk mu, Bütünleşme mi?” (with Fuat Ercan), Neoliberalizmin Tahribatı. Türkiye’de Ekonomi, Toplum ve Cinsiyet (haz. Neşecan Balkan ve Sungur Savran), Metis Yayınları, 2004, pp. 191-210 (updated and revised version of 2002a).


“Labor Markets in Turkey: Maladjustment or Integration? ”, (with Fuat Ercan), The Ravages of Neo-Liberalism. Economy, Society and Gender in Turkey, edited by Neşecan Balkan and Sungur Savran, NOVA Science Publishers, New York, 2002a, pp.165-179.


“An International Comparative Analysis of Gender Differences in Employment”, Female Employment, edited by Tuncer Bulutay, State Institute of Statistics, (SIS), Ankara, in Turkish and English, 2002b, pp.153-176.


“Gender-Based Occupational Segregation in the Turkish Banking Sector”, (with Gülay Günlük -Şenesen), The Economics of Women and Work in the Middle East and North Africa, edited by Mine Çınar, Vol.4, Research in Middle East Economics, JAI Press, 2001, pp.247-267.


“Employment Aspects of the Informal Sector in Istanbul. A Field Survey in Low-Income Neighborhoods of Istanbul”, Informal Sector II, edited by Tuncer Bulutay, State Institute of Statistics (SIS), Ankara, in Turkish and English, 2000.


"Emek Piyasası Teorileri ve Türkiye’de Emek Piyasası Çalışmalarına Eleştirel Bir Bakış" (with Fuat Ercan) Toplum ve Bilim, Fall 2000, No.86, pp. 22-71, in Turkish.



Kadın İstihdamı İçin Yeni Perspektifler ve Kadın İşgücüne Muhtemel Talep, (with Gülay Günlük-Şenesen and Engin Pulhan), The General Directorate on the Status and Problems of Women, Ankara, 2000, ISBN: 975-19-2367-0, in Turkish.


Kentlerde Kadınların İş Yaşamına Katılım Sorunlarının Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Kültürel Boyutları, (with Hülya T. Tanrıöver and Ayşe Eyüboğlu), The General Directorate on the Status and Problems of Women, Ankara, 2000, ISBN: 975-19-2473-1, in Turkish.


“Determinants of Female (Non-) Participation in the Urban Labor Force in Turkey”, (with Gülay Günlük -Şenesen), METU Studies in Development, Vol.25, No.2, 1998, pp.311-328.


Enformal Sektör ve Sosyal Güvenlik: Sorunlar ve Perspektifler (with Kuvvet Lordoğlu), Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Istanbul, 1998, in Turkish.


“Kentli Kadınların Çalışma Koşulları ve Çalışma Yaşamını Terk Nedenleri”, Mart 1998 İktisat, Sayı: 377 (with Hülya T. Tanrıöver and Ayşe Eyüboğlu) reprinted in Oya Çitçi (ed.), 20. Yüzyılın Sonunda Kadınlar ve Gelecek Konferansı Bildirileri, pp. 207–216, TODAİE Yayınları, Ankara.


“Büyük Kentlerde Kadınlar ve İşsizlik”, Suna Kili’ye Armağan, edited by Oya Köymen, Boğazici University Press, İstanbul, 1998, pp. 303-312, in Turkish.


“Kentsel Kayıtdışı Kesimde İstihdam Sorununa Yaklaşımlar ve Bir Ön Saha Çalışması”, METU Studies in Development, Vol. 23, No.4, 1996, pp. 509-534.


“Employment in Turkey: The Importance of the Informal Sector”, FORUM, March 1996.


“IMF Programları ve Gelir Dağılımı”, Banka ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, Vol. 32, 1995.


“Some Observations on the Position of Women in the Labor Market in the Development Process of Turkey”, Boğaziçi Journal, Vol. 8, No.1-2, 1994, pp.21-43.


“Türkiye Dışalım Girdi-Çıktı Tablosu” (with Erdoğan Özötün), SIS, 1979, Ankara.





Micro and Small Enterprises Dataset for Turkey (2006) http://www.erf.org.eg/cms.php?id=MSE_Database




Boğaziçi Journal, Symposium on Engendering Home and Work, Vol.16, No.2, Winter 2002.


