List of Academic and Policy Publications

“EU and the Eastern Neighbourhood: Hesitant Involvement in Conflict Resolution”, forthcoming in European Foreign Affairs Review, winter 2009/2010.

"Re-setting the Eastern Partnership in Moldova", Policy Brief 199, Centre for European Policy Studies, November 2009, Brussels.

Moldova's fragile pluralism”, in Democracy’s Plight in the European Neighbourhood: Struggling transitions and proliferating dynasties, edited by Michael Emerson and Richard Youngs, CEPS, Brussels, October 2009 (co-authored with Andrew Wilson).

“European and Russian Neighbourhood Policies Compared”, cu-authored with Andrew Wilson in Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 9:3, 2009, pp. 317 – 331.

"The Limits of Enlargement-lite: European and Russian Power in the Troubled Neighbourhood", ECFR Policy Report, London, June 2009.

"The Future of EU-Russia Relations: A Way Forward in Solidarity and the Rule of Law", European Parliament Briefing Paper, Policy Department External Policies, February 2009, co-authored with  Andrew Wilson and Pierre Noel.

“The "Sovereign Neighbourhood": Weak Statehood Strategies in Eastern Europe”, The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, 44:1, March 2009, co-authored with Andrew Wilson.

"Can the EU win the peace in Georgia?", ECRF Policy Brief, 24 August 2008, Nicu Popescu, Mark Leonard and Andrew Wilson.

"Internationalizing the Georgia-Abkhazia Conflict Resolution Process: Why a Greater European Role is Needed", GMF Policy Brief; Ron Asmus, Svante E. Cornell, Antje Herrberg, and Nicu Popescu, June 2008.

"Human Rights and Frozen Conflicts in the Eastern Neighbourhood",  Briefing Paper, Directorate General External Policies of the Union, European Parliament, November 2007.

'A Power Audit of EU-Russia Relations', co-authored with Mark Leonard, Policy Paper 1, European Council on Foreign Relations, November 2007.

§         Moldova”, in: Nations in Transit 2007, Co-authored with George Dura, Freedom House, New York, 2007.

  <>"European Neighbourhood Policy Two Years on: Time indeed for an ‘ENP Plus", co-authored with Michael Emerson and Gergana Noutcheva, CEPS Policy Brief 126, 21 March 2007, Brussels.

§         "Europe’s Unrecognised Neighbours: The EU in Abkhazia and South Ossetia", CEPS Working Document 260, 15 March 2007, Brussels.

"Russia's Soft Power Ambitions", CEPS Policy Brief 115, 27 October 2006.

"Outsourcing De Facto Statehood: Russia and the Secessionist Entities in Georgia and Moldova”,  CEPS Policy Brief 109, 20 July 2006.

"Абхазия и Южная Осетия: независимость или выживание?" (Abkhazia and South Ossetia : independence or survival?), in Pro et Contra Vol. 10, Nr. 5-6 (34), 2006, Carnegie Moscow Center, pp. 40-52.

“Moldova”, in: Nations in Transit 2006, Co-authored with George Dura, Freedom House, New York, Rowman & Littlefield, 2006.

"Settling Conflicts in the Neighbourhood: the EU and
Moldova", Occasional Paper 60, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris, October 2005. http://www.iss-eu.org

“Europeanisation and Conflict Resolution: A View from Moldova”, in Europeanisation and Conflict Resolution (Russian edition), Michael Emerson and Bruno Coppieters (eds), 2005, Ves Mir, Moscow. Also Avalaible in English in Journal of Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, Special Focus 2004.      

EU CFSP and Conflict Settlement in Transnistria, Institute for Public Policy, Chisinau, 2004 (In Romanian).

European Union’s Foreign Policy Change Towards Moldova, NATO Studies Center, Strategic Issues Review No.4, Bucharest, Politeia-SNSPA, September 2003. 

“Moldova”, in: Nations in Transit 2005, Co-authored with George Dura, Freedom House, New York, Rowman&Littlefield, 2005 available online at www.freedomhouse.org.