Gusztáv Nemes
Centre for the Rural Economy, University of Newcastle
Zsuzsanna Fazekas
University of Horticulture, St István University, Budapest
Gender and the neo-endogenous approach – support for local development
As we mentioned in the introduction, local development have an increasing
importance within rural development in Europe. One of the main reasons
for this is the still ongoing transformation of the rural economy. In the
past rural areas were considered primarily as places for primary production,
providing food, row material and human labour for the people and the industry
of the rapidly developing cities. This role was supported by the centre
through sectoral (mainly agricultural) policies. Recently, for a variety
of reasons, this situation has changed significantly. The share of agriculture
and other types of primary production within the rural economy have been
greatly reduced, and other functions gained more importance. Today the
rural economy is becoming increasingly diversified, the provision of public
goods (clean and pleasant environment e.g.), space for recreation and living
are becoming more and more important concerning rural areas. Together with
this, the social and economic picture have become more complex and the
old top-down, sectoral policies are not able to handle rural problems.
All this is resulting in the growing importance of bottom-up, local development
activities. The ‘old top-down system’ was built on central decision-making,
politics, bureaucracy and high level institutions – a playing field, traditionally
built on ‘man values and abilities’, from which women have often been partially
or totally excluded. On the contrary, the new ‘bottom-up system’ is usually
built on social networks, kinship relations and local knowledge, a playing
field in which women have better abilities and a traditionally more important
role. This means that a growing emphasis on local resources and local development
at the same time means a growing importance and role of women in the development
process and in rural economy and society as a whole.
Rural tourism could be mentioned as a good example for this, which
can be found all over Europe from the Greek islands to the Irish Republic
and Scandinavia. When farm incomes started decreasing, many family farms
started B&B, catering or small retail businesses to gain some supplementary
income. These businesses were usually run by women. As a consequence of
the ‘90s’ agricultural crisis and the booming of rural tourism these business
often became the primary source of income and the women became the breadwinners
of the family. According to a number of empirical studies, this often changed
their status not only in the family, but also within the local community
(Braithwaite 2001, Bennett 2001). One could state that, rural areas need
local development activities, which can hardly work without the active
participation of women. At the same time, if the local economy and society
is reinforced through activities in which local women have a crucial role,
it is likely to reinforce their social and economic role within family
and local society. At the end of the day, local development helps to realise
and reinforce equality and social justice, serving the interest of rural
society as a whole.
As a result of the last 15 years' evolution of EU rural policies, an
endogenous and integrated development philosophy has emerged, which is
hoped to be appropriate to reach the twofold objectives of cohesion and
diversity. This approach is territorial, rather than sectoral, builds on
local resources and reinforces the ability of local communities to control
their own socio-economic well-being (Ray 2001). This development philosophy
is widely referenced and has become the rhetoric for EU documents and speeches
today. Also, the successive reforms of structural and cohesion policies,
as well as the emergence of new requirements (such as subsidiarity, partnership,
programming) in EU policy measures made the first steps on the way of realisation
of this philosophy. If all this is understood as an evolutionary trend
or a long-term objective, then the integrated approach can be identified
as the future way of making and implementing development policies in the
However, the fundamental change in rural policies still has not occurred,
as short term policy goals and implemented measures are quite different
from long term expectations. Repeated attempts at cutting subsidies have
not been successful and the vast majority of the CAP's budget still supports
well off farmers and over-intensified production. The transformation of
the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) into an Integrated Rural Policy (IRP)
- urged by widely referenced documents, such as the 'Future of rural society'
(1988), the Cork Declaration (1996) or the Delors' Packages (?) - is still
in the unforeseeable future. A reason for this is that, despite all of
transformations and restructuring, the general view of rurality in Western
Europe can still be characterised with a strong agricultural, top-down,
sectoral orientation. Agricultural interest groups and lobby organisations
(such as national farmers' unions in the Member States, or the COPA) are
still very strong. The present system is backed by long traditions of the
CAP, well-developed institutions and bureaucracy in the EU as well as at
national level (Kola 1999, Nemes 1999, Lowe and Brouwer 2000). Though the
rhetoric of EU policies has changed significantly, one could say that rural
policies are still being made within the framework of the productivist
agricultural paradigm (Hall 1993). Reforms, initiated from within, have
not been able to shift the ruling paradigm, or change the system fundamentally.
To meet such challenges, strong outside forces are needed.
Eastern enlargement and rural development
Compared to Western Europe, CEE rural areas in general are not simply
backward, they are different. Normally they have a more traditional society,
economy and more natural resources, all advantageous for an integrated,
sustainable approach to rural development. This means tackling structural
problems and backwardness through top-down spatial and sectoral policies,
while unlocking local resources through empowerment and participation.