Toplum ve Bilim,  Emek Piyasası Teorileri ve Türkiye'de Emek Piyasası Çalışmalarına Eleştirel Bir Bakış, No.86, Fall 2000 (with Fuat Ercan).


İktisat, Kadınlar ve Çalışma Yaşamı, Mart 1998, Sayı: 377.





“The Impact of Economic Restructuring and Technological Change on Female Employment in the Turkish Banking Sector”, (with Gülay Günlük -Şenesen), Technology and Development in the New Millennium, edited by Abid Azhar et al, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, jointly organized by the Third World Science Technology and Development (STD) Forum (UK) and the University of Karachi (Pakistan), B.C.C.T Press, University of Karachi, 2003, pp.283-290.





“Alibeyköy Enformal Kesim Hanehalkı Ön Araştırması, Research Paper, Boğaziçi University, 1994.





“Women, Citizenship and the Social Security System in Turkey: Exclusion and Dependency”


“Women Entrepreneurs in Turkey: Obstacles, Potentials and Future Prospects”, to be published by CAWTAR.





“Sosyal Güvenlik Yasa Tasarısı Kadınlara Nasıl Bir “Güvenlik” Vaadediyor?”, Amargi, Bahar, 2008.


“Neoliberalizm ve Yoksulluk”, Amargi, Güz, 2007.


“Devlet Biz Yokmuşuz Gibi DavrandıRadikal 2, 25.06.2006 (with Tahir Dadak and Zarife Durmaz).


“Erkek Egemen Toplum ve Kadın İstihdamı” Toprak İşveren, Sayı: 69, Mart 2006.


“8 Mart, “Katledilen Kadınları Anma Günü” ve “İktisat Bilimi”nin Kadınlara Bakışı”, 8 Mart 2004, www.bagimsizsosyalbilimciler.org, www.bianet.org web sayfaları.





GERPA Research Grant, “Women Entrepreneurs in Turkey: Obstacles, Potentials and Future

Prospects”, 2007-2008.


Best Policy-Oriented Paper Award, "A Study on the Debt and Default Behavior of Turkish Micro and Small Enterprises" (with Nurhan Davutyan), ERF XIIIth Annual Conference, Kuwait, December 2006.


ERF (Economic Research Forum) Award, “A Study on the Debt and Default Behavior of Turkish Micro and Small Enterprises” (with Nurhan Davutyan), 2006.


International Policy Fellowship, Open Society Institute and the Central European University Center for Policy Studies, 2002-2003.


ERF (Economic Research Forum) Research Grant,Promoting Competitiveness in the Micro and Small Enterprise Sector in the Middle East and North Africa. Follow-up”, 2002-2003, principal investigator for Turkey.


ERF (Economic Research Forum) Research Grant,Promoting Competitiveness in the Micro and Small Enterprise Sector in the Middle East and North Africa”, 2000-2001, principal investigator for Turkey.


ERF (Economic Research Forum) Award, “Socio-Economic and Cultural Aspects of the Female (Non-)Participation in the Urban Labor Force in Turkey”, 1996.


KSGM (The General Directorate on the Status and Problems of Women), Research Grant, Kadın İstihdamı İçin Yeni Perspektifler ve Kadın İşgücüne Muhtemel Talep (with Gülay Günlük -Şenesen and Engin Pulhan), 1996.


KSGM (The General Directorate on the Status and Problems of Women), Research Grant, Kentlerde Kadınların İş Yaşamına Katılım Sorunlarının Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Kültürel Boyutları (with Hülya T. Tanrıöver and Ayşe Eyüboğlu), 1995.


MERC (Middle East Research Competition) Research Grant, “Employment Aspects of the Informal Sector in Istanbul”, 1994.


Boğaziçi Research Fund, Research Grant, “Alibeyköy Enformal Kesim Hanehalkı Ön Araştırması, 1993-94.


Orient Gesellschaft Scholarship (1984-1986 and 1988-1990).


Institute of Advanced Studies and Scientific Research, Department of Economics, Vienna, Scholarship, (1986-1988).





Boğazici Journal, Ekonomik Yaklaşım, Feminist Economics, Journal of Social Policy, METU Studies in Development, New Perspectives on Turkey, Turkish Studies.





