Nicu Popescu

European Union's Eastern Neighbourhood

Personal Info


My Blog in Romanian
EU Observer blog
IPF  Fellowship



Contact Info

Dr. Nicu Popescu
European Council on Foreign Relations;
4th Floor, Cambridge House;
100 Cambridge Grove;
Tel: + 44 20 70 31 02 29
Fax:+ 44 20 70 31 02 47
nicu.popescu [at]

About me

Dr. Nicu Popescu is research fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), London office, dealing with the Eastern neighbourhood of the EU. Nicu runs a blog on the EU Observer on the European neighbourhood, and a foreign policy blog in Romanian. He holds a doctorate in International Relations from the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. In 2005-2007 he was research fellow at CEPS, Brussels. In early 2005 he was a visiting research fellow at the EU Institute for Security Studies in Paris. His main areas of research interests are: the European Neighbourhood Policy, post-soviet secessionist conflicts, and developments in EU’s Eastern neighbourhood. Here is a more detailed bio.

Recent Publications

“EU and the Eastern Neighbourhood: Reluctant Involvement in Conflict Resolution”, European Foreign Affairs Review 14:4, 2009.

"Re-setting the Eastern Partnership in Moldova", Policy Brief 199, Centre for European Policy Studies, November 2009, Brussels.

Moldova's fragile pluralism”, in Democracy’s Plight in the European Neighbourhood: Struggling transitions and proliferating dynasties, edited by Michael Emerson and Richard Youngs, CEPS, Brussels, October 2009 (co-authored with Andrew Wilson).

"The Limits of Enlargement-lite: European and Russian Power in the Troubled Neighbourhood", ECFR Policy Report, London, June 2009.

“The "Sovereign Neighbourhood": Weak Statehood Strategies in Eastern Europe”, The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, 44:1, March 2009, co-authored with Andrew Wilson.

"The Future of EU-Russia Relations: A Way Forward in Solidarity and the Rule of Law", European Parliament Briefing Paper, Policy Department External Policies, February 2009, co-authored with  Andrew Wilson and Pierre Noel.

"Internationalizing the Georgia-Abkhazia Conflict Resolution Process: Why a Greater European Role is Needed", GMF Policy Brief; Ron Asmus, Svante E. Cornell, Antje Herrberg, and Nicu Popescu, June 2008.

"A Power Audit of EU-Russia Relations", co-authored with Mark Leonard, Policy Paper 1, European Council on Foreign Relations, November 2007.

"European Neighbourhood Policy Two Years on: Time indeed for an ‘ENP Plus", Michael Emerson, Gergana Noutcheva, Nicu Popescu, CEPS Policy Brief 126, 21 March 2007, Brussels.

"Europe’s Unrecognised Neighbours: The EU in Abkhazia and South Ossetia", CEPS Working Document 260, 15 March 2007, Brussels.

"Абхазия и Южная Осетия: независимость или выживание?" (Abkhazia and South Ossetia : independence or survival?), Нику Попеску, in Pro et Contra Vol. 10, Nr. 5-6 (34), 2006, Carnegie Moscow Center, pp. 40-52.

"Russia's Soft Power Ambitions", CEPS Policy Brief 115, 27 October 2006, Brussels.

"Outsourcing De Facto Statehood: Russia and the Secessionist Entities in Georgia and Moldova", CEPS Policy Brief 109, 20 July 2006.

"Settling Conflicts in the Neighbourhood: the EU and Moldova", Occasional Paper 60, October 2005, EU Institute for Security Studies, Paris.

Европеизация и разрешение конфликтов: конкретные исследования европейской периферии, Бруно Коппитерс, Майкл Эмерсон, Мишель Хёйссен,  Тамара Ковзиридзе, Гергана Нутчева, Натали Точчи, Мариус Валь, с комментариями Нику Попеску, Гиа Нодиа, 2005, «Весь Мир». (the English Version)

See the complete list of publications

My EU Observer blog on the neighbourhood


Of Euro-pessimism and failures, EU Observer, 15.12.2009.

Germany's new Ostpolitik?, EUObs blog, 10.12.09.

Russia's Chinese neighbourhood, EUObs blog, 7.12.09.

Russia's vs China's rise, EUObs blog, 1.12.09.

"A new ENP for the new Commission?", EU Observer blog, 28.11.09.

"Ukraine: small state or regional power?", Dzerkalo Tyzhnya, 21 November 2009, Kiev (in Russian and  Ukrainian)

EU-Armenia: high-level, but low-profile, EU Observer, 12 October 2009.

Supporting Moldova's Democratic Transition, ECFR Policy Memo, October 2009.

EU's failure in Georgia, EU Observer, 4 October 2009.

Moldova's fin de regime, EU Observer, 23 September 2009.

Un minister al integrarii europene pentru Moldova, 13 August 2009.

Demonolizarea puterii in Moldova, Timpul, 10 August 2009.

Moldova defies post-Soviet traditions, EU Observer, 9 August 2009.

The Summer of Eastern Europe's Discontent, Wall Street Journal, 14 July 2009.

Moldova threatens Europe's eastern overtures, Financial Times, 17 April 2009.

Esecul partidelor politice din Moldova, Moldova Azi,  28 ianuarie 2009.

Pericolul reintegrarii virtuale a Moldovei, Flux, 5 September 2009 (also see the Russian and English translations)

"Politica externa a Moldovei nu trebuie  decisa de Transnistria", Flux, 22 Decembrie 2006. (see the article in English, Russian and French)

"Подо льдом замерзших рек",
Нику Попеску (on the conflicts in Abkhazia and South Ossetia), Kommersant, 17 November 2006. (See the article in French)

More articles and interviews