Mariánska 8
811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia

Member of the New York Bar since 1990.


Special Advisor to Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Bratislava, Slovakia

March 1999 - to date
Institutional and policy advisor to Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs. Advice on a host of policy issues; policy co-ordination among high government officials; key interlocutor with IFIs; co-counterpart for the preparation and negotiations of an EFSAL loan; spearheaded efforts to reform the corporate governance rules, collateral system, bankruptcy, licensing systems, and dispute resolution system. Co-authored the principal Government concept paper on the institutional, legal and regulatory changes needed to improve the business and investment climate, based on a FIAS study; part of the core group that designed the National Program on Fight Against Corruption. From June, 1999 through December, 2000, this assignment was financed by EU Phare Programme. From the Spring of 2001 to date, the assignment has been partially financed by UNDP and by ABA CEELI project.

Legal and Policy Consultant for EBRD, Secured Transactions Projects in Slovakia and Serbia

April  2001 - to date
Team leader for the development of a new secured transactions/collateral regime in Slovakia. Policy Advisor on a collateral reform in Serbia.
In this capacity, in Slovakia,  helped to design, draft and push through the political process a comprehensive secured transactions reform, including the establishment of a pledge registry. In Serbia, work with EBRD and a local drafting team on the reform; advice on institutional and policy reform aspects of the process.

Shearman & Sterling, London, United Kingdom

July 1998 - March 1999
Senior Associate in the corporate finance practice area.  US corporate finance practice in US SEC registered and unregistered transactions, including initial public offerings, private placements, rights offerings, exchange offers and high-yield debt offerings.

World Bank, Legal Department, Washington, DC

Sept. 1993 - June 1998
Senior Counsel, Legal Reform and Advisory Services Unit (promoted to Senior Counsel in May 1997). Counsel, Europe and Central Asia Division.
Experience with a number of loan and financial transactions in Central and Eastern European countries, including clearance of arrears and debt restructuring. Extensive experience in negotiating with senior government officials. Worked directly with Assistant General Counsel on a variety of legal and judicial reform projects, including Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Turkmenistan and Yemen. Extensive experience in project design and implementation. Deputy task manager of the Russia Legal Reform Project.

Wilmer Cutler & Pickering, Washignton, DC

Nov. 1990 - Sept. 1993
Associate in the international and corporate departments.  Corporate, commercial and regulatory experience. Legal research, drafting memoranda and agreements, negotiations, participation in client meetings.

Weiss Dawid Fross Zelnick & Lehrman, New York, NY

Sept. 1989 - Oct. 1990
Associate in the international trademark and copyright department.  Specialized in trademark, copyright and unfair competition law. Prepared and filed trademark applications world-wide, drafted oppositions and license agreements, researched U.S. and foreign trademark and copyright law.

Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia

June 1987 - August 1988
Academic researcher. Research and writing on company, economic and intellectual property law.


University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, MI
 August 1988 - May 1989

LL.M. degree (Masters of Law)
Full Law School tuition-waiver, scholarship and travel grant.

Comenius University Law School, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia

Sept. 1983 - June 1987
JUDr. degree (Juris Doctor)
Graduated with Highest Honors.


Institute for Public Affairs, Public Policy Think-Tank, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Foundation for a Civil Society, Civil society development oriented foundation, New York, USA.
Foundation PONTIS, Foundation aimed at building of a civil society and development of corporate philanthophy, Bratislava, Slovakia.


Co-author of a chapter on the Rule of Law, Legal Developments and Law Implementation in Slovakia in 2001; in Slovakia 2001, A Global Report on the State of Society, a book published annualy by Institute for Public Affairs (http://www.ivo.sk/english.asp)
Federalism That Failed:  Reflections on Czecho - Slovakia, New
Europe Law Review, Fall 1992, Benjamin J. Cardozo School of Law,
Yeshiva University, New York.
Czecho ? Slovakia:  Constitutional Disappointments, American
University Journal of International Law and Policy, Vol. 7, No. 3
(1992), Washington College of Law, Washington.


One year International Policy Fellowship, Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary; writing on the policy reform process and institutional failures in Slovakia, 2002. Topic: Lessons from Slovakia's Transition, www.osi.hu
German Marshall Fund Campus Fellowship, One week intense teaching course on Policy Issues in Transition Countries, Elon University, Elon, North Carolina, USA, October 2001, www.gmfus.org
Slovakia Woman of the Year - 2000,  Slovak Spectator (Main English Language Weekly published in Slovakia), Year End Issue 2000.


 Czech, English, Russian, Slovak (native) - fluent
 German, Polish, Serbian and Croatian - working knowledge

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