Gusztáv Nemes, PhD

rural sociologist

Nemes Gusztáv dolgozik

I am Gusztáv Nemes, a Hungarian rural sociologist and policy analyst. I hold a PhD from England, University of Newcastle, Centre for the Rural Economy and I currently work for the Institute of Economy at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. My main field of interest is rural development, I usually deal with EU rural, agricultural and environmental policies, with special regard to their implementation and institutional aspects. During the last two years I was doing research on the EU LEADER Programme in Spain, supported by the Marie Curie Foundation. During the following two years I plan to apply my knowledge on integrated rural development for the Central and Eastern European circumstances. One of my main objectives is to work out a participative methodology for the qualitative evaluation of local development.

Besides research I frequently do consultancy work for various Hungarian and European organisations. I speak and write in Hungarian, English and Spanish.