Policy Recommendations.

In the following part, recommendations which would concern both men and women are excluded (such as tax reform, creating positive environment for businesses, anti-corruption laws, reinforcement mechanisms, etc.), even though many of such recommendations form the basis for reform. What presented is the proposals that favor exclusively women, directed to remedy flaws that inhibit women active economic participation. Another assumption of the recommendation part is that the main responsibility for women's employment should be placed on the private sector, as well as non-governmental, community local efforts. Also, it would expect more initiative and energy from the women themselves, rather than passive reliance on the governmental ability to provide employment and social security opportunities. Finally, such an approach is self-sustained, in a sense that, since started, it gives women the ability, knowledge and skills to continue themselves, without seeking support from the government or waiting for better times. Therefore, proposals for the private sector are more detailed and better developed. In general, there is a great diversity among different groups of women in terms of the types, goals of economic activity, their motivations and outcomes sought. Therefore, intervention programs for women need a differentiated package approach, which is reflected in the recommendations below. At the same time, general recommendations are given to specific organizations involved in the economic policy-making that affect women.
On the country level (tagret groups: governmental organizations and agencies, country NGOs and public organizations):

For women in the labor force, public sector (target groups: young women, elderly women, unemployed):

For women in the private sector, entrepreneurs and self-employed (target groups: highly educated professional women, self-employed women, women entrepreneurs in the informal sector - pro-active market research, to identify specific opportunities and obstacles for women in small businesses)

In reproductive roles and social provisions (target groups: poor women-headed households, old women, young rural women):