International Policy Fellowships

Fellow 2001  Myagmar Munkhmandakh / MONGOLIA

Surname         Myagmar
First Name      Munkhmandakh
Date of birth    February 6, 1968
Birthplace       Ulaanbaatar/ Mongolia


Address:       Ulaanbaatar/Mongolia
                       P.O.B 366/210620 
                       Ikh toiruu 11B
Phone:          +976-11-353475 (office)
                       454336 or 459807 (h) 
Fax:                +976-1-350002

Full CV(Acrobat reader needed)

Media expert with six years experience in media research, coordination and implementation of short and long term projects in media field, journalistic work in print and broadcast media in German and Mongolia.


Work experience
  • Press Institute, Mongolia / Head of the Media monitoring section 

  • Assignments: 
    • Implementation of the media monitoring project; 
    • Up-to-date documentation of media development in Mongolia;
    • Work on database for media managers and journalists.
    • organize round tables & workshops with media researchers, journalists, managers and politicians
  • Freelance for Mongolian youth paper “Mongolyn Zaluuchuud” / Ulaanbaatar/ Mongolia
  • Practical training with German International Broadcaster Deutsche Welle  (Voice of  Germany)
  • Internship Program, German Bundestag, department for international relations

IPF Research work

Transformation of the Mongolian Broadcasting system: Prospects of Public Service Broadcasting In a Dual System

The research project aims to analyze the development of the government policy in regard to transformation of the Mongolian broadcasting system, explore existing draft laws by comparing them with the practice of more experienced as well as transition countries. The information provided in this paper as well as proposals how to improve the broadcasting policy can contribute first of all to the enlightenment and strengthening of self-interest groups (journalists, professional organizations, media institutions etc.) as potential actors of policy making. At the same time, as the first ever systematik analysis and summary of the endeavors to transform broadcasting in Mongolia and evaluation of the (final) bill with regard to future prospects, this paper can render basic source for politicians to develop a legislated broadcasting policy in accordance with circumstances unique to Mongolia but also regarding the international development trends in a context of technological revolution, globalization and rise of commercial environment. 

Final report 2002
1. Research paper (PDF)
2. Policy Paper

3. References

4.Activity report

5. Mentors evaluations (PDF)
5.1. Poul Erik Nielsen, 
Associate Professor, Department of Information and Media Studies, University of Aarhus, Denmark
5.2. Tsend Enkhbat General Director of Mongolian National Television