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Maksym Mashlyakivskyy



1999 - 2001
Master's program in Economics (Economic Education and Research Consortium, Kyiv), master diploma - June 2001, master thesis topic - "Determining the optimal excise rate: example of Ukraine's tobacco industry".
1995 - 1999
University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Kyiv, faculty of Economics, bachelor diploma - June 1999.

Work Experience:

March 2003 - till present
International Policy Fellowship Program, Fellow
January 2002 - March 2003
International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS), senior economist
September 2000 - January 2002
ICPS, economist, editor of the "Policy Studies" publication
September 1999 - September 2000
ICPS, English version editor of the "Policy Studies" publication
May 1996 - September 1999
Public Relations Department of the University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", leading specialist

Participation in Research Projects:

ICPS, "Economic impact of WNISEF investments on the Ukrainian and Moldovan economies"

ICPS, "Analysing consequences of implementing the mixed excise taxation system of tobacco products in Ukraine"

ICPS, Special chapter in the ICPS "Quarterly Predictions" journal devoted to defining problems and ways to reform Ukraine's health care system

ICPS, "Party Policy"

Alcohol and Drug Information Centre (ADIC), "Economics of tobacco control in Ukraine from the public health perspective"

ICPS, "Causes and effects of the illegal import and circulation of tobacco products in Ukraine"

Language Skills:

Ukrainian, Russian - native
English - fluent

Computer Skills:

MS Windows, MS Office, Adobe Page Maker, Eviews, etc.

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