EDUCATION:       Master's Degree in Economics, Economic University Bratislava,
                                 Slovakia (1978),
                                 Ph.D. in Economics, Economic University Bratislava, (1989)
                                Alumnus of the course Internationalisation, Management and Business
                                Strategy organised by University L.Bocconi - SDA, Milan, March - May 1992



• economics of transition, with special focus on:
• macroeconomic policy (fiscal and monetary policy) and macroeconomic forecasting,
• structural reforms,
• legal and institutional framework of financial sector,
• restructuring of financial and enterprise sector,
• microeconomic foundations of macroeconomic performance,
• labour market formation.

    Special expertise

• management of design and implementation of broad projects in international environment,
• management of complex transactions with state and private sector participation,
• good knowledge of formal as well as informal decision making process of state authorities (Slovakia),
• good knowledge of the financial and enterprise sector environment (Slovakia).


English:   fluent,  Russian:  fluent
Slovak:   native,  Czech:   fluent

Computer skills - good knowledge of many types of software including office, statistical and DTP applications.


    Present Position

• Scientific fellow of Institute for Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Sciences (1990 - )
• Member of the Steering Group for restructuring and privatisation of the banking  and corporate sector (1999 -)
• Member of the Supervisory Board, Slovak Savings Bank (1994 –1995, 1998 -),
• Private consultant (2002 - )

    Previous Positions

• Advisor to Minister of Finance of the Slovak Republic (1998 – February 2002)
• Head of the Bank Privatisation and Restructuring Unit at the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic (1999 – Dec. 2001).
Main responsibilities:
• co – ordination of foreign advisory infrastructure (international financial institutions, EU – Phare, USAID teams and others) with local experts and state agencies during the EFSAL program design and implementation (Enterprise and Financial Sector Adjustment Loan, common program of the Slovak government and the World Bank - “bad debt” problem resolution in  the Slovak economy). Among others, co – ordination of design and implementation in following areas:
• insolvency system reform (Bankruptcy law and related legislation) (1999 – 2000),
• restructuring of the three largest Slovak state – owned banks (1999 – 2000),
• management of privatisation of the two largest Slovak banks (SLSP, VUB) (2000 – 2001). Co – ordination of the formal advisory infrastructure (financial and legal advisory companies) with the Slovak governmental institutions (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Privatisation, National Property Fund),
• broad reforms of legal framework of collateral regime and corporate governance (2000 – 2002),
• setting up of Slovenska konsolidacna, joint stock company, established by the Slovak authorities to resolve non – performing loans carved – out of restructured banks (2000),
• Head of the EU accession negotiation team for Chapter 11 - EMU. (2000 - 2001) (Chapter was successfully closed in April, 2001)
• Member of the Board of Directors, Slovak Consolidation Agency (Sept. 2001 – May, 2002).
 Main responsibilities:
• establishment of a joint venture with reputable international investor, to manage 54 bln. SKK (2 bln. USD) of non – performing loans from Slovenska konsolidacna portfolio,
• assistance to Slovenska konsolidacna in the sale of majority stake of Postova banka.
• Institute for Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava (1990-now)
•  Head of the Economic Policy Department, Presidential Office of the Slovak Republic (1994),
• External Advisor to Minister of Finance of the Slovak Republic (1994),
• Head of Department, Institute of Regional Economic Planning Bratislava (1984-1990)
• Computing laboratory of Slovak Planning Committee (1978 - 1984)

Consultant of several governmental, professional and private entities (i.e. the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava (1992-93, 1995), National Bank of Slovakia, Confederation of Trade Unions and other institutions, Presidential Office of the Slovak Republic (1993), the Commission for Economic Strategy of the Government of the Slovak Republic Bratislava (1992), the Ministry for Strategic Planning of Czechoslovakia Prague, (1991))

    Memberships in Professional Bodies

• Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Economics, Institute of Economics, Bratislava (1994 -),
• Member of the Scientific Board, Institute for Forecasting of Slovak Academy of Sciences (1994 - 1998),
• Member of the ILO-CEET experts group on wages (1995), member of the Scientific Board, Faculty of Economics, Economic University Bratislava (1993-1997),
• Member of the Programme Board of Institute for Liberal Studies, Bratislava (1995 - 1997),
• Member of Economic Science Advisory Board of Slovak Academy of Sciences (1996 - 1998),
• Member of the Steering Group and head of a working team for drafting a document Medium-term Priorities of the Economic Policy of SR, a joint document of the Slovak Government and EU. Leader and team-member in several international research projects (1999),
• author and co-author of more than 100 research studies and articles, co-author of macroeconomic forecasts of the Slovak economy (the project running since 1991).


Over 110 scientific publications (available upon request).

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