George Tarkhan-Mouravi

Selected Publications & Conference Papers

1.       Panel Survey of the Georgia’s Population: October 2002: Brief outline of results.  (with Nana Sumbadze) IPS, Tbilisi, 2003 (In English and Georgian)

2.        Around Georgian-Ossetian Relations, Iber-Iron, #1, January 2003 (in Russian)

3.        From Independence to Independence: 70 Years of Soviet Georgia, Bennett & Bloom Publ., London (in print, draft text available at:

4.        Georgia’s unsteady step westward, Perihelion, European Rim Policy and Investment Council (ERPIC), December 2002,      'sunsteadystepwestward.html

5.        Some considerations related to the resolution of Georgian-Ossetian conflict, paper at the conference “Georgian-Ossetian Conflict: Analysis and Search for Regulation Paths”, Tbilisi, September 23, 2002.

6.        A “Realistic” Approach to Regional Security in the South Caucasus, Policy Paper, International Policy Fellowship Program, 2002:

7.        Some aspects of interethnic relations in Georgia, Paper at the Conference "Framework Convention on Minorities Rights and Georgian Legislation", Tbilisi, 31 January – 1 February 2002 (in print)

8.        Poverty and Anti-Poverty Measures in Georgia: Actors, Factors, Approaches and Trends, (with Nana Sumbadze), paper at the RC 19 Annual Conference 'Old and New Social Inequalities. What Challenges for Welfare States?'  Oviedo, Spain, September 7-9, 2001

9.        Repatriation and Adaptation of Georgia’s Meskhetians: Society and State in Supra-National Context. (with Nana Sumbadze), Paper presented at RC 19 conference of International Sociological Association "Old and New Social Inequalities and Social Policy" What Challenges for Welfare States?', Oviedo, Spain, September 7-9, 2001  

10.     Settlement Type of Repatriated Moslem Meskhetians and Attitudes of the Local Population toward Them, (with Nana Sumbadze), Proceedings of the 2nd Conference 'Problems of Repatriation, Rehabilitation and Integration of the Population, Deported in 1944 from Southern Georgia', Tbilisi, Georgia, December 19, 2001. pp. 241-248. (In Georgian and Russian)

11.     Democratic Value Orientations & Political Culture in Georgia: (with Nana Sumbadze), Occasional Papers in Public Administration & Public Policy of the NISPAcee (The Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe), Bratislava, v. II, No 3, Summer 2001, pp. 3-43

12.     Tbilisi, Georgia: The City and the Society in Transition, paper at the "World Forum of Urbanising World" - Scott Greer Sessions, Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 5 – 7 June, 2001 (in print)

13.     Social capital and adaptation of Meskhetian repatriates, (with Nana Sumbadze), Proceedings of the Conference, Greece, July 2001

14.     The making and the re-making of the Georgian nation: challenges internal and external, paper at the 2001 World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, New York, Columbia University/Harriman Institute, 4-6 April 2001.

15.     Georgia, article in: Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember (eds.), "Countries and Their Cultures", Macmillan Reference USA, London & New York, 2001, v. 2, pp. 836-846

16.     Brief History of Georgia, article for the "Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia" encyclopedia, Europa Publications, London, 2000, 2001, and 2002 (updated version under preparation)

17.     Repatriation of Meskhetians to Georgia: Some problems of adaptation and integration, Paper at the Conference: Ahıska (Meskhetian) Turks: Identity, Migration and Integration, Ankara, 14-15 December 2000

18.     Problems of national minorities and national minorities as a problem: issues and perspectives on equal opportunity and full participation in Georgian society, paper for the Regional Seminar of Experts, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in preparation for the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Warsaw, July 5-7, 2000

19.     Poverty and Democracy in Georgia: The role of external actors, paper at the Preparatory Regional Workshop, in preparation for the Democracy Forum 2000: "Democracy and Poverty: A Missing Link?", International IDEA, Yerevan, Armenia, 7-8 April, 2000

20.     Caucasian Conflicts and Security in the Black Sea Region, paper at the Conference "The Transnistrian Conflict in the Context of the Stability Pact for the Southeastern Europe", Center for European Studies of Moldova, 16-17 December, 1999, Kishenev, Moldova

21.     Tbilisi, Capital of Georgia: Winds of Change & Hope, paper at the conference: "Changing Symbolic Geographies of Central and Eastern European Capital Cities", 10 - 11 December 1999. Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften, Vienna

22.     Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict and the Quest for Regional Stability, paper at the conference: "Potentials of (Dis)Order – Former Yugoslavia and Caucasus in Comparison", organized by the Osteuropa-Institut, Free University of Berlin, 11-13 June 1999

23.     National Minorities and the Problems of Regional Security in the Caucasus, paper at the conference: "National Minorities in the Caucasus on the Eve of the 21st Century", organized by the London Information Network on Conflicts and State-Building, Tbilisi, 15-17 May 1999

24.     Georgia's Energy Prospects, (co-authored with Alexander Didebulidze), Central Asia and the Caucasus: Journal of Social and Political Studies (Sweden), No. 1, 2000; also in Russian: Central’naya Asia i Kavkaz, Lulea, Sweden, ¹ 1(2), January 1999, pp. 109-119.

