Promotion of Civil Society via Public Participation in Georgian Reforms


An effective Public Participation (PP) in the decision making process is one of the main tools for democratic development of the country. Long period of Soviet regime resulted in an absence of tradition for PP in Georgia. Due to this fact the number of people participating in decision-making process is very low and is usually confined to the same individuals - representatives of the interested parties. It is reasonable to expect that the relatively new legislative framework requiring public notification and participation in decision making will encourage the process of cultural acceptance of this issue. Every person should analyze his or her «right to know» and «right to live in the healthy environment».

 PP is being intensively promoted throughout whole Europe. In Central and Eastern Europe, ten years ago, started a real Pan-European process of working together on solving urgent environmental problems in that region and finding ways for a European Sustainable Future, based on Agenda 21, adopted in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. This process became known as "Environment for Europe".

 It was in 1991, in Dobris (Czechoslovakia), when the governments met for the first time to discuss the elements of a common European environmentally sustainable future and worked out a program for development of PP in Europe. Later in Lucerne (1993) and Sofia (1995) the Ministers met again to further elaborate on this problems. Aong the most important results of this process were the guidelines for PP and Access to Environmental Information, and a decision to develop Convention of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) on this matter.

 The most recent event for PP promotion is Aarhus’98 Convention which was held during June 23-25, 1998 in Aarhus, Denmark. Convention on Access to Environmental Information, Public Participation in Decision making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters is one of the most important goal of the Aarhus’98 conference - Ministers for the Environment. Georgia, togethr with other 35 countries, joint this Convetion.

 Proceeding from all above mentioned, it is necessary to elaborate a program for development PP in Georgia, to catch-up with the reforms taking place in Europe and promote the democratic development of the country.

 An effective PP largely depends on formal provisions such as

 a) National level legislation

 b) International level

 While in real life an effectiveness of PP is provided by utilization of non-formal tools for its development such as:

 Therefore, this project should be regarded as one of the non-formal tools for PP promotion in Georgia.

 Aims of the project are:

 The establishment of environmental NGO participation data bank gives an opportunity to carry out annual PP progress monitoring activities. The follow-up of the project and all the activities connected with its future continuation will promote development of an open pluralist democratic civil society in Georgia. The recommendations and results elaborated after the project implementation will be presented to the environmental authorities and it is likely that they will be used for finding ways for better co-operation between these sectors. Thus, it will contribute to the improvement of the decision-making process.


Last Updated on 6/14/99
By Tamar Mtvarelidze
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