İstanbul, Nov., 3, 2008, Workshop on Gender Budgeting in Turkey: Lessons and Challenges, (with Gülay Günlük-Şenesen and KEİG), co-organizer.


İstanbul, Nov., 2-3, 2003, Workshop on Promoting Competitiveness in the Micro and Small Enterprise Sector in the Middle East and North Africa, Economic Research Forum, local organizer.


İstanbul, Feb. 1, 2003, Workshop on Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship, sponsored by the International Policy Fellowship Program of Open Society Institute and The Central European University Center for Policy Studies, organizer.


İstanbul, Sept., 9-11, 2000, Workshop on the Informal Sector, Small and Micro Enterprises, Economic Research Forum (ERF), local organizer.


İstanbul, August, 15-17, 2000, Annual Summer Conference, International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), local organizer.





Van, June 27, 2009. “Çözüme Doğru: Zorunlu Göç Mağdurları için bir Gelecek Mümkün mü?”  panelinde konuşmacı, “Türkiye’de Zorunlu Göç: Hükümet Politikaları Konferansı”, TESEV (Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation).


Montecatini Terme, March 25-28, 2009. “Women, Citizenship and the Social Security System in Turkey: Exclusion and Dependency”, Workshop on Social Rights and Working Women: Examining Labour Laws, International Conventions, and Women’s Economic Citizenship in the Mediterranean Region at the 10th Mediterranean Research Meeting organized by the European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.


Ankara, Nov. 17-18, 2008. “Kriz ve KOBİ’ler”, Kriz ve…, Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Gelişme ve Toplum Araştırmaları Merkezi (GETA).


İstanbul, Nov. 15, 2008. “Kriz ve Kadınlar Üzerindeki Etkileri”, Sempozyum: Kadınlar Krizi Konuşuyor,  Araştırma Eğitim Merkezi (TAREM), Hava-İş, Petrol-İş ve Tek Gıda İş.


Ankara, Oct. 21-22, 2008. “Sivil Toplum: Kadınlar Açısından AB-Türkiye Sosyo-Ekonomik İşbirliği”, Sivil Toplum Diyaloğu. Ortak çalışma kültürü aracılığıyla Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye’den işçileri bir araya getirmek, organized by European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).


Bangkok, June 29-July 1, 2007, Annual Conference on Feminist Economics, IAFFE.


Ankara, April 25, 2007, “Kadın Girişimciliği”,  Kadın Girişimciliği Deneyimler ve Değerlendirmeler Konferansı, ILO.


Ankara, Sept. 11-13, 2006 “Gender Budgeting: Theory and Experience” organized the session (with Gülay Günlük Şenesen), International Conference on Economics, organized by Turkish Economic Association.


Karaburun, Sept. 8-10, 2006 “Üniversite’de Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve İktidar” Karaburun Bilim Kongresi (with Gülay Günlük Şenesen).


Sydney, July 7-9, 2006 “Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurship: Who Benefits?”, Annual Conference on Feminist Economics, IAFFE.


Cairo, Dec. 18-19, 2005 “Micro and Small Enterprises in Turkey: Uneasy Development”, Final Conference on Promoting Competitiveness in the Micro and Small Enterprises Sector in the Middle East and North Africa, Economic Research Forum for Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey.


Hammamet, Tunisia, July 19, 2005 “Microcredit in Turkey”, Workshop on Gender Impact of Trade Liberalization in MENA, Center of Arab Women for Training and Research, CAWTAR, sponsored by Mediterranean Development Forum, The World Bank.


Beirut, Oct. 22-24, 2004 "Beirut Conference on Public Spheres", SSRC/AUB.


Beirut, Dec. 14-16, 2004, Workshop on Promoting Competitiveness in the Micro and Small Enterprises Sector in the Middle East and North Africa, Economic Research Forum for Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey.


Oxford, United Kingdom, August 5-7, 2004 IAFFE Conference on Feminist Economics.


Cairo, Egypt, May 6, 2004, The Case of Egypt. ERF Seminar on the Promise of Micro and Small Enterprise.


Diyarbakır, April 9, 2004, Kadın Girişimciliği Ulusal Arama Toplantısı, GAP-GİDEM.