25.     Some Implications of the Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict, paper at the conference: "Political Economics of Secession", organized by the World Policy Institute, New York: Barcelona, 14-15 January 1999

26.     Poverty in Georgia, UNDP Discussion Paper Series #6, Tbilisi, 1998 (in Georgian and English)

27.     Some Aspects of Poverty in Georgia, in: (eds. David Smith & Valeri Melikidze), Spatial Problems of the Transition to a Market Economy and Democratisation: Proceedings of the 3rd British-Georgian Geographical Seminar, 1-9 September 1997, University of London, 1998, pp. 89-104

28.     The Georgian-Abkhazian Conflict in a Regional Context, in: B. Coppieters et al. (eds.), Georgia & Abkhazia, The Search for a Settlement, Cologne, Sonderveröffentlichung des BIOst, 1998, pp. 90-112 (published also in Russian, Moscow, Ves Mir Publishing, 1998 (reprint in: Marco Polo Magazine, Supplement to "Acque & Terre" 2/2001, Venice) /

29.     Human Development Report: Georgia 1997, by V. Melikidze and G. Tarkhan-Mouravi, UNDP, Tbilisi, 1997 (in Georgian and English)

30.     The Road from Moscow, War Report, #51, May 1997, London, p. 15

31.     Human Development Report: Georgia 1996, by V. Melikidze, R. Stancliffe and G. Tarkhan-Mouravi, UNDP, Tbilisi, 1996 (in Georgian and English)

32.     Vulnerability in Transitional Societies. Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment for Transcaucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, by N. Russell, M. Bergman & G. Tarkhan-Mouravi, British Red Cross Society & IFRC, 1996, London

33.     De-globalization of Conflict and its Regional Implications, paper at the Conference on Central Asia and Caucasus, Tehran, January 1996

34.     New Role of Iran in the Framework of Emerging Regional Order: A 'Lock-Gate' or a 'Connecting-Link', with Gr. Beradze, CIRA Conference paper, Coventry University, 6-9 May 1996

35.     Conflicts and Interests, paper at the 3rd Conference on the Crisis in Caucasus, organized by the Heinrich-Bõll-Stiftung and the Caucasian House, Tbilisi, September 1996

36.     NGOs in Georgia, paper at the Conference on the Caucasus, Caucasus Study Group, Ingelheim, Germany, June 19-21, 1996

37.     Human Development Report: Georgia 1995, by Wolf Scott & George Tarkhan-Mouravi, UNDP, Tbilisi, 1995 (in Georgian and English)

38.     Democracy building: NGO vs. Media, World Learning Newsletter, June 1995

39.     Who Will Cut in the Silk Route? (in Georgian), with L. Litovsky, , Novaya Gazeta, June 1994

40.     Academics protest against invasion in Chechnya, with co-authors, The Guardian (December 23, 1994)/The Times/The European/etc., December 22-26, 1994

41.     The Silk Road Will Go Again via Georgia (in Georgian and Russian), with L. Litovsky and Ts. Svanidze, "Droni", 29 September 1993; Novaya Gazeta, September, 1993.

42.     Towards the Political Resolution of the Conflict in Abkhazia (in Georgian and Russian), with G. Nodia, "Droni", Novaya Gazeta, March 1993

43.     Georgian Journalists against the coup (in Russian), with co-authors, "Svobodnaya Gruzia", 20 August 1992

44.     To Stop the Bloodshed (in Georgian and Russian), "Tbilisi", 11 September 1991; "Svobodnaya Gruzia", 11 September 1991.

45.     Current Political Crisis and Georgian Traditionalists (in Georgian), "Kartveli Eri", #17 (21), September 1991

46.     The New "Amkari" and Economic Risk (in Georgian), with D. Iakobidze, "Komunisti", 3 March 1990

47.     Russia-Georgia: Pre-electoral Games? (in Georgian), "Tbilisi", 4 September 1990

48.     Political Reality and the Priorities of Today (in Georgian), with D. Iakobidze, R. Chitashvili, V. Gujabidze, and G. Nodia, "Tbilisi", 20 October 1990

49.     Seek Freedom for the Sake of Freedom (in Georgian), "Tbilisi", 27 October 1990

50.     A Center for Strategic Planning is Necessary (in Russian), "Svobodnaya Gruzia", 1 November 1990

51.     A Dangerous Tendency (in Georgian), with co-authors, "Tbilisi", 27 November 1989

52.     The New University (in Georgian), "Komunisti", 7 September 1989

53.     This is our treasure (in Georgian), "Tbilisi", 6 August 1989; reprinted in: "Specialists about the national treasure", Tbilisi, 1999, pp. 25-30

54.     Social-psychological features of the conception of friendship (in Russian, with N. Sumbadze and G. Berishvili). Abstracts. VII conference of psychologists of the USSR, Moscow, 1989.  pp. 124-125

55.     The Project of the Century! Which Century? (in Russian, Georgian and German) "Izvestia", 6 April 1988, Moscow; "Komunisti", 7 April 1988, Tbilisi; OGCD No.11, pp.24-25, March-Aprill 1989, West Berlin.

56.     To Evade the Peril (in Russian), with co-authors, "Trud", 17 October 1987, Moscow

57.     Recollections and Human Play (in Russian), paper at Leningrad Conference on Human Play and Leisure, 29 November 1985, Leningrad (St. Petersburg)

58.     Structure of Individual Goal-setting in Scientific Communities (in Russian), in: (ed.) V. Sarajishvili, Sociology and Theory of Science, Georgian Sociological Association, Tbilisi, 1984

59.    Play Element in Creative Activities (in Russian), ibid.