Challenges to the use of Health Impact Assessment


2003-4 IPF Project

2002-3 IPF Project






March 2003

Margit OHR
International Policy Fellow


Project implementation began in March 2002. However, before then I was fortunate to identify a Hungarian Policy Mentor, Dr Mihály Kökény - by November 2001. At that time, Dr Kökény was Chairman of the Hungarian Parliamentary Health and Social Affairs Committee. Since, the 2002 General Election in Hungary, he has been appointed as Political Secretary to the new Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs. His contact address is:

Dr. Mihály Kökény
Parliamentary Secretary of State
Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs
Akadémia u. 3.
1051 Budapest
Phone: (00-36)-1-475-5780
E-mail: mihaly.kokeny@szcsm.gov.hu

At the same time, I began exploring, with OSI, possibilities for an international mentor experienced in Health Impact Assessment. The search and discussion about possible mentors took place between December 2001 and February 2002. Eventually, OSI approached Dr. Martin Birley of IMPACT (International Health IMPACT Assessment Consortium). Once Dr. Birley had read my proposal he agreed to become my mentor. He has extensive international expertise and again, I felt privileged that he agreed to be my mentor. His contact address is:

Dr. Martin Birley
IMPACT, University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 3BX
Phone: (00-44)-151-794-5570
E-mail: mhb@liv.ac.uk

In March I attended the first IPF seminar in Budapest. At the same time, I received the first budget instalment from IPF and organised appropriate infrastructure for work: lap-top computer, internet connection, mobile phone contract.

My first meeting with Martin Birley was on 27 of March 2002 in Liverpool. I also met

  • Dr. Alex Scott-Samuel, Director of the Equity in Health Research and Development Unit at the University and co-Director of IMPACT
  • Prof. Margaret Whithead, Head of Department of Public Health, University of Liverpool and Director of the Rockerfeller-funded Global Equity Project.

During my meeting with Dr Birley we discussed the following issues and tasks:

  • Participation in two conferences: International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) 15-21 June 2002, Netherlands Congress Centre, The Hague. Impact Assessment for Informed Decision Making, 5th UK National Conference on Health Impact Assessment (HIA), February, 2003.
  • Participation in a training course on introduction to HIA, 29th April – 3rd May 2002, Liverpool, IMPACT.
  • Establishing an ADVISORY COMMITEE in Hungary for the support Hungarian development of the program (for discussion with Dr Kökény after General Election in Hungary).
  • Exploring the possibility of SANCO country level HIA trials in Hungary (European Commission Program). This is an opportunity to work together with EU (England, Ireland, Netherlands, and Germany) colleagues in a Pilot Project on Integrated HIA on an EU Policy.

My first research travel happened to be participation in a 2 day workshop on Supporting Public Health Development in an Enlarged European Union, London, 18-19 April 2002. This workshop was organised by the UK Department of Health and the Health Development Agency. This meeting was not originally part of my schedule, but I was invited to take part as a reporter for the Hungary sub-group within this workshop. The other countries with representation were: Poland, Czech Republic and Lithuania. Participation was relevant because Hungary is an EU Accession state and UK support in this respect will likely affect the development of my project. I attach a copy of a letter sent to Csilla Kaposvári, dated 13 May 2002, which detailed changes to my research travel at that time.

After the meeting I followed up with Dr. András Jávor, Head of the Hungarian Public Health Programme who also attended the meeting. Among other things we discussed the opportunities for institutionalizing HIA in Hungary. I exchanged information about the London meeting with my Hungarian mentor as well and we agreed to meet after the General Election.

Following the meeting I exchanged several e-mails with Ceri Breeze, Public Health Strategy Division, Welsh Assembly Government about a Pan European Survey on Health Impact Assessment. I was then asked by Dr Kökény to submit a holding response to the survey due to the transition in Government then taking place in Hungary.

At the end of April, I visited the UK again to take part in a five day training course on Health Impact Assessment - 29 April to 3 May - in Liverpool. During this course I made contact with other UK and European participants who are developing HIA work.

In writing up my Interim Research and Policy Paper, several sources have been used:

  • Published and unpublished papers and reports
  • Interviews with UK experts at IMPACT (the International Consortium for Health Impact Assessment, University of Liverpool)
  • Materials and experience of a one-week professional development training course in HIA at the University of Liverpool
  • Participation in a Department of Health meeting (London) for EU Accession Countries to look at public health development needs

In the last two weeks of May, I wrote my first:

  • Interim Activity Report + Financial Report
  • Interim Research Paper
  • Interim Policy Paper.

At this time, the Political Secretary (Dr. Mihály Kökény) of the Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs asked me to write a policy paper for the Hungarian Government to consider the challenge of Health Driven Government and the use of HIA from the perspective of my international experience so far.

I participated in the 22nd conference of the International Association of Impact Assessment between 17 and 23 of June, in The Hague, Netherlands. I established cooperation with the EC countries (UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany). They are involved with the EU in creating an integrated approach to impact assessment.

I met with the Head and colleagues of the Intersectoral Policy Office in Netherlands and discussed the possibility of visiting them in Utrecht after having a clear strategic plan on HIA within the Hungarian Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs.

I also participated in a WHO workshop. We were looking at the possibility of working together and the role of WHO.

I also planned to work together with Hungarian colleagues from the Ministry of Environment and the Central European University after the conference.

I received the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the involvement of third parties in the “Policy Health Impact Assessment for the European Union” Project (SANCO), and I communicated my acceptance of the ToR on 14 of July 2002. For the request of the research group I wrote a briefing paper on the HIA situation in Hungary as it stood as of August 15 2002.

