Grigorij Meseznikov


Mr. Meseznikov is a political scientist and resident scholar at the Institute for Public Affairs in Bratislava, Slovakia.  He has served as its President since March, 1999.  He has lectured at Trnava University’s Department of Political Science.  His frequent essays on Slovak politics and political parties have appeared in scholarly journals and magazines.  He co-authored and co-edited the publications The Slovak Path of Transition – to Democracy? (1994); Slovakia: Parliamentary Elections 1994 (1995).  Together with Martin Bútora, currently Slovak Embassador to the United States, co-founder of the Institute for Public Affairs and its first President, Mr. Meseznikov edited Slovenské referendum’97:  zrod, priebeh, dôsledky (Origins, Course, and Consequences of the 1997 Slovak Referendum. He co-authored and co-edited numerous books, including Volby 1998: Analýza volebných programov politických strán a hnutí (The 1998 Elections:  An Analysis of the Electoral Programs of Political Parties and Movements) (1998); The 1998 Parliamentary Elections and Democratic Rebirth in Slovakia (1999); Reforma verejnej správy na Slovensku 1998 – 2002: Súvislosti, aktéri, volby (Reform of Public Administration in Slovakia 1998 – 2002. Contexts, Actors, Elections) (2002); Predsavzatia a skutocnost. Hodnotenie plnenia programoveho vyhlasenia vlády Mikuláša Dzurindu (Promises and Reality. Evaluation of Fulfillment of M. Dzurinda’s Government Program) (2002); Volby 2002.  Analýza volebných programov politických strán a hnutí (The 2002 Elections:  An Analysis of the Electoral Programs of Political Parties and Movements)  (2002). He has contributed to all seven issues of the Global Report on Slovakia (1995-2002), a comprehensive multi-sectoral report on the state of the Slovak society.  Mr. Meseznikov is a member of the board of the Open Society Foundation in Bratislava, chairman of the board of INEKO (Institute for Economic and Social Reforms), member of the editorial boards of several Slovak and Czech scholarly journals.

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