CEE has long been on a different development trajectory, therefore the
EU system should not be simply copied, but alternative approaches and development
models should be found. Based on their internal resources and EU assistance,
future Member States could become an experimental field and then a driving
force for the long wanted fundamental reform of EU rural policies. There
are rhetorical signs for such an evolution, but current public policies
do not support this direction sufficiently. With the opening of the accession
negotiations, the Commission rearranged the philosophy of the Phare Programme
to focus on those objectives that have direct importance in the preparations
for membership, mainly in the fields of institution building and investment
. The new pre-accession programmes were also designed according to these
ideas. They do not start from the reality of Central and Eastern Europe
(CEE). They do not tackle the real socio-economic problems of rural areas,
they do not aim to maintain cultural and natural diversity, or to reach
a fair degree of economic and social cohesion in the foreseeable future.
Instead, they serve budgetary constraints and maintain the objectives,
structure and procedures of the present CAP, the Structural and Cohesion
Policies in a top-down, centralized manner, without quality changes of
the system. Beyond the rhetoric, the main aim of the pre-accession strategy
is to improve the accessibility of the official system, markets and territory
of the CEE countries for the policies, goods and capital investment of
the EU. The primary objective is to build a strong, Euro-conform bureaucracy
on a central or governmental level, which will be able to work with the
complicated official system of the EU in the near future. The secondary
objective is to ameliorate physical accessibility, mainly through building
international motorway connections, and, to a smaller extent, improving
airports, railways and trunk roads. The third objective is connected to
environmental threats of international importance, aiming to reduce water
and air pollution and the better management of municipal waste. Environment
is the field of which Hungary is most lagging behind EU requirements. However,
according to the proposals, this is also the field, where we will have
the most derogations, therefore the environment will not be an obstacle
in the way of EU membership. Concerning rural areas, the main objective
is to prepare CEE for the agricultural restructuring policies of the EU,
and the insertion of CEE agriculture into the EU in a subsidiary and very
unequal position.
Most of these developments are very much needed in CEE. They are useful
and welcomed by the applicant countries. However, they are (at least) equally
useful from the viewpoint of the short/mid-term economic and political
interests of the present EU15 . They try to smooth the accession process
for the present EU, rather than for the applicant countries. On the other
hand, the building of capacities and adequate institutions for rural development
on regional, sub-regional and local level is almost totally lacking in
the pre-accession strategy. There are insufficient resources for identifying
real problems, finding appropriate rural development models, building local
partnerships, or reinforcing rural communities in any other way. There
is no real intention to preserve cultural and natural diversity, to explore
and use local resources. In other words, the endogenous approach is almost
totally missing from the pre-accession strategy. Moreover, the requirement
of additionality ties the bulk of domestic and local resources to EU funds
and objectives too. In this way, the pre-accession strategy may even prevent
endogenous development philosophy and practice from spreading in CEE.
One could say that the pre-accession strategy concentrates mainly on
political and economic cohesion. It supports almost exclusively such objectives
which can be justified with short to mid-term political and economic interests
and it is designed in a very much centralized, top-down manner. Social
cohesion, the reinforcement of local economy and society and, in general,
the aims of an endogenous, integrated approach to rural development are
almost totally lacking. According to the present proposals the main aim
is to minimise the shock of the accession, but for the present EU, rather
than for the applicant countries.
According to today's proposals, there will not be any significant changes
in EU policies because of the eastern enlargement. However, much of the
evolution of EU policy making has been a result of problems, raised by
previous enlargements (the southern enlargement and the connected reforms
in Structural and Cohesion Policies could be the best example). According
to this experience such a significant enlargement as the Eastern European
one is likely to bring about significant changes in policy making. Considering
that, much of the expected problems are rooted in rural areas, poverty
and a need for sustainable change, the largest challenge should be expected
in the field of rural, cohesion and development policies. This might bring
about significant changes, if not in the pre-accession period, then during
the first years of membership. Concerning the 'compensation payments',
there has been some discussion in the EU about giving the equivalent amount
to the CEE countries, although not for direct agricultural subsidies, but
for sustainable, or integrated rural development. This money, some Euro
7-8000 million/year, if coupled with a clear strategy, could make a significant
change, turning the theories of the sustainable development approach into
Conclusions and recommendations
In recent years, there have certainly been an important evolution of
institutions, policies and the general perception of gender and equality-
related issues within the European Union. Nevertheless, these improvements,
especially in the field of rural development, can remain primarily on a
rhetorical level, if the current top-down, exogenous approach of core EU
rural policies does not change significantly. Values and resources, represented
by rural women, can only be efficiently harnessed in a policy environment,
which is genuinely supportive for local initiatives, community action and
an integrated approach to rural development. The situation of women in
rural areas is more likely to be improved by the utilisation of their resources
for the benefit of the whole rural community, than the force of legislation
or supervisory committees on gender issues. Thus, the future or rural women
(and the rest of the rural society) is strongly connected to the future
of neo-endogenous, integrated rural development within the EU policy system.
Though future prospects, especially concerning Eastern enlargement and
the pre-accession policies do not show much improvements in this direction,
internal and external forces are likely to bring about significant changes
in the not too distant future. Efforts to achieve the equality of all disadvantaged
social groups and to reinforce the status of rural women could well connect
with attempts to enhance local development and a neo-endogenous approach
within the rural policy system of the EU. At the same time, the coming
eastern enlargement could provide a good framework and an excellent field
for such an evolution.
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