Survery Results

(by percentage)
Citizen's rights on environment YES % NO % I DO NOT KNOW % YES % NO % I DO NOT KNOW % YES % NO% I DO NOT KNOW %
1. Are there any Constitutional rights for healthy environment? 90.38 0 9.62 54.76 14.29 30.95 65.17 10.11 24.72
2. Are there any rights for obtaining environmental information? 73.08 19.23 7.69 56.35 21.43 22.22 61.24 20.79 17.98
3. Do the citizens/NGOs have the right to participate in EIA process? 65.38 7.69 26.92 12.7 20.63 66.67 28.09 16.85 55.06
4. Do the citizens/NGOs have the right to carry out an independent EIA? 55.77 32.69 11.54 11.11 9.52 79.37 24.16 16.29 59.55
5. Are there any legal mechanism through which the public can complain against violation their right with respect to the environment? 78.85 7.69 13.46 35.71 38.89 25.40 48.31 29.78 21.91
PP in practice  
1. Have you/your NGO ever used the right to carry out an independent EIA ? 3.85 92.31 3.85 0.00 88.10 11.90 1.12 89.33 9.55
2. Is general public properly informed during environmental DM process? 1.92 98.08 0.00 4.76 94.44 0.79 3.93 95.51 0.56
3. Do you/your NGO participates in solving primary environmental problems for Georgia at present? 80.77 15.38 3.85 13.49 71.43 15.08 33.15 55.06 11.80
4. Have you ever participated in DM as an ordinary citizen? 88.46 11.54 0.00 6.35 93.65 0 30.34 69.66 0
5. Do you know many examples of an effective PP in Georgia? 61.54 36.54 1.92 43.65 53.97 2.38 48.88 48.88 2.25
6. Have you ever complaint against decision of the authorities which you consider improper or directly affecting you? 34.62 65.38 0.00 7.14 92.86 0 15.17 84.83 0
7. Do you think that public involvement has increased during the last few years? 100.00 0.00 0.00 89.68 1.59 8.73 92.70 1.12 6.18
Cultural acceptance of PP  
1. Do you regard PP as necessary element in environmental DM process? 100.00 0.00 0.00 96.03 2.38 1.59 97.19 1.69 1.12
2. Do you think that public opinion will be seriously taken into account in DM? 44.23 32.69 23.08 15.08 73.02 11.90 23.60 61.24 15.17
Aarhus'98 Convention  
1. Are you informed about the Environment for Europe process? 59.62 38.46 1.92 7.14 81.75 11.11 22.47 69.10 8.43
2. Do you have any information about Aarhus’98 convention? 67.31 28.85 3.85 10.32 80.16 9.52 26.97 65.17 7.87
Problem identification  
1. Do you think that obtaining of environmental information is difficult? 50 48.08 1.92 61.90 34.92 3.17 58.43 38.76 2.81
2. Is the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Georgia and related to it institution main source for environmental information for you? 5.77 94.23 0.00 11.90 46.03 42.06 10.11 60.11 29.78
3. Prioritize the following means for development an effective PP in Georgia:      
i. increasing public awareness in environmental field 3.85 30.95 23.03
ii. more transparency of DM process 84.62 51.59 61.24
iii. more information about instruments for participation in DM 11.54 17.46 15.73

Last Updated on 6/15/99
By Tamar Mtvarelidze

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