IPF Project Final Activity Report:
March 2002 - February 2003

Matúš Minárik

The activities in the first half of the IPF project year went on according to the approved time-table and without substantial modifications. Beyond the scheduled time-table, I participated at the Reuters Journalism Course in London - a practice oriented course on writing and reporting for journalists. Another activity that was not foreseen was the participation at the Conference on Media Law, Media Freedom and Media Policy at the European University Institute in Florence. The Conference was organised by the former IPF Media Policy fellow Izabella Karlowicz, a PhD Candidate at the European University Institute. 

March – April 2002

•    Refining methodology and discussing the research objectives with assigned mentors

•    Participation at the IPF seminar on policy processes in Budapest

•    Project’s First Phase: Research of two Western media models (Italy & UK)

•    Background Research on Private Media in Italy

•    Background Research on Private Media in the UK

May – June 2002

•    Research Trip to the UK
-    participation at the Reuters Journalism Course in London
-    meeting with project mentor Colin Sparks (University of Westminster) and discussion on
project goals and objectives
-    library research

•    Research Trip to Italy
-    participation at the Conference on Media Law, Media Freedom and Media Policy at the European University Institute in Florence
-    the conference focused on media law and media freedom in the post-communist countries with participants from both academic institutions and policy-making bodies
-    discussions with media experts at the European University Institute, Florence
-    meeting with the OSI Resource Person Helen Darbishire
-    library research

•    Participation at the IPF Seminar on policy-making in Budapest

•    Comparative Policy Research Paper on Media Policies in Italy & United Kingdom
-    independence of mass media & freedom of expression
-    legislative framework
-    institutional arrangements
-    political culture
-    policy recommendations

July - August - September 2002

Finishing the comparative policy research paper on media policies in Italy and United Kingdom, I continued the ongoing work on the second and main phase of the project: analysing the media policies towards private media as well as behaviour of private media in Poland and Slovakia.

•    Project’s Second Phase: Comparative Analysis of Private Mass Media in Poland and Slovakia

•    Background Research on Private Media in Poland and Slovakia

•    Research of  Private Media in Poland and Slovakia
-    research and analysis of mass media legislation in Poland and Slovakia
-    analysis of the decisions of television oversight bodies (National Broadcasting Council in Poland and Council for Broadcasting and Retransmission in Slovakia)
-    ongoing monitoring of behaviour of private television channels (TVN, TVN 24, Polsat in Poland and Markíza, Joj, TA3 in Slovakia)
-    research and analysis of monitoring data (MEMO 98 in Slovakia, Rzeczpospolita Report in Poland)

October - November - December 2002

•    Publication of an article 'The Quality of Democracy: Learning from the Candidates?' on importance of media monitoring both in EU member states and accession countries at the EU Accession Monitoring Programme website www.eumap.org. The article was based on the research of media policies in Italy & United Kingdom (Interim IPF Policy Research Paper) and ongoing research of media policies in Poland and Slovakia.

•    Research and Policy Papers on Private Media in Poland and Slovakia
-    in the light of the findings of the Western media models analysis (Italy & UK)
-    independence of mass media & freedom of expression in Poland and Slovakia
-    legislative framework
-    institutional arrangements
-    similarities and differences of two models
-    strengths and weaknesses of two models
-    political culture
-    policy recommendations
-    broader conclusions applicable to most of CEECs

•    Presentation of Policy Paper to Policy-Makers & Stakeholders

January - February 2003

•    Finishing the research on private television broadcasting in Poland and Slovakia and drafting the final IPF papers:
-    Policy Research Paper
-    Policy Paper with a set of recommendations   

•    Participation at the Final IPF Seminar on policy-making, discussions with other IPF fellows on challenges of the policy fellowship; set of policy recommnedations and strategies for their implementation

•    Invitation to outline a proposal for the EU Accession Monitoring Program of OSI to launch media monitoring in EU member states and accession countries

•    Preparation of publication of research findings in an international media studies journal

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