I visited the School of Public Health in Debrecen and I met with Prof. Róza Ádány and Dr. Karolina Kósa. The purpose of the visit was to inform my colleague in the School about my OSI research and explore the possibilities of collaborating with them on HIA.

During summer I had a number of visits to the new Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs to meet and collaborate with the head of the Public Health Division about the institutionalisation of Policy HIA within our system. It was intended that this institutionalisation of HIA would be part of wider strategy development and institutional change identified in theWorkplan of the Ministry.

I also made some preparation for my interviews with the key stakeholders.


I contributed to the development of the new WHO gateway for Health Impact Assessments website.

I started my interviews with key stakeholders and I collected documents about Public Health Policy. I started to identify, collect and analyse information for a situational analysis of the existing situation in Hungary and how it might influence the use of HIA. Factors affecting the use of HIA in Hungary are summarised in a table in my Final Research Paper. I then re-analysed factors identified in a study for the Welsh Assembly Government in order to develop a comparison of the situations affecting use of HIA in Hungary and Wales (UK).

I participated in a survey by the new Policy Consultancy Unit set up at CEU and I expressed my interest to contribute to the work of this Unit in the fields of Healthy Public Policy, Public Health and Health Promotion Policy.

I had have interviews with regards to the opportunities and barriers to the use of HIA in Hungary:

  • with the head and a member of the Public Health Division at the Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs,
  • with the Director of the National Institute for Health Information of the Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs,
  • with the head of the National Public Health Programme.

I was an invited expert at a Workshop on a Strategic review of Public Health function in Hungary held on 23 September at the Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs.


Stakeholder interviews continued with two colleagues at the Public Health Department of the Semmelweis University of Medicine.

My international mentor and I had discussions about the following:

  • building the evidence base for HIA (meeting in London), the idea is to prepare systematic review of the determinants of health,
  • the next UK HIA annual conference is 5-6 February 2003, in Birmingham, probably that will be my last visit to my mentor within the framework of the fellowship,
  • Alex Scott-Samuel and colleagues had a meeting this month in Luxembourg about the SANCO project. There is some new move in the EC to give priority to integrated impact assessment.

I contributed to the evaluation of the 2003 IPF applications in two issue areas: Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal as Policy Making Tools and Policy Priorities in Public Health.

I had also been asked to contribute to the development of the Capacity Building sub-component of the Health of the Decade National Public Health Programme as a Steering Committee member.

I participated in the 13th International Policy Fellows Seminar at 21 – 30 October 2002.I also participated on the II. Health Statistics Forum which was organised by the Health Monitoring Department of the National Centre for Epidemiology.

I had a presentation about the EU Public Health Strategy at a meeting of the Health Policy Independent Network in Hungary.


I up dated my web site with the summary CV of my international mentor.

I scheduled new interviews with expert in health promotion in Hungary and sub-project director of the Health of the Decade National Public Health Programme.

I registered for the European Public Health Association Conference, Dresden, Germany, 28-30 November 2002.

I had been asked to organise a meeting of the Health Policy Independent Network for the Public Debate of the Health of the Decade National Public Health Programme, and write recommendations for the Ministry of Health Social and Family Affairs.

I had a meeting with the head of the Public Health Division at the Ministry of Health Social Family Affairs about the institutionalisation of HIA in Hungary.

I have contacts from Canada, Slovakia supporting the institutionalisation process in Hungary.

I contacted a lawyer colleague to discuss the legislation process relating to use of HIA.

I had an interview with the National Coordinator of the Hungarian Healthy City Network about the introduction of HIA into the Policy Process at national governmental level.

I participated at the 10th Annual European Public Health Association Meeting 2002 in Dresden 28 – 30 November: “Bridging the gap between research and policy in Public Health. Information, Promotion and Training”, during this:

  • I had a business meeting about the European Pilot Project on Policy Health Impact Assessment for the EU,
  • I participated on the EUPHA skills building workshop: how to write a scientific article, and a workshop on progress and problems of health promotion in Central and Eastern Europe,
  • I met with Noah Simmons from OSI New York and colleagues participated on the Project for the support of Public Health Associations in Central and Eastern Europe to offer my support for their work.


I met with colleagues from the Ministry of Environment and I had an interview with them about their experience with Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Health Impact Assessment.

I had a meeting with the head of the Public Health division of the Ministry of Health, Social and Family Affairs about my potential role after the Fellowship year was completed.

I participated at the national conference of the ‘Papai Pariz’ National Association for Health Education.

I had a meeting with the Programme Director of the ‘Johan Bela’ National Public Health Programme about institutional development of a new National Health Promotion Institute.


I had an expert meeting with the advisor of the Administrative State Secretary about the developmental needs for public health and health development.

I analysed my interview data and collected documents for my research paper and wrote the first draft report.


I participated on the 5th National Health Impact Assessment Conference in Birmingham 5-6 February 2003.

I made some preparation for my workshop with the Hungarian stakeholders for the formulation of the Policy Paper on Introduction of HIA into government policy making.

I had a presentation of my IPF findings in Slovakia 24 February 2003 as part of the preparation for the EU accession.


I delivered my public lecture: Health and EU Accession: some challenges to the use of Health Impact Assessment.

I had my workshop with OSI Public Health Fellows.

I organised and delivered a major workshop with Hungarian stakeholders to report on my research and then to discuss the policy implications of the research. The findings from this workshop have been incorporated into my final Policy Paper.

I wrote up my Final Activity Report, Financial Report, Research Paper and Policy Paper. I then updated my IPF Webpage.

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Margit Ohr, International Policy Fellow — www.policy.hu/ohr/