Initial Work and Advocacy Plan

June, 2005

Conflict Resolution Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy:

The Cases of Abkhazia and South Ossetia   


 Aim of the project

The objective of the project is to look at the possible incentives ad rewards structure of the European Neighbourhood Policy in order to strengthen the EU capacity to promote its objectives in the Wider Europe area. The project will be particularly interested in looking at concrete policies through which the EU can promote democratisation and conflict resolution in the ENP area. The paper will develop recommendations for EU institutions – the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament, as well as the governments of EU member states and EU’s neighbours

My research will consist of:

·        Analysing the EU approach to conflict resolution in its neighbourhood – the overall framework of the policy framework and the instruments of its promotion; 

·        Discuss EU policies on the conflicts in Georgia (Abkhazia and South Ossetia). The use of ENP instruments and their impact, as well as the role of the EU Special Representative;    

·        To develop policy recommendations on the development of a coherent approach to conflict resolution in EU neighbourhood with a particular emphasis on the two conflicts.


B. Identification of OSI network programs that may serve as partners and the expected benefits from the cooperation:


C. Final outcome  of the project  <>
I.                    Research paper:    
            Conflict Resolution in EU neighbourhood: Abkhazia and
South Ossetia <> 

II. Workshops and meetings

·        Participation at conferences, including the ones organised by CEPS and OSI in Brussels, but not only,

·        Meetings with EU officials – initially as part of the research process on the paper, and later in order to advocate the policy findings of the paper.

III. Policy paper   <>
            ·        CEPS could consider publishing a policy brief based on the paper; 

·        The paper will be published on a series of partner websites, including Eurojournal.org;

·        All interviewed EU officials will receive the paper by email;

·        The publication of the paper will be supported by a number of newspaper articles aimed at supporting interests towards the policy paper as well as advancing some of the recommendations in a short and more widely accessible form.