Gusztáv Nemes PhD

Date of birth:           23rd January 1969                                                                             

Nationality:             Hungarian

Legal status:           Married

Current address:     8272 Balatoncsicsó Domb u. 1.


Higher Education

University of Newcastle, Department of Agricultural Economics,

Centre for the Rural Economy

PhD                                                                                                    2004

Research title: ‘Constructing Rural Development – models, institutions, policies and the eastern enlargement’.

MSc in Rural Resources and Countryside Management                        1997 - 1998

ELTE Science University Budapest

MA in sociology (Summa Cum Laude)                                                1991 – 1996

MA in media studies                                                                            1992 - 1996

Most important research grants

2001-2002 Hungarian Academy of Sciences OKTK - Research on EU rural dev. Policies

1999 Wye College - Travelling Scholarship

1998 Arkleton Trust, University of Aberdeen - David Moore Memorial Award

1997 SOROS Foundation - Research in EU rural development

1995/96 Foundation for the Study of the Future of Work - Village research

1994/96 SOROS Foundation - Research on small agricultural entrepreneurs

Most important scholarships and research fellowships:

2003-2005 Marie Curie Post-doctoral Research Fellowship – Valencia, Spain

2003/4 Open Society Institute, Soros Network – Continuing International Policy Fellowship

2002/3 Open Society Institute, Soros Network - International Policy Fellowship

1998/2001 Phare ACE Programme - PhD. Fellowship at Newcastle

1997/98 University of Newcastle, Eastern European Scholarships – MSc Studentship grant

1996/97 TEMPUS Foundation - Visiting researcher grant, at the Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster, London

1994/96 Scholarship of the Republic of Hungary - Studentship grant

1992/93 Hungarian Foundation for Children's Rights – Research grant

Employment History

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics (Budapest) (2005 - )
Permanent research fellow

University of Valencia (Spain), Department of Geography (2003-2005)
Marie Curie individual research fellowship

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Economics (Budapest) (1999-2003)
Permanent research fellow

Participation and Consultancy in Larger/International Research Programmes:

2003/05      Integrated Development of Agricultural and Rural Institutions in CEEC’s (IDARI)
 an EU 5th Framework, international research project, involving four major European universities and agricultural research institutions.  I am connected to the main co-ordinator, the
University of Galway as an - external expert

2002/03      European Agricultural Convention Process  
initiated by the Agricultural Committee of European Parliament, to achieve a better consideration of rural issues in the European Convention process. I represented the Hungarian Rural Parliament as a  CEE expert.

2002/03      Accession of Central and Eastern European Countries to the EU and its impact on land use and the environment
Collaborative research project, commissioned by Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and run by Agra CEAS Consulting Ltd. and the Imperial College, Wye, University of London. I was commissioned to write the Hungarian case study as a – consultant.

2001-2002 Agricultural and Rural Development Policies of the EU
a research project, subsidised and co-ordinated by the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences and OKTK. I designed the research, obtained funding and acted as a - project leader.

2000/03      The Nature of Rural Development I-II phases –
A collaborative research, funded  by WWF International and the Land Use Policy Group and run by CRE,
Newcastle and IEEP, London. I acted as – a CEE expert and the Hungarian team leader.

1999/2002 COST 12 Network (European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research), Rural Innovation Section, Local Power Working Group
An EU initiative, funded by the 5th Framework, for creating European level co-operation amongst academics. I acted as – a CEE expert.

1999/2000  Technological Foresight Programme of Hungary, Section on Rural and Agricultural Policies
A collaborative programme, commissioned by Ministry of Education of Hungary, to work out the best strategies for technical, socio-economic and policy development. I acted as a – consultant.

Important Conferences and Workshops Attended (during the last three years)

2004           “CAP Rural Development policy and nature conservation in Extremadura, 14th-15th December 2004”, en Jarandilla, Extramadura. (Seminar, organised by the Instituto de Desarrollo Rural Sostenible (IDRiSi)) I was invited by the organisers to take participate in the debate.

                   Foro de Cooperación Trasnacional en Desarrollo Rural (Forum on Trans-national Co-operation in Rural Development), Avilés, Spain, 29 September - 2 October, ELARD (European LEADER Network for Rural Development) I was invited as a CEE expert to participate in the roundtable discussion

                   XI World Congress of Rural Sociology - Globalisation, Risks and Resistance, Trondheim, Norway July 25 – 30, Presentation title:  Integrated Rural Development, and the Reflexive Agency - theory and practice in a Hungarian pilot programme”

                    Encuentro Europeo – de Cooperación en Desarrollo Rural, Cázeres 2-4 Junio, (European Congress of Co-operation in Rural Development). Organised by ELARD (European LEADER Network for Rural Development) I was invited as a CEE expert to participate in the roundtable discussion

2003           Good Farming Practice in CEECs, Budapest, 7-8 April, (IEEP, UNEP)
I was invited by the organisers, Presentation title: Rural development and preparation for EU accession in Hungary

                   Future Policies for Rural Europe 2006 & Beyond - long term support to rural areas in an expanding Europe 12-14 March, Hotel Metropole – Brussels (UK LUPG), I was invited by the organisers to participate in the roundtable discussion

                   II. European AgriCulture Convention, International Workshop, Brussels, January I was invited to participate as a CEE expert, and as a member of the Hungarian Rural Parliament

2002           Workshop on CAP reform and future EU policy for rural areas, London, 4-5 December, I was an opponent of  David Baldock, Director, Institute for European Environmental Policy, London, for his paper on: Lessons from previous enlargements of the EU.

                   European AgriCulture Convention, International Workshop, Brussels, 6-7 June, I was invited to participate as a CEE expert, and as a member of the Hungarian Rural Parliament

                   Political Priorities between East and West, Vienna, 18-19 March, IDM (Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe) Participation in the Civil Society Working Group


Selected Publications (2002-2005):

 <>Nemes, G. (2005) Brüsszeltől Baranyáig - Központi és helyi vidékfejlesztés az EU-ban és Magyarországon (From Brussels to Baranya county – Central              and local rural development in the EU and in Hungary), Századvég, Budapest (to be published)

       Nemes, G. (2004) Rural development and pre-accession preparation in Hungary Croatian International Relations Review, 10 (34/35), pp. 31-41 (ISSN 1331-1182)

Nemes, G. (2004) Constructing Rural Development – models, institutions, policies and the eastern enlargement, Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

       Nemes, G. (2003) Vidékfejlesztés és elõcsatlakozási felkészülés Magyarországon - A SAPARD program hatásai és mellékhatásai (Rural Development and Pre-accession Preparation in Hungary), Közgazdasági Szemle (Hungarian Review of Economics), L. évf., 2003. január (56–75. o.) Also online in English at: WWW.LUPG.ORG.UK

Nemes, G. (2002) Profit, politics and sustainability - The determinants of rural- and agri-environmental policy-making in Hungary – In.: CEESA, Phare ACE Seminar on: Sustainable Agriculture in Central and Eastern European Countries: The Environmental Effects of Transition and Needs for Change

Nemes Gusztáv, Fazekas Zsuzsanna (2002) Integrating Rural Women – EU policies and the evolution of rural development In.: The New Challenge of Women’s Role in Rural Europe Agricultural Research Institute, Nicosia



Balatoncsicsó, 2005-09-02