Tamar Mtvarelidze

Contact information

16, Pretriashvili Str., 380009 Tbilisi, Georgia

Phone: 995 32 22 52 57; 995 39 57 53 57

E-mail: civil@access.sanet.ge


Date & place of birth

May 17, 1974, Tbilisi


1991-1996 Tbilisi State University

Dept. of Geography/Geology, B.Sc in Geology

1996-1997 Central European University of Budapest

M. Sc. in environmental sciences and policy

Research topic: A comparative Analysis of Environmental

Impact Assessment in Georgia with United Kingdom Regulations

and a Review of the Western Route Export Pipeline Project

  Working experience

1995 –1999 Ecological Biomonitoring Association


Pipeline –Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow!

Seminar-Training for young scientist on environmental protection

Human and Environment

Beware Pesticides!

Independent Monitoring of Western Route Export Pipeline



Annual Conference at Tbilisi State University.

Local Coordinator of the roundtable on Aarhus’98 Conference

on public participation, right to know, access to information, access to justice,

Tbilisi, 1998


1996 Soros Foundation Scholarship for studying at CEU

1997 Students Research Grant of CEU of Budapest

1998 Open Society International Fellowship

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