Web pages containing information on Ukraine:
Ukraine sources general:
Ukraine economic links:
- UN in Ukraine
- UN/ECE STat Division
- UN/ECE STat Division
The TransMONEE 3.0 is the public-use version of the economic and social indicators database from the MONEE project for 27 CEE/CIS countries.
Two Databases from the International Labour Organization
- ccsi
- reeiweb
- IATP ukraine joblist
- ceesource ukraine wwwsites
- reei websites
- WWW non-profit organizations of CIS at the site:
This site named as the NGO-Links is reportedly biggest collection of such links.
You can also communicate to ANDREI BLINUSHOV who is owner of the site:
E-mail: karta@glasnet.ru Web: http://www.glasnet.ru/~karta">
Websites: Ukraine
- CIAO (columbia univ)
- Center for Peace, Conversion and Foreign Policy of Ukraine
- MOST Clearing Group
- InstituteforStudy of ConflictIdeology Policy -- Boston Univ
Relief, Development and Refugee Agencies
- Click on "Members" to access the list of organizations.
- World Bank website
Click on "Publications" and search by keyword. The site also provides ordering information.
Public Policy for Priv Sectr online paper
Assessing Foreign Aid-What Works What Doesn't
- International Development Research Centre
- EBRD *operations by country list
*Transition Report 1997 Enterprise Performance and Growth: Economic Transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. (
- Journal: Finance & Development Finance & Development Magazine different focus under the general aegis of economic policy development in third-world countries.
).700 19th Street NW Washington, DC 20431 USA
Fax: (202) 623-4738 E-mail: jlavin@imf.org
- OECD website () list of publications to order, also here see
Forum on Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (FEED), publications on www:
1. Access the OECD site:
2. Click on "Document Resource Center" 3. Click on desired documents to download
OECD and Ukraine
- Federal Reserve Bank (articles)
- Summer 1998 issue of IFC Impact from the International Finance
Corporation. paper http://www.ifc.org/">
Ukraine Report IMF 1997-98 CEE/NIS Domestic Investment Funds
- Central European Initiative
regional cooperation which is aimed at European integration, and supports
its member countries which are not yet EU members in their approach to the EU.
Ukraine is a member
- U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF)
Program in Ukraine
newsletter - FSU Footnotes, monthly update of CRDF "activities in the Independent
States of fSU. The address: http://www.crdf.inter.net/news/news.html">
- Tacis Publication: Ukrainian Economic Trends Monthly Update, July 1998
Last modified: November 13, 1999