Milic Milovanovic

Hi, Thanks for visiting my page!

Since 1983 I am a Professor of Economics at Belgrade University, Faculty of Economics, teaching Price Theory (Microeconomics) at graduate and postgraduate level. My research interest includes industrial organization, public choice, economics of transition, particularly privatization in Central and Eastern Europe. I have published numerous academic articles on these topics as well as the articles for a general audience in leading Serbian daily Danas (Today), and influential weekly magazine Ekonomist

I am married to a University teacher, and we have three sons. I enjoy reading books on history, literature by Thomas Mann and listening to the classical music (Bach). Swimming, hiking and cycling are my favorite sports. 

I would like to thank my friend and colleague Zlatko for help in creating this page.

Contact Information

     School of Economics, Belgrade University, Kamenicka 6, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia
     Voice: ++ 381 11 3021 038
     Fax: ++ 381 11 639 560

© 2001 Milic Milovanovic,
Last updated: 10 October 2001

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