Bursa, March 27, 2004, “Barriers to Women’s Micro and Small Enterprise Success in Turkey”, Workshop on Policies in Favor of Disadvantaged Social Groups Women’s and Youth Programme  Europa-Bridges of Knowledge Programme, Turkish SMEs in the Course of Accession to the European Union. (Bilgi Köprüleri Programı) organized by BUSİAD.


Diyarbakır, Feb. 10, 2004, Kadın Girişimciliği Bölgesel Arama Toplantısı, GAP-GİDEM.


İstanbul, Nov., 12-13, 2003, “Türkiye’de Mikro ve Küçük İşletmeler”, VII. Araştırma Zirvesi, organized by Pazarlama ve Kamuoyu Araştırmacıları Derneği.


İstanbul, Nov., 2-3, 2003, Workshop on Promoting Competitiveness in the Micro and Small Enterprise Sector in the Middle East and North Africa, Economic Research Forum.


Ankara, Sept. 30, 2003, A Participatory Workshop on Gender Issues in Turkey, jointly organized by The World Bank and Middle East Technical University.


Ankara, Sept. 6-9, 2003, “Kadın Girişimciliğinin Önündeki Engeller. Mikro ve Küçük İşletmeler”, ERC/METU.


Barbados, June 27-29, 2003, “Barriers Faced by Female Entrepreneurs of Micro and Small Enterprises in Turkey: Empirical and Methodological Findings”, The 2003 Conference on Feminist Economics, IAFFE.


Budapest, Hungary, March 6-12, 2003, International Policy Fellowship Seminar, Open Society Institute and the Central European University Center for Policy Studies.


Istanbul, Feb. 1, 2003, Workshop on Promotion of Female Entrepreneurship, sponsored by the International Policy Fellowship Program of Open Society Institute and The Central European University Center for Policy Studies, organizer.


Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 18-21, 2003, Globalization and Equity, The 4th Annual Global Development Conference, Global Development Network (GDN).


Budapest, Hungary, Oct. 20-30, 2002, International Policy Fellowship Seminar, Open Society Institute and The Central European University Center for Policy Studies.


Amman, Jordan, Oct. 7, 2002, Workshop on Promoting Competitiveness in the Micro and Small Enterprise Sector in the Middle East and North Africa, Economic Research Forum.


Mainz, Germany, Sept 9-12, 2002, First World Congress on Middle Eastern Studies.


Los Angeles, USA, July 12-14, 2002, Summer Conference, International Association for Feminist Economics, vice president.


Budapest, Hungary, June 2-12, 2002, International Policy Fellowship Seminar, Open Society Institute and The Central European University Center for Policy Studies.


Budapest, Hungary, March 3-15, 2002, International Policy Fellowship Seminar, The Central European University Center for Policy Studies and Open Society Institute.


Ahmedabad, India, January 16-22, 2002, Annual Meeting, SEWA (Self-Employed Women’s Association) and WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing).


Amman, Jan. 6-9, 2002, Social Science Research Council, Middle East and North Africa Advisory Panel Meeting.


Istanbul, Nov. 30- Dec. 2, 2001, “Bankacılık Sektöründe Cinsiyete Dayalı Meslek Ayrımı”, TMMOB Sanayi Kongresi, Küreselleşme ve Sanayileşme”, (with Gülay Günlük-Şenesen).


New York, Oct. 19-20, 2001, Social Science Research Council, Middle East and North Africa Advisory Panel Meeting.


London, July 20-22, 2001, “Child and Female Labor Force Participation in the Turkish Urban Informal Sector” (with Mehmet Emin Karaaslan)” Middle East Economic Association (MEEA) and School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, 1st European Conference, Global Change and Regional Integration: Redrawing the Economic Boundaries in the Middle East and North Africa.


Cairo, April 6-7, 2001, Workshop on Promoting Competitiveness in the Micro and Small Enterprise Sector in the Middle East and North Africa, Economic Research Forum.


Tokyo, Dec.11-13, 2000, GDN2000, Beyond Economics. Multidisciplinary Approach to Development.


Amman, Oct., 26-29, 2000, The Informal Sector, Small and Micro Enterprises Workshop,

Economic Research Forum.


