Comparative Analysis of Poland and Slovakia

Project Timetable by Matúš Minárik

Project Duration: March 2002 – February 2003

March – April 2002

•    Refining methodology and discussing the research objectives with assigned mentors

•    Project’s First Phase: Research of two Western media models (Italy & UK)

•    Background Research on Private Media in Italy

•    Background Research on Private Media in the UK

May – June 2002

•    Research Trip to the UK
-    participation at the Reuters Journalism Course in London
-    meeting with project mentor Colin Sparks (University of Westminster) and discussion on
project goals and objectives
-    library research

•    Research Trip to Italy
-    participation at the Conference on Media Law, Media Freedom and Media Policy at the European University Institute in Florence
-    discussions with media experts at the European University Institute, Florence
-    library research

•    Comparative Policy Paper on Media Models (Italy & UK)
-    independence of mass media & freedom of expression
-    legislative framework
-    institutional arrangements
-    political culture
-    advantages and disadvantages of both models
-    lesson to be learnt for CEECs

July - August - September - October 2002

•    Project’s Second Phase: Comparative Analysis of Private Mass Media in Poland and Slovakia

•    Background Research on Private Media in Poland and Slovakia

•    Research of  Private Media in Poland and Slovakia
-    research and analysis of mass media legislation in Poland and Slovakia
-    analysis of the decisions of television oversight bodies (National Broadcasting Council in Poland and Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission in Slovakia)
-    ongoing monitoring of private television channels (TVN, TVN 24, Polsat in Poland and Markíza, Joj, TA3 in Slovakia)
-    research and analysis of monitoring data (Institute for Media Monitoring in Poland and MEMO 98 in Slovakia)
-    interviews with Media Experts from Universities (Cracow and Warsaw in Poland and Bratislava in Slovakia)
-    interviews with NGO representatives (Press Freedom Monitoring Centre, Polish Journalists Association, Institute for Media Monitoring in Poland and Centre of Independent Journalism, MEMO 98, Slovak Syndicate of Journalists in Slovakia)
-    interview at intergovernmental body – OSCE Representative on Freedom of Media, Vienna
-    interviews with policy-makers – media experts of individual political parties

November - December - January 2002  

•    Research and Policy Papers on Private Media in Poland and Slovakia
-    in the light of the findings of the Western media models analysis (Italy & UK)
-    independence of mass media & freedom of expression in Poland and Slovakia
-    legislative framework
-    institutional arrangements
-    similarities and differences of two models
-    strengths and weaknesses of two models
-    political culture
-    policy recommendation
-    broader conclusions applicable to most of CEECs

•    Presentation of Policy Paper to Policy-Makers & Stakeholders

February 2003

•    Co-operation on implementation of policy recommendation by individual stakeholders  

•    Publishing of research findings in an international media studies journal

Project Outline
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