Matúš Minárik
Intergovernmental Media Bodies
    OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
    OSCE Freedom of Media Yearbook
    Media NGOs in the OSCE Region
    Council of Europe, Directore General of Human Rights, Media Division
    European Audiovisual Observatory, Council of Europe

International Media NGOs and Advocacy Groups
    Article 19 [Global Campaign for Free Expression]
Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC)
    Baltic Media Centre (BMC)
    Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
    European Institute for Media (EIM)
    European Journalism Centre (EJC)
    EJC European Media Landscape
    EJC Media News Digest
    Freedom Forum [Foundation dedicated to free press and free speech]
    Human Rights Watch
    Independent Journalism Foundation (IJF)
    Independent Media Center
    Index on Censorship
    International Center for Journalists
    Internation Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)
    International Journalists' Network  
    International Press Institute (IPI)
    Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR)
    Online Journalism
    Poynter Institute [Resource Website for Journalists]
    World Free Press Institute    

International Media and Journalists Associations
    Reporters Without Borders
    International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)
    International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
    International Federation of the Periodical Press (IFPP)
    Network of Independent Journalists

    World Association of Newspapers (WAN)
    Project Syndicate: An Association of Newspapers Around the World
    European Broadcasting Union (EBU)

Media Fellowships, Prizes, Awards and Development
    Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships
    Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Program
    Daniel Pearl Fellowship
    David Watt Prize
    Europe Prize
    FT - Nico Colchester Journalistic Fellowship
    FT - Peter Martin Fellowship
Hearst Journalism Awards
    Knight International Press Fellowships
    Kurt Schork Awards in International Journalism   

    Lorenzo Natali Prize for Journalism
    Milena Jesenská Fellowships for Journalists
    Reinhard Mohn Fellowship
    Ron Brown Fellowship Program

    BBC Training & Development
    International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF)
    John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
    Markle Foundation
    Media Development Loan Fund (MDLF)

    Reuters Foundation
    Thomson Foundation
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