                   Istanbul, August, 15-17, 2000, “Some Observations on Female Employment Decisions in the Turkish Tourism and Textile Industry”, (with Gülay Günlük-Şenesen), Summer Conference, International Association for Feminist Economics, IAFFE.


Istanbul, August, 15-17, 2000, “Women in the Informal Sector in Turkey”, (with Mehmet Emin Karaaslan), Summer Conference, International Association for Feminist Economics, IAFFE.


Ankara, June 19-23, 2000, "Theoretical Approaches to the Informal Sector", Seminar on Hidden Economy, State Institute of Statistics.


Cairo, May 1-3, 2000, The Informal Sector, Small and Micro Enterprises Launch Workshop, sponsored by the Economic Research Forum with support from the International Development Research Center (IDRC), USAID and the Ford Foundation.


Karachi, April 24-27, 2000, “The Impact of Technological Changes on Female Employment in the Turkish Banking Sector” (with Gülay Günlük-Şenesen), The Fifth International Conference of the 'Third World Science Technology and Development Forum', Technology and Development in the New Millenium.


Ottowa/Canada, June 17-19, 1999, “Gender-Based Occupational Segregation in the Turkish Banking Sector”, (with Gülay Günlük-Şenesen), Summer Conference,  International Association for Feminist Economics, IAFFE.


Ankara, Nov. 30, 1998, “Employment Aspect of the Informal Sector", Conference on Main Characteristics and Trends of the Turkish Labour Market, International Labour Organization and the State Institute of Statistics.


Ankara, Sept. 8-12, 1998, “Gender-Based Occupational Segregation in the Turkish Banking Sector”, (with Gülay Günlük-Şenesen), ERC/METU.


Marrakech/Morocco, Sept. 3-6 1998, Mediterranean Development Forum organized by the World Bank and the NGOs in the MENA and North Africa region.


Amsterdam, June 6, 1998, “Economic Restructuring and Resisting Gender Roles in Turkey”, Summer Conference on “Feminist Approaches to Economics” organized by the International Association for Feminist Economics, IAFFE.


Istanbul, Dec. 6, 1997, “The Informal Sector and Social Security: Problems and Prospects” (with Kuvvet Lordoglu), A Social Dialogue Meeting organized by Friedrich-Ebert Foundation.


Ankara, Sept. 18-20, 1997, “Determinants of Female (Non-)Participation in the Urban Labor Force in Turkey” (with Gülay Günlük-Şenesen), ERC/METU.


New Orleans/USA, Jan. 4-6, 1997, “Deteminants of Female (Non-) Participation in the Urban Labor Force in Turkey” (with Gulay Gunluk-Senesen), Annual Meeting of Middle East Economic Association.


Kuwait, Sept.16-18, 1996. “Socio-Economic and Cultural Aspects of the Female (Non)Participation in the Urban Labor Force in Turkey”, Conference on Labor Markets and Human Resource Development, organized by the Economic Research Forum, ERF.


Aswan/Egypt, Dec. 1-3, 1995. "The Informal Sector in Turkey", Workshop on The Dynamics of the Informal and Small-Scale Enterprise Sector, organized by the Economic Research Forum, ERF.


Cairo/Egypt, Dec. 16-18, 1994, "Patterns and Trends in the Female Labour Force Participation: Some Reflections on the Middle East", Workshop on Labor Markets and Human Resource Development, organized by Economic Research Forum.





Gizem Muhtar (continued) “Gender-Based Occupational Segregation and the Impact of Financial Crises on Women’s Employment in the Turkish Banking Sector’.


Z. Burcu Songur (2005) "Growth Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Turkey"

(with Gökhan Özertan).


Elif Onmuş (2004) “Economic Development and Convergence in Turkey: A Province Based Assessment with a Special Emphasis on the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP).





Ec 101 Principles of Microeconomics

Ec 102 Principles of Macroeconomics

Ec 317 Gender and the Economy

Ec 471 Growth and Development

Ec 474 Topics in International Development




IAFFE, International Association for Feminist Economics, Vice-President, 2002-2007.

MEEA, Middle East Economic Association.

Öğretim Üyeleri Derneği, Member of the Board, 1998-2002.

SSRC, Social Science Research Council, Middle East and North Africa Advisory Panel 2001-2005.

MEAWARDS Selection Committee, 2001-2002.